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Notes All translations are my own except where indicated. Introduction 1. The passage is from Rerum senilium libri 9.1. Ouy, ‘‘L’humanisme du jeune Gerson,’’ 256; Ornato, Jean Muret, 273, s.v. ‘‘Pétrarque (François).’’ 2. OC 10.7: ‘‘Gallia quae viris semper et strenuis bello et omni sapientia eruditis illustrata est, gravium et eloquentium historicorum atque poetarum magnam hactenus passa est inopiam. O si illam attigisset prior illa scriptorum solers industria, quamquam Dei nutu abunde aucta famataque sit, apud omnes tamen, et maxime posteros, clarior et quodammodo immortalior effulsisset. Nam quid Graecorum, Romanorum atque Trojanorum regna, etiam post ruinam, ad semotissimos populos celeberrima reddidit? Interrogati Sallustius atque Naso fatebuntur id elegantem scriptorum eloquentiam effecisse, quae famam illis genuit, muris etiam cadentibus, perire non valentem; adeo longaevior vivaciorque est scriptorum quam urbium duratio.’’ 3. Ouy, ‘‘Les recherches,’’ 290. Gerson repeats the idea in a Latin sermon for the feast of St. Louis, preached at the College of Navarre in 1392 (OC 5.240–41): ‘‘Et utinam ingentibus et maximis regum nostrorum virtutibus pares in eloquentia scriptores accessissent . . . ita in Gallicis fuit factorum quam verborum cura major.’’ 4. OC 10.8: ‘‘Me frequens horum consideratio impulit ut causam fidei, quam ipsa Universitas Parisiensis nunc et olim prosequitur, quam verissime scriberem .’’ 5. For context, see Marielle Lamy, L’Immaculée Conception: Étapes et enjeux d’une controverse au Moyen-Âge (XIIe–XVe siècles) (Paris, 2000), 562–75. See also McLoughlin, ‘‘Gerson as Preacher,’’ 276–78. Cf. the résumé in OC 10.3–5 and the sources cited in Taber, ‘‘Pierre d’Ailly,’’ 167 n. 12. 6. Boureau, ‘‘Peut-on parler d’auteurs scolastiques?’’ 267–79. 7. Ibid., 273–74. 8. Ibid., 271. 9. Cf. Eisenstein, Printing Press, 1.121. 10. De laude scriptorum doctrine salubris and not merely De laude scriptorum is the correct and complete title. See for example Marseille, BM, Ms. 241, f. 144r; Munich, Clm. 17837, f. 287v; Paris, BnF, Ms. lat. 17488, f. 164r and Ms. lat. 18205, f. 54r; Caen, Musée des Beaux Arts, Coll. Mancel Ms. 131, f. 193r–v; Stuttgart , WLB, Hs. HB I 10, f. 166r. The colophon to the Caen manuscript is reproduced in Jehan-Spencer Smith, Notice bibliographique sur un traité manuscrit du quinzième siècle jusqu-ici inédit . . . (Caen, 1860), n.p. See also in the text itself, 228 Notes to Pages 2–6 OC 9.424: ‘‘Scriptor idoneus et frequens librorum doctrinae salubris—sic enim semper infra loqui volumus et intelligi.’’ 11. Delaruelle, Labande, and Ourliac, L’Église au temps du Grand Schisme, 837. 12. McGuire, Jean Gerson and the Last Medieval Reformation. For orientation to Gerson bibliography, see pp. 407–14. See also the essay collection edited by McGuire, A Companion to Jean Gerson. 13. The text is OC 7.2.519–38. 14. See Nicole Bériou, L’avènement des maı̂tres de la Parole: La prédication à Paris au XIIIe siècle, 2 vols. (Paris, 1998). 15. See esp. his comments at the beginning of La montagne de contemplation, OC 7.1.16. 16. Thomas Sullivan, Parisian Licentiates in Theology, A.D. 1373–1500: A Biographical Register, vol. 1 (Leiden, 2004), 19. 17. The chancellor of St. Geneviève licensed some of the students in the arts faculty. See Bernstein, Pierre d’Ailly, 13. On the development of the office before Gerson, see Gabriel, ‘‘Conflict,’’ 106–54. On the chancellor’s authority over false teaching, see Thijssen, Censure, 8–11. My thanks to William Courtenay for clarification on this issue. 18. OC 6.299. The year was 1418. 19. Beryl Smalley noted this similarity in ‘‘Jean de Hesdin O. Hosp. S. Ioh.,’’ in Studies in Medieval Thought and Learning from Abelard to Wyclif (London, 1981 [1961]), 381. The pattern appears more general. Compare, for example, the career of Jean Beaupère, one of the interrogators at the trial of Joan of Arc, who entered the service of the duke of Burgundy. See further C. T. Allmand, ‘‘Un conciliariste nivernais du XVe siècle: Jean Beaupère,’’ Annales de Bourgogne 35 (1963), 145–54. 20. Vansteenberghe, ‘‘Gerson à Bruges,’’ 5–52. 21. For a lively description, see Huizinga, Autumn, 270–73. 22. The most recent treatment is Guenée, Un meurtre, une société. For a brief summary, see McGuire, Jean Gerson, 229–34. 23. For further details, see McGuire, Jean Gerson, 245–46. 24. Déniau, La Commune de Lyon, 361. Déniau cites the...
