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Index Academic knowledge and belief, xxiixxiii , 44, 52 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS): in Africa, 137; in United States, 111. Seealso HIV/AIDS alternativetherapies Acupressure, 134 Acupuncture, 32-33 n.3, 164, 193-94 n.3 Africa, HIV/AIDS in, 137 African Americans: HIV/AIDS incidence, 149-50; traditional beliefs and HIV/AIDS, 150-52, 155 AIDS Treatment News (ATN), 142, 145, 146 Alaska Natives, 62 Algae preparations, 121 Aloevera, 127-28 AL-721, 121, 142 Alternative health care. SeeHealth belief systems, vernacular American Medical Students' Association, 112 Amino acids, 120, 121 Antabuse (disulfiram), 141 Anthropology, medical, 59—65 Antibiotics, 42 Antioxidants, 121 Anxiety reduction, 42 Astragalus (tragacanth), 126 Azidothymidine (AZT), 113, 140, 143 Aztec healers, 58 Bach, Edward, 128 Bactrim*, 121 Barrett, Linda K.,55 Bass, Tommie, 76 Bay Area Physicians for Human Rights Association (BAPHRA), 112 Beliefs: cultural "survivals," 36—37; relation to knowledge, 7-8, 9, 39. Seealso Folk belief Belief systems: cultural shaping of, 13— 14, 35; givens, 9—11; treatment of facts, 11-13. Seealso Health belief systems BETA (Bulletin of Experimental Treatments for AIDS), 145 BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene), 121 Biomedicine. See Medicine, conventional Birdwhistell, Ray L., 78 n.2, 79 n.16 Bliatout, Bruce Thowpaou, 82, 92, 93, 95, 106n.l6, 106-7 n.17, 107n.21 Blue-Green Manna, 121, 158 n.13 Body Positive, 145 Botanical remedies, 56. Seealso Herbal therapies Brendle, Thomas R., 54 Buyers clubs, 143 Cancer therapies: herbal, 125; nonconventional , 25, 72-73, 118 "Candida Cleanse," 128 Cassileth, Barrie, 72-73 Chavira,Juan Antonio, 63 Chemotherapy, 27 Children, HIV infection, 150, 151 Chindarsi, Nusit, 95, 106n.l6, 106-7 n.17 Chinese medicine: acupuncture, 32—33 n.3, 164, 193—94 n.3; explanatory models of illness,20, 131; herbalism, 125, 126; HIV/AIDS therapies, 131-33, 159 n.22 282 Index Chiropractic therapy, 33 n. 11; in conjunction with conventional medicine, 1819 ,20, 21; HIV/AIDS treatment, 134 Christianity, 151 Cimetidine (Tagamet), 141 Compliance, patient, 173-76 Compound Q(trichosanthin), 142 Conrad, Peter, 175 Conventional medicine. See Medicine, conventional Copernicus, Nicolaus, 33 n.8 Crellin.JohnK., 76 Critical Path, 145,148 Critical Path AIDS Project, 144-45 Crystals, 136 Culture: and approaches to health and illness , 64, 183-84, 188, 194 n.10; cultural construction of knowledge, xxii, 7, 13—14; cultural description of reality, xxii, 7-9, 64, 144; "cultural survivals," 17, 36-38, 49-50, 55, 57; diversity of, 64, 169-72; evolutionary theory of, 36-39, 50, 58; health professionals and, 171,188-89 Culture,Medicine and Psychiatry, 78 n.13 Curanderismo, 63, 153 Curt, Gregory A., 73 Cyclosporine, 130 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) therapies, 119, 130 ddC (dideoxycytidine), 113, 143 ddl (dideoxyinosine), 113 Death, cultural attitudes toward, 90-91, 95, 183-84 Dextran sulfate, 142, 145,159 n.3() Dietary regimens, HIV/AIDS therapies, 122-25 Disease: Chinese medicine and,132; distinguished from illness, 28, 105 n.5; explanatory models of, 22, 29, 64; Hmong culture and, 86, 90, 92-93; psychospiritual, 137; supernatural causation of, 16. Seealso Illness Disulfiram (Antabuse), 141 DNCB (dinitrochlorobenzene), 141 Drugs, prescription. SeeMedications Drug use, injection, 149—50 DTC (Imuthiol), 141 Dwyer.J., 128 Echinacea (purple coneflower), 125—26 Education: in evolutionary social model, 16, 17, 50, 191; of health professionals, 80, 185-89; "official" culture and, 4; of patients, 176-81 Endoscopy, 88-89, 90 Energies, 29; in Chinese medicine, 131 Epidemics, xx Epidemiology, 169 Epistemology, 15. See also Knowledge Ethics, medical, 181-85 Ethnicity, 32, 170,194 n.6 "Ethnic" medicine, 3 Ethnobotany, 78 n.9 Ethnocentrism, 8, 39, 190,194n.7 Ethnography, xviii, 195 n.13; health professionals and,186, 187, 198,222-23; studies of vernacular health systems, 63 "Ethnomedicine," 60 "Ethnopsychiatry," 61 Evolutionary theory of culture, 36—39, 50, 58 Explanatory models of illnessand disease, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29,64, 189, 207-9 Feminism, 111 Flower essences, 128-29, 158n.l7 Folk belief, xxiii; cultural evolutionism and, 37-38, 39; folklore scholars and, 45, 46, 49-52; folk medicine as, 38, 53; functionalist explanations of, 44; health professionals and, 190;"surviving items" of, 49-50 Folk illnesses, 56-57,62-63, 190 Folklore, xxii; evolutionary theory of culture , 36-39; and folk belief, 45, 46, 4952 ; and folk medicine, 50, 53-59; genre analysis, 45—47; phenomenological approach, 46-47 Folk medicine, xv,xxiii, 5-6, 76; cultural evolutionism and, 38, 191; folklore scholars and, 50, 53—59; medical anthropology and, 61—62. See also Health belief systems, vernacular Folk psychiatry, 61 Folk religion, 50...
