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169 index Abraham Lincoln: A History (Nicolay and Hay): critical response to, 1–2, 11, 12; early life of Lincoln in, 14; editorial asides in, 5–6; flaws in, 13–15; George McClellan in, 2–3; Northernism in, 4–5; passages eliminated from, 7–9; snobbishness in, 12–13 Adams, Charles Francis, 42, 118–19 Alden, James, 65–66 Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, 21 Ames, Edward R., 93 Anderson, Robert, 30–31, 44, 69 Annapolis Junction, Maryland, 68–69 Antietam, battle of, 100, 105, 106 Army of Northern Virginia, 110 Army of the Potomac: Confederate cavalry and, 109; Lincoln’s visit to, 106–7; McClellan’s command of, 101; officers’ opinions of McClellan, 112; removal of McClellan from command of, 115–16. See also McClellan, George B. Army of Virginia, 100 Badeau, Adam, 11 Baird (widow), 91–92 Baltimore, Maryland: attack on Massachusetts Sixth regiment, 51; John Campbell on condition of, 68; resistance to passage of Union troops through, 52–54, 55, 60–61 Bancroft, George, 99 Barbee, David Rankin, 13 Barnard, John G., 112 Barnett, Thomas J., 106 Barton, William E., 12 Basler, Roy P., 15–16 Bates, Edward, 25, 87, 154n.50 battle of Antietam, 100, 105, 106 battle of Bull Run: first, 75–79, 123; second , 100, 124 Beauregard, P. G. T., 44, 46, 75, 77 Bell, John, 22 Beveridge, Albert J., 15 Bishop, Joseph Bucklin, 37–38 Bixby (widow), 38 Black Hawk, 5–6 Blair, Francis P., 112, 119 Blair, Montgomery, 25, 87 Blake, George, 72 Boston, 71, 72 Bread-Winners, The (Hay), 5 Brooks, James, 86 Brown, George W.: arrest of, 56; and Lincoln ’s remarks, 156n.13; meeting with Scott and Cabinet, 60–61; and passage of Union troops through Baltimore, 51–53; telegram to Lincoln, 156n.5 Browning, Orville H., 9–10, 112 Brownson, Orestes A., 118 Buchanan, Franklin, 62 Buchanan, James, 20, 29–30 Buckingham, C. P., 116 170 index Bull Run battles: first, 75–79, 123; second, 100, 124 Burnside, Ambrose E., 98, 116 Butler, Benjamin F., 71, 72, 73, 125 Cabinet: and Baltimore delegation, 60; crisis within, 119–20, 129–32, 133–35; and first battle of Bull Run, 76, 79; first meeting of, 25; and Fort Sumter crisis, 46; Lincoln’s choices for, 24–27; Lincoln’s relation to, 89; and George McClellan, 98, 113; reorganization of Buchanan’s, 29; role of, in patronage system, 41 Cameron, Simon, 25, 49, 80, 83, 154n.50 Campbell, John A., 67–68 Carr, Clark E., 38 casualties, first of Civil War, 51 Catton, Bruce, 15–16 Century Magazine, 1–2 Chandler, Zachariah, 118 Charleston, South Carolina, 20 Charleston Mercury, 34 Chase, Salmon P.: appointment of, as Treasury Secretary, 25; and Cabinet crisis, 119–20, 121–22, 130; derogatory conversations about Lincoln, 126–27; on Henry Halleck, 121–22; on Lincoln’s visit to McClellan, 123; Nicolay and Hay and, 11; on passage of Union troops through Maryland, 56; patronage of, 154n.50; resignation of, 131–33; resumption of duties by, 133; self-ingratiation of, 124; self-promotion of, 122–23 Chicago, Illinois, election returns, 21 Cincinnati Gazette, on Lincoln and patronage , 33, 39–40 Clay, Cassius M., 47, 49–50 Clay Battalion, 47, 49–50 Cochrane, John, 124–25 Cockeysville, Maryland, 61 Collamer, Jacob, 130 Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln (Basler), 12 Confederate army, 29, 65, 109 Congress, 113, 118, 128–29 Constitution (school ship), 71 Constitutional Union party, 22–23 Cumberland (sailing ship), 67 Dahlgren, John A., 62 Dana, Charles A., 86–87 Davis, Jefferson, 46, 67–68 Dawes, Henry L., 84 Decatur, Illinois, 20 Democrats, 86, 101 Dennison, William, 98 Dickson, William Martin, 83 District Militia, 59 Douglas, Stephen A., 20 Douglass, Frederick, 141 Drummond, Thomas, 80 Dubois, Jesse K., 22, 23 Edwards, Matilda, 10 Election Day 1860, 17–23, 150n.20 Ely, Alfred, 79 Emerson, Ralph, 82, 138–39 Fessenden, William P., 130 Forney, John W., 33–34 Fort Monroe, 65 Fort Pickens truce, 29 Fort Sumter: crisis at, 28–32, 33; fall of, 48–50; firing on, 44–46, 47 Fort Washington, 64 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 33 Fredericksburg, Virginia, Union defeat at, 117 Fremont, John C., 124 French, Benjamin Brown, 108, 117 Frontier Guards, 47–48, 50 Fry, James B., 93–95 Fuller, Richard, 54 Garfield, James A., 38–39 Garrett (B&O Railroad president), 60– 61 Gilder, Richard Watson, 2, 11 Gist, William H., 4–5 Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, 48, 65, 66 Grant, Ulysses S., 95 GreatDo-nothing.SeeMcClellan,GeorgeB. [] Project...
