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Index Abraham (patriarch), 80 Aburgius (imperial magistrate), 55 Acacius (bishop of Caesarea in Palestine), 23 Adam, 44 Adamians, 44 Aegean Sea, 87 Aetius (theologian): and Eunomius, 19-26, 29-33,35~38-39,42,60,128,158-59,197; ridicule of, 12, 40. See also Atheos; Eunomius Africa, 55 Agamemnon (king), 84 Agricolaus (governor), 133-35 Alexander the Great, 85,188 Alexandria, 2,12,19-21, 29, 78,157, 165,178, 194. See also Arius; Athanasius (bishop of Alexandria); Cyril; Georgius (bishop of Alexandria); Gregorius Alps, 205 Amaseia, 73, 84, 86, 94,134, 148. See also Phaedimus Amazons, 85,188 Ammianus Marcellinus (historian) 189 Amphilochius (bishop of Iconium),30,53, 63-64, 70-71,189, 218. See also Basil (bishop of Caesarea) Anabarzua 19 Anastasia (church), 177-80, 184 Anastasius (emperor),zoo Ancyra, 19,80, 85. See also Basil (bishop of Ancyra) Andrales, 206 Andrew (apostle),160,217 Angelics, 44 Anomoeans ("Dissimilars"), US, 194 Anomoios, as pun on Eunomius, 40 Antioch, 11-lz,lg-zo,23, 36,41, 43, 60, 77, 157, 159,163, 166-68, 188; council of, in 341, 15; council of, in 361,196. See also Eudoxius; Euphronius (bishop of Antioch); Gallus; Leontius (bishop of Antioch); Libanius; Meletius; Theophilus Anysius (priest and grandfather of Philostorgius the historian), 157 Apollinarius (bishop of Laodicea), 174, 217 Apollo, 205 Aquileia, 205 Arabissus, 196, 217 Arcadius (emperor), 42,160 Archelaus (Cappadocian king), 95,120 Argonauts, 85 Arianism, 11, 16,164-69 Ariarathes (Cappadocian lung),91 Ariminum, 21 Aristotle (philosopher), lo, 19,29,102,111, 213 Arius (priest) 12, 15-16, 22 Armenia, 85, 141,164-65,188. See also Gregory the Illuminator; Nerses Armenia Prima (province),18 Armenia Secunda (province),196, 217 Asia Minor, 1,15,24,27,44,50, 60, 74-77, 84-87,10l-2,1l9,131-32, 134,137,149-50, 159,168,183 Asterius the Sophist (theologian),l j Atarbius (bishop of Neocaesarea), 140 Athanasius (bishop of Alexandria), 2,20, 25, 214 Athanasius (bishop of Ancyra), zoo Athens, 25, 87-88, 94, 111,143,157,162-67, 173,178,184 Atheos, as pun on Aetius, 40 Augustine (bishop of Hippo), 158,211 Augustus (emperor),83, 87, 95 Autolycus, 85-86 Autonomus (martyr), 80 Auxentius (bishop of Milan), 194 Auxonius (prefect),198 Babylon, 44,141,209 Balkans, zoo banditry, 50, 68-69 Basil (bishop of Ancyra), 19-ZZ,~Z, 67,197 Basil (bishop of Caesarea), ~ 1 5 , 23, 54, 72, Index Abraham (patriarch), 80 Aburgius (imperial magistrate), 55 Acacius (bishop of Caesarea in Palestine), 23 Adam,44 Adamians, 44 Aegean Sea, 87 Aetius (theologian): and Eunomius, 19-26, 29-33,35,38-39,42,60,128,158-59,197; ridicule of, 12, 40. See also Atheos; Eunomius Africa, 55 Agamemnon (king), 84 Agricolaus (governor), 133-35 Alexander the Great, 85, 188 Alexandria, 2, 12, 19-21, 29, 78, 157, 165, 178, 194. See also Arius; Athanasius (bishop of Alexandria); Cyril; Georgius (bishop of Alexandria); Gregorius Alps, 205 Amaseia, 73, 84, 86, 94, 134, 148. See also Phaedimus Amazons, 85, 188 Ammianus Marcellinus (historian) 189 Amphilochius (bishop of !conium), 30, 53, 63-64, 70-71, 189, 218. See also Basil (bishop of Caesarea) Anabarzus, 19 Anastasia (church), 177-80, 184 Anastasius (emperor), 200 Ancyra, 19, 80, 85. See also Basil (bishop of Ancyra) Andrales, 206 Andrew (apostle), 160, 217 Angelics, 44 Anomoeans ("Dissimilars"), 128, 194 Anomoios, as pun on Eunomius, 40 Antioch, 11-12, 19-20, 23, 36, 41, 43, 60, 77, 157,159, 163, 166-68, 188; council of, in 341, 15; council of, in 361, 196. See also Eudoxius; Euphronius (bishop of Antioch); Gallus; Leontius (bishop of Antioch); Libanius; Meletius; Theophilus Anysius (priest and grandfather of Philostorgius the historian), 157 Apollinarius (bishop of Laodicea), 174, 217 Apollo,205 Aquileia, 205 Arabissus, 196, 217 Arcadius (emperor), 42, 160 Archelaus (Cappadocian king), 95, 120 Argonauts, 85 Arianism, 11, 16, 164-69 Ariarathes (Cappadocian king), 91 Ariminum, 21 Aristotle (philosopher), 10, 19, 29, 102, 111, 213 Arius (priest) 12,15-16, 22 Armenia, 85, 141, 164-65, 188. See also Gregory the Illuminator; Nerses Armenia Prima (province), 18 Armenia Secunda (province), 196, 217 Asia Minor, 1, 15, 24, 27, 44, 50, 60, 74-77, 84-87, 101-2, 119, 131-32, 134, 137, 149-50, 159, 168, 183 Asterius the Sophist (theologian), 15 Atarbius (bishop of Neocaesarea), 140 Athanasius (bishop of Alexandria), 2, 20, 25, 214 Athanasius (bishop of Ancyra), 200 Athens, 25, 87-88, 94, 111, 143, 157, 162-67, 173, 178, 184 Atheos, as pun on Aetius, 40...
