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A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s Secretly I have hoped that this book would never come to a close because of the joy I have had on the way to its completion. Putting it to rest, however , does allow me to thank the people whose support I have long needed to acknowledge. I begin with colleagues in Mexico whose interest and insight has been a great inspiration to me. Claudia Salas Rodrı́guez, Claudia Argueta Sánchez, and Fabiola Marı́a Luisa Hernández Dı́az were patient and solicitous as I navigated my way through the Archivo General de la Nación and the Archivo Histórico de la Secretarı́a de Educación Pública. I am especially indebted to Roberto Pérez Aguilar, whose many years of experience at the SEP archives allowed me to look beyond the limits of the established indices, and to Marı́a Inés Ortiz Caballero and Rebeca Agramonte Rosales for making it possible to document the photographic record of John Dewey’s 1926 trip to Mexico after many years of searching. I thank my friend and colleague Guillermo Hurtado Pérez of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, whose interest in my work brought me in contact with the faculties of philosophy and history at UNAM and enabled me to present my ideas before sympathetic audiences in Mexico City. At the Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe, Adalberto Santana was deeply supportive at an early stage, as was Virginia Guedea Rincón Gallardo of the Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas. I thank Marco Antonio Calderón Molgora and Philippe Shauffhauser Mizzi of the Colegio de Michoacán for their suggestions and advice as my manuscript was underway. Especially important in the United States were a number of researchers and bibliographers whose dedication helped me to analyze manuscript collections whose obscure items seemed forgotten but proved essential to the story I have tried to narrate. At the Rockefeller Archive Center, Thomas Rosenbaum and Camilla Harris led me though the massive files of the General Education Board. At Fisk University, I am indebted to Beth Howse, 350 Acknowledgments Aisha Johnson, and Vanessa Smith for guiding me through the papers of the Julius Rosenwald Fund. I thank the staff members of the Center for Southwest Research at the University of New Mexico for their assistance with the Loyd Tireman Papers, and to Susan Tiano and Vickie Madrid Nelson at UNM’s Latin American and Iberian Institute for their assistance at a late stage of my manuscript. At the National Anthropological Archives, Robert Leopold assisted me with the Ralph Beals Papers. I appreciate the support of the Regional Oral History Office at the Bancroft Library and its director, Richard Candida Smith, as I tried to understand UC Berkeley’s role in my narrative. Shannon Davis of the Lewis Memorial Library at Grambling State University helped to track down various references that otherwise would have remained unknown. The Benson Latin American Collection at the University of Texas at Austin remains one of the highlights of my work on Latin America, and I especially thank Michael Hironymous and Margo Gutiérrez for their assistance there. Financial support was critical to my thinking and writing. The Institute for Historical Studies at UT Austin allowed me a year’s time to reorganize my argument and to underscore it with the holdings of the Perry-Castaneda Library. I am especially indebted to Julie Hardwick for her guidance and leadership, and to the faculty of the UT Department of History for their questions and comments on my work. A special note of thanks goes to my friend and colleague Anne Martinez for her many observations and advice as my book progressed. I thank fellow IHS scholars-in-residence Dave Kinkela , Ebru Turan, Matt Childs, Jim Sweet, and Nancy Applebaum for their support and comments. At the National Academy of Education and the Spencer Foundation, the dedication and knowledge of colleagues provided an unparalleled source of support and inspiration that continues to guide my thought and questions. I especially thank Adam Laats for his friendship and support. I also thank Maris Vinovskis, William Reece, Carl Kaestle, Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Kris Gutiérrez, Barbara Rogoff, and John Meyer for their feedback and suggestions at various moments along the way and for encouragement throughout. At the Clements Center for Southwest Studies at Southern...
