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Index Abel, Kerry, 7 Abenaki (Indian group), 156 Abititi River, 41 aboriginals. See Indians Albany River, 41, 130 Alberta (province), 4, 39, 67 alcoholism, 91–94 alcohol (trade good), 8, 11–13, 73, 86–87, 89–94, 106, 140, 143–145, 168, 177 Algonquian (languages), 4, 71, 76–77, 133, 155 Allaire, Gratien, 115 Amsterdam (city), 19, 56, 204n9 Anasazi (Indian group), 151 Archangel (port), 19, 186 Archithinue (Indian group), 67, 152, 187 armorers, 10, 45–46, 98 Assiniboin (Indian group): alcoholism in, 92; conflicts of, with other groups, 43, 74–75; diet of, 163, 169; diseases among, 159; geographic area of, 3–4, 72; incentivization of, 129, 153; language of, 71; material culture of, 168–169; population of, 72; primacy of, in trading furs, 70; property norms of, 13, 157–158 Athapaskan (language), 4, 71 Attikamek (Indian group), 156 auctions, 6, 9, 29, 62 Averye, John, 23 awls (trade good), 13, 80, 86, 95, 167 Axtell, James, 71, 90, 130 Bannister, Christopher, 137 Bayly, Charles, 41 beads (trade good), 8, 10, 87, 94–95, 102–103, 105, 130, 144, 168, 217n68 Beale, Anthony, 56, 89 bear (pelt), 116 beaver (animal): abundance of, in North America, 5, 12; attempts at conservation of, 125–126; decline of, in North America, 12–13, 106–129, 145–147, 153–155, 184, 212n68, 221n18, 221n26; decline of, in Russia, 12; ecology of, 108–109, 118–120, 122, 127, 209n18; habitat and range of, 42, 107–129; methods of harvesting, by natives, 89, 109–110; population of, according to mathematical modeling, 118, 192–194; as resource to which one may have rights, 157–164; species of, 19 beaver (pelts): coat, 20–21, 30–32, 114; demand for, by hatters, 33–35, 62; halfparchment (cub), 29, 73, 111, 161; parchment, 20–21, 29–32, 114, 161; pricing of, 12, 28–33, 94, 106, 115–117, 174; quality of, by hunting method, 86; quality of, by region, 25, 28; superiority of, in terms of hatting, 15–16, 26; tariffs on, 19, 27; taxation of, 18–19. See also fur trade; Indians; made beaver ‘‘beavers’’ (high-quality hats), 16, 18, 22 Bird, Louis, 74, 91 Bishop, Charles, 155–156, 161–162, 165 Blackfoot (Indian group). See Archithinue Black-Rogers, Mary, 133 blankets (trade good), 8–9, 80, 86–87, 94, 102, 104, 106, 142, 146 bobcat (pelt), 16, 116, 130 bracelets (‘‘brass handcuffs’’), 104 brandy (trade good), 11, 93–94, 178, 216n54, 216n61, 217n67 Braund, Kathryn, 80, 90 Brazil, 25 Brazilian roll (tobacco variety), 53, 88–89, 130, 168, 179, 181 Britain: felting industry in, 18; fur demand of, 6; international relations of, 36, 43; 252 Index Britain (continued) living standards in, 171–183, 185, 198–201, 233n58; mercantilist policies of, 5, 19, 26–28, 38; sovereignty of, over Hudson Bay hinterland, 3, 36–37; trade policies of, 27, 53, 56. See also fur trade; Hudson’s Bay Company; Parliament; Seven Years’ War; specific industries and legislation Browne, Alexander, 137 buttons (trade good), 48, 95, 102 Canada. See specific provinces, regions, and cities caribou (animal), 163–164, 170, 174, 187, 229n57, 230n59 Carr, Sir Robert, 36–37 carroting (aspect of felting process), 21–22 Carteret, Sir George, 208n6 Cartwright, George, 37 ‘‘castors’’ (hat variety), 16, 22 Chadwick, Joseph, 156 Charles I (king), 18 Charles II (king), 1, 38 Chief Seattle 150, 157 Chipewyans (Indian group): conflicts of, with other groups, 43, 71, 74–75; geographical area of, 4; incentivization of, 129; primacy of, in trading furs, 70; relationship of, to Europeans, 3 Choctaw (Indian group), 90 Christ’s Hospital, 76–77, 220n11 Churchill River, 71, 130 Churchill (ship), 50 cloth (trade good), 9, 13, 52, 87, 94, 97, 100, 106, 144, 168, 177, 217n68 coat beaver, 20–21, 30–32, 104, 111, 114 combs (trade good), 105, 168 Compagnie des Indes, 7, 14, 184 Company of Adventurers Trading into Hudson Bay. See Hudson’s Bay Company Cree (Indian group): clothing decoration of, 167; clothing of, 173–174; conflicts of, with English traders, 66, 71, 75; conflicts of, with other groups, 43, 74–75; diet of, 163, 169, 187; diseases among, 113–114, 159, 228n38; drinking habits of, 92, 168; geographic territory of, 4, 71–72, 156; housing of, 175–177; incentivization of, 129, 153; as informants for voyageurs, 37; living standards of, 179; material culture of, 168–169; population of, 72; primacy of, in trading furs, 70; property norms of, 13, 157–158, 228n34; war of, with Blackfoot, 187 Cree (language), 76...
