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47 WA L K I N G S T I C K Take all away from me, but leave me Ecstasy. emily dickinson If you make a gift of your walking stick — make it a thick pine branch, stripped of the bark— the one that has accompanied you on many hikes. Let it be the one that has secured your steps on Toby, Grace, and Lafayette. Brush the wood with layers of polyurethane, cincture the top with a sash of wound leather strips, tied in a bow knot; then insert hawk feathers to billow above the woven cords. En prana it to guide her on a trail in the wild. By your making it a gift, bless her as she walks wherever she walks, so that she may remember: she is one with everything— that she is safe whenever she walks. It is imperfectly fashioned, unlike your Ecstasy, but it is designed to remind her of that. ...
