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Selected Bibliography Abbott, H. Porter. 1984. "The Expressive Text and Textual Self-Consealment: Lermontov's A Hera of Our Time." In Diary Fiction: 'Writing as Action, ,5.5-72. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. . Abrams, M. H. 1971. Natural Supernaturalism: Traditions and Revolution in Romantic Literature. New York: Norton. ---. 1981. The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition. New York: Oxford University Press. Aikhenval'd, Iu. 1929. "Lermontov." In Siluetyrusskikh pisatelei, 1:120-.53. Berlin. Aivazyan, K. V, and VA. Manuilov, eds. 1974. Lermontov i literatura natodov Sovetskogo Souiza. Erevan. Aizlewood, Robin. 1990. "Geraj Nashego Vremeni as Emblematic Prose Text." In From Pushkin to Palisandria: Essays on the Russian Novel in Honor of Richard Freeborn, edited by Arnold McMillan, 39-.52. New York: St. Martin's. Alekseev, M. P. 1989. "Etiudy 0 Marlinskom" and "Turgenev i Marlinsky." In o rnirovom znachenii russkoi Ziteratury, 81-162. Leningrad. Andreevich (E. A. Solov'ev). 190,5. Opyt filosofii russkoi Ziteratury. Saint Petersburg. Andreev-Krivich, S. A. 1978. Vsevedenie poeta. Moscow. Andreevsky, S. A. 1913. "Lennontov." In Literatumye ocherki. Saint Petersburg. Annensky, Innokentii. 1979. "Iumor Lermontova." In Knigi otrazhenii, 1364l . Moscow. Arkhipov, Vladimir. 196.5. 1\1. 1u. Lernwntov: Poeziia poznaniia i deistviia. Moscow. Ashukin, N. S. 1941. "Istoriko-bytovoi kommentarii k drame Lermontova 'Maskarad.''' In Maskarad Lermontova. Sbornik statei, edited by P. I. Novitsky, 211-49. Leningrad. Asmus, V 1941. "Krug idei Lermontova." Literaturnoe nasledstvo 43-44: 83-129. Azadovsky, M. 1941. "Fol'klorism Lermontova." Literaturnoe nasledstvo 4344 :227-6,3. 222 Selected Bibliography Bachelard, Caston. 1969. The Poetics ofReverie: Childhood, Language, and the Cosnws. Translated by Daniel Russell. Boston: Beacon. Bagby, Lewis. 1978. "Narrative Double-Voicing in Lermontov's A Hero of Our Time." Slavic and East European Journal 22:26,5-86. ---. Hl9.5. Alexander Bestuzhev-Marlinsky and Russian Byronism. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. Bakhtin, Mikhail. 1968. Rabelais and His World. Translated by Helene Iswolsky . Cambridge: MIT Press. Baratynsky, E. A. 1989. Polnoe sobranie stikhotvorenii. Leningrad. Barratt, Andrew, and A. D. P. Briggs. 1990. A Wicked Irony: The Rhetoric of Lennontov~5 A Hero of Our Time. Bristol: Bristol University Press. Barzun, Jacques. 197,5. Classic, Romantic, and Modern. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Bayle, Pierre. 1984. Pensees Diverses sur la Comete. Vol. 2. Paris: Societe des Textes Fran<;:ais Modernes. Belinkov, Arkady. 1987. "Strana rabov, strana gospod." Vremia i my 9,5:16,5-207. Belinsky, V C. 1978. Sobranie sochinenii v deviati tomakh. Moscow. Bentley, Eric. 19.57. A Century of Hero-worship: A Study of the Idea of Heroism in Carlyle and Nietzsche, with Notes on Wagner; Spengler; Stefan George, and D. H. Lawrence. 2d ed. Boston: Beacon. Berdiaev, Nikolai. 1918. Sud'ba Rossii. Moscow. ---. 1939.0 rabstve i svobode cheloveka. Paris: YMCA Press. ---. Iml. Russkaia Ideia. Paris. ---. 1990. Novoe srednevekov'e. Moscow. Berlin, Isaiah. 1979. "The Hedgehog and the Fox." In Russian Thinkers, edited by Henry Hardy and Aileen Kelly, with an Introduction by Aileen Kelly, 22-82. New York: Penguin Books. ---. 1991. "De Maistre and the Rise of Modern Fascism." In The Crooked Timher of Humanity: Chapters in the History of Ideas. New York: Knopf. Bestuzhev-Marlinskii, A. A. 1981. Sochineniia v dvukh tomakh. Moscow. Billacois, Fran<;:ois. 1990. The Duel: Its Rise and Fall in Early Modern France. New Haven: Yale University Press. Blok, Alexander. 1962. Sobranie sochinenii v vos'mi tomakh. Vol. .5, Proza: 1903-1917. Edited by V N. Orlov. Moscow. Bloom, Harold. 1970. Romanticism and Consciousness. New York: Norton. ---. 1976. Poetry and Repression. London: Oxford University Press. ---. Hl82. Agon: Towards a Theory (~fRevisionism. London: Oxford University Press. Botkin, V P. 1984. Literaturnaia klitika. Publitsistika, Pis'ma. Moscow. Bowlby, John. 1969-80. Attachment and Loss. 3 volumes. New York: Basic Books. 223 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 17:31 GMT) Selected Bibliography Brombert, Victor. 1978. The Romantic Prison: The French Tradition. Princeton : Princeton University Press. Brown, William Edward. 1986. A History of Russian Literature of the Romantic Period. Vol. 4. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Ardis. Budgen, David. 1990. "Pushkin and Chaadaev: The History of a Friendship ." In Ideology in Russian Literature, edited by Richard Freeborn and Jane Grayson, 7-47. New York: St. Martin's. Bulgakov, Sergei. 1993. "Geroizm i podvizhnichestvo." In Sochineniia v dvukh tomakh, 2:302-42. Moscow. Burachok, S. 1840. "Geroi nashego vremeni." Maiak 4:210-19. Burckhardt, Jacob. 1958. The Civilization ofthe Renaissance in Italy. New York: Harper and Row. Burckhardt, Sigurd. 1968. Shakespearean Meanings. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Butler, Marilyn. 1989. "Romantic Manichaeism: Shelley'S 'On the Devil and Devils' and Byron's Mythological Dramas." In The Sun is God: Painting, Literature, and Mythology in the Nineteenth Century, edited by B. Bullen , 13-39. London: Oxford University Press. Camus, Albert. 1956. The Rebel: An Essay on Man in Revolt. New York: Vintage Books. Cantor, Paul. 1984. Creator and the Creature: Myth-making and English Romanticism. London: Cambridge University Press. Castle, Terry. 1986. Masquerade and Civilization. Berkeley and Los Angeles : University of California Press. Chaadaev, P. la. 1989. Stat'i i pis'ma. Moscow. Chekhov, Anton. 1974-83. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii i pisem. 30 vols. Moscow. Cherniavsky, Michael. 1961. Tsar and People: Studies in Russian Myths. New Haven: Yale University Press. Chernyshevsky, Nikolai. 1939-53. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii v 16-ti tomakh. Moscow. Chesterton, G. H. 1989. Collected Works. Vol. 1,5, Chesterion on Dickens. San Francisco, Calif.: Ignatius Press. Chistova, I. S., ed. 1985. Lennontovskii sbornik. Leningrad. Chukovsky, K. 1976. Kniga ob Aleksandre Bloke. Paris: YMCA Press. ---. 1980. "Aleksandr Blok." In Aleksandr Blok v vospominaniiakh sovremennikov. V dvukh tomakh, 2:210-.52. Moscow. Cornwell, Neil. 1986. V F Odoevsky: His Life, Times, and Milieu. Athens: Ohio University Press. Cox, Gary D. 1982. "Dramatic Genre as a Tool of Characterization in Lermontov 's Hero ofOur Time." Russian Literature 11:163-72. Custine, Marquis de. 1951.Journeyfor Our Time: The Russian Diary ofMarquis de Custine. Edited and Translated by Phyllis Penn Kohler. Chicago: Henry Regnery. 224 Selected Bibliography ---.1989. Empire ofthe Czar: A Joumey Through Etemal Russia. New York: Doubleday. Dante Alighieri. 1977. The Divine Comedy: Hell. Translated by Dorothy L. Sayers. New York: Penguin Books. Dashkevich, N. P. 1914. "Mothy mirovoi poezii v tvorchestve Lermontova." In Stat'i po novoi russkoi literature, 411-514. Saint Petersburg. Debreczeny, Paul. 1973. "Elements of the Lyrical Verse Tale in Lermontov's A Hero Of Our Time." In American Contributions to the Seventh International Congress of Slavists. Warsaw, August 21-27, 1973, edited by Victor Terras, 93-117. The Hague: Mouton. Diakonova, Nina. 1982. "Byron and Lennontov: Notes on Pechorin's 'Journal.'" In Lord Byron and His Contemporaries: Essays from the Sixth International Byron Seminar, edited by Charles E. Robinson, 144-66. London: Associated University Presses. Dimmock, George E., Jr. 19.56. "The Name of Odysseus." Hudson Review 9:52-70. Dostoevsky, F. M. 1972-90. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii v tridtsati tomakh. Leningrad. Driver, Sam. 1989. Pushkin: Literature and Social Ideas. New York: Columbia University Press. Dumont, Louis. 1986. Essays on Individualism: Modern Ideology in Anthropological Perspective. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ---. 1994. German Ideology: From France to Gemwny and Back. Chicago : University of Chicago Press. Durylin, S. 1934. Kak rabotal Lennontov. Moscow. ---. 1986. Geroi Nashego Vremeni M. Iu. Lennontova. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Ardis. Reprint. Eagle, Herbert. 1975. "Lermontov's 'Play' with Romantic Genre Expectations in A Hero ofOur Time." Russian Literature Triquarterly 10:299-315. Edwards, David. 1977. "Count Joseph Marie de Maistre and Russian Educational Policy, 1803-1828." Slavic Review 36:.54-76. Efimova, Z. S. 1927. "Iz istorii russkoi romanticheskoi dramy. 'Maskarad' M. Iu. Lermontova." In Russkii ronwntism, edited by A. I. Beletsky, 2650 . Leningrad. Eidel'man, N. Ia. 1990. Byf rrwzhet za khrebtom Kavkaza: Russkaialiteratura i obshchestvennaia mysl' pervoi poloviny XIX v. Kavkazskii kontekst. Moscow. Eikhenbaum, B. M. 1986. 0 Prose, 0 poezii: sbomik statei. Leningrad. ---. 1987. "Lermontov. Opyt istoriko-literatumoi otsenki." In 0 literature : Raboty raznykh let. Moscow. Elias, Norbert. 1983. The Court SOCiety. Translated by Edmund Jephcott. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. ---. 1991. The SOciety of Individuals. Translated by Edmund Jephcott. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 225 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 17:31 GMT) Selected Bibliography Engelberg, Edward. 1989. "Rebels Without Cause: Lermontov, Turgenev, Bronte." In Elegiac Fictions: The MotiGe ofthe Unlived Life. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. Essaulov, I. A. 1995. Kategoria sobomosti v russkoi literature. Petrozavodsk. Evgeniev, A. P., ed. 1977. DreGnie rossiiskie stikhotvoreniia. Sobranie Kirshi Danilova. Moscow. Faletti, Heidi E. 1978. "Elements ofthe Demonic in the Character ofPechorin in Lermontov's Hero ofOur Time." Forum for Modem Language Studies 14:365-77. Faryno, J. 1979. "Dve modeli liricheskogo 'ya' u Lermontova." In Russian Romanticism: Studies in the Poetic Codes, edited by Nils Ake Nilsson, 167-86. Stockholm. Fedorov, A. V 1967. Lermontov i literatura ego vremeni. Leningrad. Fedotov, George P. 1975. A Treasure ofRussian Spirituality. Belmont, Mass.: Nordland. Fischer, Hermann. 1991. Romantic Verse Narrative: The History ofa Genre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Frank, Joseph. 1986. Dostoevsky: The Stir ofLiberation, 1860-1865. Princeton : Princeton University Press. Frye, Northrop. 1982. A Study ofEnglish Romanticism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Furst, Lilian. 1979. "Individualism." In Romanticism in Perspective, 53-117. London: Macmillan. Garrard, John. 1982. Mikhail Lerrnontov. Boston: Twayne. Gasparov, M. L. 1984. Ocherk istorii russkogo stikha: Metrika, ritmika, rijma, strofika. Moscow. Gerasimov, O. P. 1890. "Ocherk vnutrennei zhizni Lermontova po ego proizvedeniyam ." Voprosy filosofii i pSikhologii 3:1-44. Gershtein, Emma. 1941. "Lermontov i 'kruzhok shestnadtsati.'" In Zhizn' i tvorchestvo M. 1u Lemwntova, edited by N. L. Brodsky, 77-124. Moscow. ---. 1976. "Geroi nashego Gremeni" M. 1u. Lemwntova. Moscow. ---.1986. Sud'ba Lermontova. Moscow. Gilroy, Marie. 1988. Lemwntov's Ironic Vision. Birmingham Slavonic Monographs 19. Birmingham: University of Birmingham. Ginzburg, L. la. 1940. Tvorcheskii put' Lermontova. Leningrad. ---. 1977. 0 psikhologicheskoi proze. Leningrad. Gnug, Hiltrud. 1990. "The Dandy and the Don Juan Type." In European Romanticism : Literary Cross-Currents, Modes, and Models, edited by Gerhart Hoffmeister, 229-47. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. Gogol, N. V 1952. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii. Moscow. Gol'denveizer, A. B. 1959. Vblizi Tolstogo. Moscow. Golovin, Ivan. 1970. Russia under the Autocrat, Nicholas the First. New York: Praeger. (German original, 1845.) 226 Selected Bibliography Golstein, Vladimir. 1997. "Landowners in Dead Souls; or, The Tale of How Gogol Blessed What He Wanted to Curse." Slavic and East European Journal41 -42:24.3-.57. Golubov, S. 1938. Bestuzhev-Marllnsky. Moscow. Goncharov, I. A. 1986. "Vospominaniia." In Ocherki, stan, pis'ma. Moscow. Gordin, Ia. A. 1989. Pravo na poedinok. Leningrad. Gregg, Richard. 1984. "The Cooling of Pechorin: The Scull Beneath the Skin." Slavic Review 43:387-98. Griboedov, A. S. 1987. Sochineniia v stlkhakh. Leningrad. Grigor'ev, Apollon. 1990. Sochineniia v dvukh tomakh. Vol. 2, Stan, pis'ma. Moscow. Grigor'ian, K. N. 1982. "Dramaturgiia Lermontova." In Istoriia rllsskoi dramaturgii XVII-pervaia polovina XIX veka, edited by L. M. Lotman et aI., ,368-402. Leningrad. Gukovsky, G. A. 1965. Pushkin I russkie romantiki. Moscow. Gurevich, A. la., ed. 1990a. Chelovek i kul'tura. Individual'rlOst' v istorii kul'tury. Moscow. ---. 1990b. Odyssei. Chelovek v istorii. Moscow. Gurevich, P. S., compo 199.5. Chelovek. Moscow. Gusky, Andreas. 1970. M. Iu. Lermontovs Konzeption des literarischen Helden. Munich. Gustafson, Richard. 1986. Leo Tolstoy: Resident and Stranger. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ---. 1995. "Solov'ev's Doctrine of Original Sin." In Freedom and Responsibility in Russian Literature: Essays in Honor ofRobert Louis Jackson , edited by Elizabeth Cheresh Allen and Gary Saul Morson, 170-81. Evanston: Northwestern University Press. Hecht, Leo. 1976. "Lermontov and the German Poets." Canadian-American Slavic Studies 10:400-409. Heller, Thomas c., ed. 1986. Reconstructing Individualism: Autonomy, Individuality , and the Self in Western Thought. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Herzen, A. I. 1954-66. Sobranie sochinenii v tridtsati tomakh. Moscow. ---. 1982. My Past and Thoughts: The Memoirs of Alexander Herzen. Abridged by Dwight Macdonald. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. Hook, Sidney. 1943. The Hero in History: A Study in Limitation and Possibility . New York: John Day. Hutcheon, Linda. 1989. "Modern Parody and Baxtin." In Rethinking Bakhtin : Extensions and Challenges, edited by Gary Saul Morson and Caryl Emerson, 88-105. Evanston: Northwestern University Press. Ivanov, Viacheslav. 1987. "Lermontov." In Sobranie sochinenii, 4:367-83. Brussels: Foyer Oriental Chretien. 227 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 17:31 GMT) Selected Bibliography ---.1994. Rodnoe i vselenskoe. Moscow. Ivanov-Razumnik (R. V Ivanov). 1911. Istoriia russkoi obshchestvennoi rnysli. Individualisrn i meshchanstvo i russkoi literature i zhizni XIX v. Vol. 1. Saint Petersburg. Ivanova, T. 1967. Posrnertnaia syd'ba poeta. Moscow. Jackson, Robert L. 1960-61. "Napoleon in Russian Literature." Yale French Studies 26:106-19. Jonas, Hans. 1963. The Gnostic Religion. Boston: Beacon. Kantor, Vladimir. 1994. V pOiskakh lichnosti. Opyt russkoi klassiki. Moscow. Kantorowicz, Ernst H. 1957. The King:~ Two Bodies: A Study of Medieval Political Theology. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Karamzin, N. M. 1991. Zapiska 0 drevnei i novoi Rossii. Moscow. Kardin, Vladimir. 1984. Minuta prohyzhdenia: Povest' oh Aleksandre Bestuzheve (Marlinskom). Moscow. Kavelin, K. D. 1989. Nash urnstvennyi stroi. Stat'i po filosofii russkoiistorii i kul'tury. Moscow. Keen, Maurice. 1984. Chivalry. New Haven: Yale University Press. Kholodov, E., et aI., eds. 1978. Istoriia russkogo dramaticheskogo teatra. Vol. 3,1826-1845. Moscow. Khomiakov, A. S. 1994. Sochineniia v dvukh tornakh. Vol. 2, Raboty po bogosloviiu. Moscow. Kiernan, V C. 1986. The Duel in European History: Honour and the Reign ofAutocracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kiukhel'beker, Wilhelm. 1967. Izbrannye proizvedeniia v dvukh tornakh. Vol. 2. Moscow. ---. 1979. Puteshestvie, dnevnik, stat'i. Leningrad. Kliuchevsky, V O. 1991. "Crust" (pamiati M. Ju Lermontova)." In Literarturnye portrety, 133-51. Moscow. Kon, Igor' S. 1976. Sotsiologiia lichnosti. Moscow. Korovin, V 1. 1988. "Ceroi i mif. (Po drame M. Iu. Lermontova 'Maskarad'):' In Analiz drarnaticheskogo proizvedeniia, edited by V M. Markovich, 122-35. Leningrad. Kotliarevsky, N. A. 1907. Dekabristy. Kn. A. Odoevsky i A. Bestuzhev. Saint Petersburg. ---. 191.5. M. Iu. Lernwntov. Lichnost' poeta i ego proizvedeniia. Saint Petersburg. Kovarsky, N. 198.5. "The Early Bestuzhev-Marlinsky." In Russian Prose, edited by B. M. Eikhenbaum, translated by Ray Parrott, 109-27. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Ardis. Kshitseva, Danushe. 1987. "Friedrich Nietzsche i M. Ju. Lermontov." Studia Slavica Hungaricae 33:119-29. Kuhn, Reinhart. 1978. The Denwn ofNoontide: The Theme ofEnnui in Western Literature. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 228 Selected Bibliography Lampert, Evgenii. 19.57. Studies in Rebellion. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Landa, E. V 1990. '''Undina' v perevode V A. Zhukovskogo i russkaia kultura ." In Undina, by F. H. K. de la Motte-Fouque, edited by S. V Turaev, 472-537. Moscow. Leighton, L. G. 1975a. Aleksandr Bestuzhev-Marlinsky. Boston: Twayne. ---. 1975b. Russian Romanticism: Two Essays. The Hague. Lermontov, Mikhail. 1954-.57. Sobranie sochinenii v shesti tomakh. Moscow. ---. 1984. Sobranie sochinenii v chetyrekh tomakh. Edited by I. Andronnikov . Moscow. ---. 1988. A Hero ofOur Time. Translated by Vladimir Nabokov, in collaboration with Dmitri Nabokov. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Ardis. Lehvin, Shirley Robin. 1982. The Gentleman in Trollope: IndiViduality and Moral Conduct. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Leusheva, S. 1964. "Lermontov i Tolstoy." In Tvorchesto Lernwntova, edited by U. Fokht, 395-417. Moscow. Levin, Via. 1972. "Dostoevskii, 'podpol'nyi paradoksalist' i Lermontov." Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR: Seriia Literatury i Yazyka 31:142-.56. Levkovich, la. L. 1978. "Literatumaia i obshchestvennaia zhizn' pushkinskoi pory v pis'makh A. E. Izmailova k P. L. lakovlevu." In Pushkin: Issledovaniia i materialy, edited by Vadim Vatsuro, 8:1.51-94. Saint Petersburg: Izd-vo Akademii nauk. . Loginovskaia, Elena. 1977. Poema M. Iu. Lermontova "Demon." Moscow. Lominadze, S. 1976. "Na fone garmonii. (Lermontov)." In Tipologiia stilevogo razvitiia novogo vremeni, edited by la. El'sberg, 343-86. Moscow. ---. 198.5. Poeticheskii mir Lermontova. Moscow. ---. 1989. "Stranstvuiushchii ofitser (Zametki 0 'Tamani')." In 0 klassikakh i sovremennikakh, 319-48. Moscow. Lossky, Vladimir. 1976. In the Image and Likeness ofGod. Creshvood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir's Seminarv Press. , ---. 1985. The Mystical Theology of Eastern Christianity. Creshvood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press. Lotman, Iu. M. 1988. V shkole poeticheskogo slova: Pushkin, Lennontov, Gogol'. Moscow. . ---. 1992. "'Pikovaia dama' i tema kart i kartochnoi igry v russkoi literature nachala XIX veka." In Izbrannye stan, 2:389-415. Tallin. Lotman, lu. M., and B. A. Uspenskii. 1984. The Semiotics of Russian Culture . Edited by Ann Shukman. Ann Arbor: Department of Slavic Languages and Literature, University of Michigan. Lovejoy, Arthur O. 1924. "On the Discriminations of Romanticisms." PMLA 39:229-53. Lubovich, N. 1964. "Mtsyri' v ideinoi bor'be 30-40-kh godov." In Tvorchesto Lermontova, edited by U. Fokht, 106-32. Moscow. 229 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 17:31 GMT) Selected Bibliography Lukes, Steven. 1973. Individualism. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Lutzeler, Paul Michael. 1990. "The Image of Napoleon in European Romanticism ." In European Romanticism: Literary Cross-Currents, Modes, and Models, edited by Gerhart Hoffmeister, 211-29. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. Maguire, Robert A. 1990. "Gogol and the Legacy of Pseudo-Dionysius." In Russianness: Studies on a National Identity: In Honor of Rufus Mathewson , 1918-1978, edited by Robert L. Belknap, 44-.5.5. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Ardis. Maksimov, D. E. 1964. Poeziia Lerrnontova. Moscow. Malia, Martin. 1961. Alexander Herzen and the Birth of Russian Socialism, 1812-1855. Camhridge: Harvard University Press. Mann, Iuri. 1976. Poetika ntsskogo romantisma. Moscow. ---. 1987. "0 Poniatii igry kak khudozhestvennom obraze." In Dialektika khudozhestvennogo obraza, 209-37. Moscow. Manuilov, V. A. 1964. Letopis' zhizni i tvorchestva M. Iu. Lerrnontova. Moscow. ---. 1966. Roman M. Itt. Lerrrwntoca "Geroi nashego cremeni": Kommentarii . Moscow. Manuilov, V. A., et aI., eds. 1960. Lerrnontov. Seminarii. Leningrad. ---. 1981. Lerrrwntovskaia entsiklopediia. Moscow. Marchenko, AlIa. 1989. "Pechorin: znakomyi i neznakomyi." In Stoleti'ia ne sotntt ... : Rttsskie klassiki i ikh chitateli, edited by A. A. Il'in-Tomich, 161-223. Moscow. Markovich, V. M. 1967. '''Geroi nashego vremeni' i stanovlenie realizma v russkom romane." Russkaia Literatura 4:45-66. ---. 1981. "0 liriko-simvolicheskom nachale v romane Lermontova 'Geroi nashego vremeni.'" Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR: Seriia Literatury i Iazyka 40:219-302. Marx, Karl. 1994. Early Political Writings. Edited and Translated by Joseph J. O'Malley. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Martens, Lorna. 1985. The Diary Novel. London: Cambridge University Press. Mazour, Anatole. 1964. The First Russian Revolution, 1825: The Decernbrists Movement: Its Origins, Development, and Significance. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Meerson, Michael. 1996. "Sergei Bulgakov's Philosophy of Personality." In Russian Religious Thought, edited by Judith Deutsch Kornblatt and Richard F. Gustafson, 139-54. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. Mendel'son, N. M. 1914. "Narodnye motivyv poezii Lermontova." In Venok Lerrnontovu: Iubileinyi sbomik, edited by S. Shuvalov, 165-95. Moscow. Merezhkovskii, D. S. 1991. "Lermontov: poet sverchchelovechestva." In V tikhom omute. Stat'i i issledovaniia raznykh let, 378-416. Moscow. 230 Selected Bibliography Mersereau, John. 1960. "M. Yu. Lermontov's 'The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov': An Allegorical Interpretation." California Slacie Studies :l0-.33. ---. 1962. Mikhail Lernwntov. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. Mersereau, John, and David Lapeza. 1988. "Russian Romanticism." In Romanticism in National Context, edited by Roy Porter anel Mikulas Teich, 290-316. London: Cambridge University Press. Meshchersky, N. A. 1976. 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