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277 Index Following page numbers, the letter f indicates a figure and the letter t, a table. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating: Axed Man of Mosfell and, 26; of Chau Hiix burials, 68, 77 Accidental trauma, 236 Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), 123 aDNA analysis. See Ancient DNA analysis Adze, 182, 184, 185f, 187 AFP. See Acute flaccid paralysis African Queen. See Skeletal Individual 4769 v.2 Africans, in Portugal, 142–44. See also Skeletal Individual 4769 v.2 Agency, 1 Alalakh, 194–96, 194t, 202–3. See also Tell Atchana Almeida, Fernando de, 129 Ammar-Addu, 204–6 AMS. See Accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dating Amuq Valley Regional Project, 194 Ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis, 127, 141 Andes, curanderos in, 86–87 Antelope sodality, 22 Anthropology, new physical, 1–2 Antunes-Ferreira, Nathalie, 130–31 Archaeology: dialogic nature of, 204; feminist, 2, 256–57; new, 2. See also Bioarchaeology Arizona State University, 229, 236 Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System (ASUDAS), 75 Arroyo Hondo: Archaeological Project, 242; diet at, 243, 248, 251; disabilities at, 6, 248–52; infant mortality at, 234–35, 246; life expectancy, 249; map, 244f– 245f; metabolic disturbances at, 251; Plaza G woman at, 242–52 Arthritis. See Osteoarthritis ASUDAS. See Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System Avulsion, of maxillary incisors, 139 Ax, Viking Age, 35–37, 35f–36f Axed Man of Mosfell: adulthood of, 32–34, 33f; burial of, 37–40; childhood of, 30–32, 33f; death of, 26, 31, 34–37, 35f; diet of, 30–31; height of, 31–32; at Hrísbrú, 26–32, 28f–29f, 38–40; as iconic culture hero, 4; individual profile of, 26; isotopic analysis of, 30; occupational stress on, 32–34, 33f, 39; osteoarthritis of, 32; photograph of, 29f; radiocarbon dating and, 26, 30; skeleton of, 29–36, 29f, 33f–34f, 39; teeth of, 30–32, 33f; thermal ionization mass spectrometry and, 26; in Viking Age, 27–41 Bajo Hill, 255, 258, 259f Ban Chiang: archaeological context, 180t; burial phases, 179, 180t; cultural background, 179–81, 180t; diet at, 188; heterarchy of, 181; location of, 177; map, 179f; mortuary feature, 181–84; Museum, 178; Project, 178; skeletons, 184–90, 185f– 187f; Vulcan from, 5, 177–90 Bangles, bronze, 182, 185f Bareiss, Eleanor, 18f, 20f Bartlett, Katharine, 16 Bashendi B people, 99–100, 106 Belize: Maya in, 69, 71t, 77–81; Programme for Belize Archaeological Project in, 255, 259f, 260 Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 44 Beta Analytical Laboratories, 141 Bioarchaeology: challenges facing, 6; facets of, 3; feminism and, 256; osteobiography and, 1–6; populational framework of, 2, 256–57; purpose of, 189 Birth. See Childbirth 278 · Index Bluebird clan, 22 Bone: atrophy, 121; collagen and, 30, 219, 222–23, 226; HSRI-2 and, 56–57, 57f, 58t; infection, 76, 76f, 174, 186, 186f; long, 44, 55–59, 57f, 58t, 74, 74t; nasal, 132–33; needle, 4, 154, 154f, 158; rickets deforming , 6, 246–49, 251; strength, 56 Book of Settlements (Landnámabók), 31 Bow sodality, 22 Breast-feeding: SC and, 5, 223–24; stable carbon isotope analysis and, 5, 223–24; vitamin D and, 247; weaning and, 223 Bronze Age, 188, 194. See also Lesley; Skeleton S04-4; Vulcan Bronze bangles, 182, 185f Bundle burial, 171, 173, 175 Burial 23. See Vulcan Burial 56: grave goods, 168–70; height, 174; interment after Burial 57, 174; map, 169f; Room 66 containing, 165, 167f; at Tlajinga, 165, 167f, 168–69 Burial 57: archaeological and architectural context of, 165–71, 166f–167f, 169f–170f; as bundle burial, 171, 173, 175; Burial 56 interment after, 174; death of, 162; dental modification of, 175; discovery of, 164; display, 171–73, 172f; furniture, 171–73; grave goods, 165, 169–75, 170f, 172f; height, 174; individual profile of, 162; map, 169f; osteoarthritis of, 173; osteobiography of, 173–74; Room 66 containing, 165, 167f; skeleton of, 173–75; social status of, 174–75; teeth of, 173–75; at Tlajinga, 5, 162–71, 167f Calcaneal spurs, 105, 105f Carabelli’s cusp, 137 Carbon isotopes. See Stable carbon isotope analysis Cavovalgus deformity, 121, 123 Chaco Canyon, 23 Chamorros: early chroniclers’ impressions of, 49–50; height of, 50–51, 51t; infracranial skeletal changes among, 55; OSS of, 51–55, 51t, 52f–53f, 54t; skeletal robusticity among, 44, 55–59, 57f, 58t; social organization of, 60; strength of, 45, 47–61, 51t, 52f–53f, 54t, 57f, 58t, 59f; taotaomo’na of, 47–48. See also Guma’ latte; Taotao Tagga’ Charles’s facet, 156, 158f Charoenwongsa, Pisit, 177 Chau Hiix: AMS and...
