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249 “acting out,” 62–64, 86, 169. See also theatricality “Aesopian” and “anti-Aesopian” language. See language Agamben, Giorgio, 196n78 aletheia. See truth Alexander, Jeffrey, 34 Alfred Jurzykowski literary award, 171 Anders, General, 64, 201n16, 203n24 Arendt, Hannah, 196n83 Aristotelian paradigms, 179 Aufgabe 9 (journal), 189n7 Augenblick (blink of an eye). See time aurality, 87–88, 118, 125–26, 132 Auschwitz, 203n25. See also Holocaust “autobiographical pact,” 13–16, 18, 20–21, 48, 52, 150–53, 158; counterfeited, 21, 219n38 autobiography, 16, 46–49, 72, 158, 208n72, 217n13; autobiographical signature, 14, 153; autobiographical subjectivity/narrator, 15, 18, 20, 46, 48, 67, 150, 152 avant-garde movement, 26, 29, 194n54; Białoszewski and, 4, 10, 18, 20, 26, 66– 67, 100, 130, (vs. avant-garde movement) 29, (shift from) 108; interwar, 31 Baczyński, Krzysztof Kamil, 192–93n39 Bakhtin, Mikhail M., 100 Balcerzan, Edward, 194n55 Barańczak, Stanisław, 18, 101, 205n39, 207n67, 212nn9–10, 215n48, 218n13; essays of, 190n10; on language, 40–41, 87, 194n56 Barbusse, Henri, 204n34 Barthes, Roland, 49, 212n8 Bartoszewski, Władysław, 205n37 Bauman, Zygmunt, 196n83 “beautiful death,” myth of, 58–62, 65, 183. See also death belatedness. See traumatic memory Benjamin, Walter, 184, 185 Berlin, Battle of, 64 Berlin Wall, fall of, 56. See also Germany Bernstein, Michael, 40, 213n38 Białoszewski, Miron: anti-Romanticism of, 9–10, 68; apolitical image of, 24–25; biography of, 22–26; challenge in reading works of, 3–4, 16; criticism of, see criticism of Białoszewski; ethical claims of, see ethics; genres of, 4, 71–74, 100–101; as homosexual writer, see homosexuality; interviews quoted, 3, 86; linguistic devices of, see language; narrative skill of, 13–14; as outsider, 24, 45, 177; persecution of, see homophobia; visits Egypt, 100, 104; visits United States, 22, 24, 44, 100, (receives award) 22, 171–72 works: AAAmeryka (Ameryka), 22, 24, 151, 171–75, 211n1; A-ha (Oho), 101, 211n1; “Ash November” (“Listopad popielny”), 193n46; “A Ballad of Going Down to the Store” (“Ballada o zejściu do sklepu”), 29; “Baśka” (“Baśka”), 126–31, 133; “Blockade” (“Blokada”), 135, 157, 159– 60, 162, 169, 170; The Cabaret of KiciaKocia (Kabaret Kici-Koci), 5, 101, 189n7; Calculus of Whims (Rachunek zachciankowy ), 4, 28; Chamowo (Chamowo ), 4, 211n1; “Christ of the Uprising” (“Chrystus powstania”), 193n46; Debiuty poetyckie 1944–1960, 190n14; “Dispatch from the Countryside” (“Wiejski reportaz ̇”), 128; Dust (Rozkurz), 104, 168, Index Index 250 169, 211n1, (quoted) 108–9, 214–15n47; Foretelling to Yourself (Przepowiadanie sobie), 211n1; “Going Out” (“Wyjście”), 110, 122–23, 125–26, 132–33, 175; Got Lost (Odczepić sie ˛), 31, 101, 211n1; The Heart Attack (Zawał), 23, 102, 133, 211n1; Hums, Lumps, Threads (Szumy, zlepy, cia ˛gi), 47, 100, 102, 103, 128, 169, 194n58, 210n118, 216n56, (quoted) 99, 109–13 passim, 122–23, 129, 168, (reviewed ) 215n53; “I’m Sucking on Caramel ” (“Cyckam Karmel”), 29; Konstancin (Konstancin), 102, 115–22, 125, 172, 211n1, 216n62, (quoted) 115–20; “Leszno 99,” 168, 169; “Lu. He.’s Story” (“Opowieść Lu. He.”), 30–31; “Lying Downs” (“Leżenia”), 44, 72; Mapping Europe or a Ship’s Log (Obmapywanie Europy, czyli dziennik okre ˛towy), 22, 211n1; “Merry-Go-Round with Madonnas ” (“Karuzela z madonnami”), 3; Miron Białoszewski, 15–16, 142, 150– 51, 162–63, 166, 169–71, 211n1; Misdirected Sentiments (Mylne wzruszenia), 4, 28, 29, 44, (quoted) 107; Old Prose: New Poems (Stara proza, nowe wiersze), 211n1; A Memoir of the Warsaw Uprising (Pamie ˛tnik z powstania warszawskiego ), 176, 201n13, 225n11; Poems, 211n1; poems for children, 193n46; Poems Selected and Matched (Wiersze wybrane i dobrane), 211n1; “Poznańska Street” (“Poznańska”), 168, 169; “Purple Gothic” (“Fioletowy gotyk”), 193n46; Reporting Reality (Donosy rzeczywistości), 4, 18, 38, 100–101, 135, 159, 216n1, (quoted) 160; The Revolution of Things (Obroty rzeczy, debut volume), 4, 26– 29, 189n1, 193n46, 205n38, (translation of) 5; Misdirected Sentiments, (Rodowód góry odosobnienia), 29; Selected Poems (Poezje wybrane), 211n1; The Separate Theater (Teatr Osobny): 1955–1963, 4; Tajny dziennik (secret diary), 176–79, 211n1; There Was and There Was (Było i było), 4, 14, 20, 28, 30, 32, 101, (criticized ) 31; translations of, 5–6, 80–81, 207n66, 210n102; “A Treatise on I-amness ” (“Wywód jestem’u”), 28, 29; works as taught at school, 10, 34. See also A Memoir of the Warsaw Uprising, below; avant-garde movement; diaries; lifewriting (życiopisanie); small narrations (małe narracje) A Memoir of the Warsaw Uprising (MWU) (Pamie ˛tnik z powstania warszawskiego), 3–6, 29, 57, 158; as...
