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Abolition, 34, 42, 84, 86 fig. 4, 104 Abolitionists, 8–10, 168; northern clergymen as, 104–9. See also Norton, Charles Eliot Adams, Henry, 152 “Advantages of Defeat.” See Norton, Charles Eliot African Americans, 81, 99 fig 12, 117 fig 4.3, 132; citizenship, 11, 16–17, 76–77; colonization, 9, 11; Dominican Republic as sanctuary, 153–54; equal protection of laws, 5, 6, 13, 19, 152; free labor and, 15, 130; importance as voters, 6, 91, 100, 129, 151 fig. 6.2; Lincoln’s attitude toward, 9, 10; as Republicans, 66, 140 fig. 5.4; rights of, 15, 17–18, 86 fig. 4, 130, 137–39; as soldiers, 5, 11–13, 76, 88, 127; southern campaign of terror against, 6, 17, 24 fig. 1.6, 98; status after Civil War, 1–2, 5–6, 135–38; voting rights, 6, 11, 65, 100, 130–31, 138–39, 143–44, 169. Agriculture versus manufacturing. See Industrialization/industries Akerman, Amos T., quoted, 156 Alabama, 136, 156, 159 American Apocalypse (Moorhead), 110 American party, 2, 39, 172n11. See also Know-Nothing Party American Woman Suffrage Association, 141–44 Ames, Adelbert, 161 Anthony, Susan B., 22, 129, 141–46 “Appeal” of 1854, 35 Arkansas, 159, 161 Arnold, Isaac N., 15 Atkinson, Edward, quoted, 150–51 Baker, Jehu, quoted, 137 Banking, 4, 67; greenbacks, 63, 150, 160; monetary policy (1874), 160; and paper money, 51, 67; Republican support of, 78, 88 Banks, Nathaniel P., 38 Bargain (or Compromise) of 1877, 7, 27, 163 Bates, Edwin, 65 Bell, John, 52–55 Bellows, Henry Whitney, 109; quoted, 104–5, 107–8 Bible View of Slavery (Hopkins), 120, 122 fig. 4.4 Bill of Rights. See Constitution Bingham, John, 135; quoted, 137, 146 Black Codes, 17, 91, 135, 136 Black suffrage. See Voting Blaine, James G., 163; quoted, 65–66, 159 Blair, Francis P., Jr., 150 Blair, Henry W., 169 Blair, Montgomery, 59, 65 Boston, 65, 76, 104 Bowles, Samuel, 25 Brooks, Preston S., 45, 84, 85 fig. 3 Brough, John, 118 Brown, John, 56, 84 Brown, Olympia, quoted, 21 Buchanan, James, 5, 46–52 Burbridge, Stephen, 68 Butler, Benjamin, 143, 144 California, 23 fig. 1.5, 47, 50, 111, 116–18, 175n38 Cameron, Simon, 64 Capitalism. See Industrialization/ industries Index Catholics, anti-Catholic prejudice, 36–40, 68–69, 158 fig. 6.4, 162–63 Chase, Salmon P., 54, 58, 63, 64, 67–68, 106, 149 Chicago, 56 fig. 2.7, 113 Chicago Tribune, quoted, 139–41 Cincinnati, 46 Cincinnati Daily Gazette, quoted, 135 Civil Rights Act of 1866, 18, 19 fig. 1.4, 20, 93, 135–37 Civil Rights Act of 1875, 6 Civil War: as chastisement for sin, 15, 113; effect on Republican ideology, 10; economic revolution during, 25, 67, 71–72, 77–78; as necessary for reform, 105; as religious war, 105, 107, 109 (see also Resolutions from religious organizations); as Republican Party’s finest hour, 80; Republican radicalism during, 105–6; role in creating American nation-state, 14, 133; slavery as cause of, 2, 10, 113 Colbath, Jeremiah, 126 Cold Springs, New York, 68 Colonization, 9, 11 Colorado, 131 Compromise of 1850, 82. See also Fugitive Slave Act Compromise of 1877, 7, 27, 163 Confiscation Acts, 5, 10, 62, 65, 112, 134 Congress, U.S.: Joint House and Senate Committee on Reconstruction, 134–36; 37th and 38th, composition of, 63; 39th, 40th, and 41st, composition of, 134. See also Democratic Party; Republican Party in Congress; individual acts Conkling, James C., 127 Conkling, Roscoe, 135; quoted, 164 Connecticut, 39, 47, 74, 111, 131, 174n28 Constitution, 1–2, 5, 110, 113; Bill of Rights, 20; federal enforcement of rights under, 20–21, 77, 135, 137, 146; Reconstruction amendments, 20; used to further women’s suffrage, 143, 146. See also Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Nineteenth Amendments Constitutional Union Party, 5, 32, 55, 59 Cooke, Jay, 67–68 Copperheads, 69 fig. 3.2 Corwin, Thomas, 54 Crittenden, John J., 52–58 Crittenden Resolution, 103–5, 108 Currency. See Banking Currier & Ives, 41 fig. 2.3, 86 fig. 4, 87 fig. 5, 108 fig. 4.1, 149 fig. 6.1 Curtin, Andrew G., 120 Curtis, George W., quoted, 164. See also Harper’s Weekly Davis, Jefferson, 163 Declaration of Independence, 9, 18, 20, 110, 118–21 Delaware, 111, 175n39 Democratic Party, 3, 41 fig. 2.3, 86 fig. 4; blocking national power, 66, 67, 176n16; characterized as disloyal, 64, 69 fig. 3.2, 72, 74, 99 fig. 12, 100, 162 fig. 6.5; conservative...
