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Abbreviations Abbreviations are provided both for standard collections and for particular works cited frequently throughout the book. In the case of medieval preaching manuals, the most distinctive part of the author's name has been used, whether this is first name, last name, or geographic designation . AA.SS. Bollandus, J., and G. Henschenius. Acta Sanctorum ... editio novissima. Edited by J. Carnandet et a!. 68 vols. Paris: Palme, 1863-. Blamires and Marx Blamires, Alcuin, and C. W. Marx. "Woman Not to Preach: A Disputation in British Library MS Harley 31." Journal ofMedieval Latin 3 (1993): 34--63. CCCM Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaeualis. Turnbout , Belgium: Brepols, 1966-. CCSL Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 1953-. Chobham Thomas of Chobham. Summa de arte praedicandi. Edited by Franco Morenzoni. CCCM 82. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 1988. Dessi and Lauwers Dessi, Rosa Maria, and Michel Lauwers, eds. La parole du predicateur, V'-XV' siecle. Nice: Centre d'Etudes Medit~­ vales, 1997. EETS Early English Text Society. London: Triibner et a!., 1864--. Humbert Humbert of Romans. De eruditione praedicatorum. In B. Humberti de Romanis Opera de vita regulari, 2 vols., edited by Joachim Joseph Berthier, 2:373-4-84-. Rome: Marietti , 1888-89. Kienzle and Walker Kienzle, Beverly Mayne, and Pamela J. Walker, eds. Women Preachers and Prophets Through Two Millennia of Christianity. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1998. Leclercq Leclercq, Jean. "Le magistere du predicateur au Xllle siecle ." Archives d'histoire doctrinale et litteraire du .moyen age 21 (194-6): 105-4-7PL Migne, J.-P., ed. Patrologia cursus completus: Series latina. 221 vols. Paris: Migne, 184-4--1902. 170 Waleys Abbreviations Waleys, Thomas. De modo componendi sermones, cum documentis . Edited by Thomas-Marie Charland. In Charland, Artespraedicandi: Contribution a l'histoire de la rhetorique au moyen age, 325-40. Paris: J. Vrin, 1936. ...
