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Melvilliana . Moby Dick I, Ishmael, hunted him, but now no more. My soul was caught, although he ran before. . Bartleby the Scrivener “I prefer not to.” His gentle preference endures, In some of us as bitter indignation, In some as willfulness or whim, Or new philosophy. History’s strict demand ensures Survival only of the strict creation: Our anger’s cause exposed in him, Our longing not to be. . Benito Cereno Knowledge of evil was his only good; His evil, or whose, he never understood.  You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. . The Confidence Man The tongue that carries malice from the heart May hint plain truth, but hint it with such art Its victim hears it as ironic jest. So parodies of truth hide truth the best. . Billy Budd Though slander struck him when he knew no guilt, His anger made the slander true. Vere saw His certain death, knowing his certain guilt, And could not love, though Billy did, the law.  You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. ...
