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293 Index acknowledgment, 21–25, 76 Adams, John, 84, 88 Addresses to the German Nation (Fichte), 23 “Afterword: ‘Big Hannah’—My Aunt” (Brocke), 197 agency, 6, 9, 12, 55–56, 88, 261 alienation, 71, 73, 75 American Revolution, 54, 79–80, 83– 86, 88, 109, 138 animal laborans, 68, 70–71, 75 animal rationale, 68, 141 animism, 243–47 anti-Semitism, 19, 23, 36, 41, 151, 197; fight against, 204–5; lineage of books, 201–2; political parties’ use of, 31–32, 33, 36, 40; totalitarianism and, 30–31. See also Jews appearance, 222–26 Aquinas, Thomas, 156, 225, 235–36 Archimedean point of objectivity, 7–74, 60, 61, 63 Arendt, Hannah: awards and prizes, 119, 171; death of, 170, 220; English used in writing, 147; escapes to United States, 47–48; as lamp holder, 261–62; lectures, 106, 108, 114; scholarly mission, 2–3; as trial reporter, 90–91; university experience , 7–8; Works: “Auschwitz on Trial,” 180–81; Between Past and Future: Eight Exercises in Political Thought, 3, 47–61; “Collective Responsibility ,” 177; Crises of the Republic , 132–45; “‘The Deputy’: Guilt by Silence?,” 179–80; Eichmann in Jerusalem (Arendt), 90–104, 172–73, 217–18; Essays in Understanding, 146–69; “Home to Roost,” 181; The Human Condition, 62–76, 258; “Ideology and Terror,” 30; The Jewish Writings, 197–219; Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy, 105–16; The Life of the Mind, 106, 107, 220– 41; Love and Saint Augustine, 6–16, 106; Men in Dark Times, 3, 117–31, 242; On Revolution, 3, 77–89; The Origins of Totalitarianism, 14, 29– 46, 183, 198; The Promise of Politics, 183–96; Rahel Varnhagen: The Life of a Jewess, 3, 17–28; “Reflections on Little Rock,” 179; Responsibility and Judgment, 170–82; “Some Questions of Moral Philosophy,” 174–77; “Thinking and Moral Considerations ,” 177–78 Aristotle, 34, 49–50, 53, 109, 168, 184; bios politicos, 65; freedom and politics equated, 192–93; friendship, understanding of, 166, 186; golden mean, 46 Arndt, Ernst Moritz, 38 Arnold, Matthew, 57 artificial light, 118, 124, 243–44, 249–50; deliberation and, 253–54; parvenu and, 17, 26, 27; resistance to, 130–31 attention, focus of, 103–4, 115, 123, 148, 251 Aufbau, 198, 208 Augustine, 6, 54, 55, 65, 124, 148–49; derivative self-love, 11–15, 16; existential quandary, 6, 8; God as alterity , 8–9; Will, view of, 233–35 Auschwitz, 180–81, 208 authority, 141, 144–45, 260; education and, 56–58; as external, 52, 54, 84, 194–95; loss of, 52–56, 82; of teacher, 56–57 autoethnographic inquiry, 15, 18 bad faith, 19, 251 Balfour Declaration, 208, 209, 211 banality, 4, 217–18. See also evil, banality of beauty, 110–11 Begin, Menachem, 216 Beiner, Ronald, 107 Being, 223, 228–29, 235–36, 238–39 Being and Time (Heidegger), 238 294 Index belonging, desire for, 17–18, 17–28, 165, 198, 218–19; banality of evil and, 91, 93; pariah’s stance, 120; resistance to, 91; as social disease, 18–26; totalitarianism and, 43. See also desire Benhabib, Seyla, 30, 258 Benjamin, Walter, 3, 126–27 Berlin salons, 20–21, 151–52 Berlo, David, 245 Bernadotte, Count, 215–16 Between Past and Future: Eight Exercises in Political Thought (Arendt), 3, 47–61; common life, the public, and truth, 59–60; dark side of freedom, 56–58; historical background , 48; loss of authority, 52–56; tradition as enemy of modernity, 49–52 Billy Budd (Melville), 81–82, 142 Biltmore Declaration, 211, 214 Black Book: The Nazi Crime against the Jewish People, 159 Boers, South Africa, 39 Bolainvilliers, Comte de, 38 Bolshevism, 40, 122, 165, 183 Bolshevism: An Introduction to Soviet Communism (Gurian), 165 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 27, 48 border situations, 158, 176, 194–95, 229 bourgeoisie, 37–38, 42, 142, 156, 202 Brecht, Bertolt, 118–19, 127–28 “Breviary of Hate: The Third Reich and the Jews” (Poliakov), 217 bridge metaphor, 249–50 Britain, 205, 209–10, 214, 216 Broch, Hermann, 126, 157 Brocke, Edna, 197, 198 Brown, Charles T., 181 Buber, Martin, 102, 201, 202, 252 bureaucracy, 39, 41, 44–45, 143 Burke, Edmund, 39, 41, 151 Burke, Kenneth, 63, 184 Camus, Albert, 5 Candide (Voltaire), 77 capitalism, 37–38, 122, 149 care, 238 careerism, 91, 93–94, 98–101, 162, 211; in Kafka, 152–53; in socialist movement , 122 caritas, 9–11 Castle, The (Kafka), 152–53 categorical imperative, 58, 114, 174 Catholic Church, 36–37, 66, 156, 168, 179–80 Cato, 205 causality, 161 chance, 188...
