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KimE — University of Nebraska Press / Page 1 / DEC . 14 . 2005 / Fascism and Democracy in the Human Mind / Charny 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 [First Page] [1], (1) Lines: 0 to 47 ——— 1.45251pt PgVar ——— Normal Page PgEnds: TEX [1], (1) Introduction A New Bridge between Mind and Society An Introductory Description of Fascism and Democracy in the Human Mind Many years ago I decided in my role as a psychologist and psychotherapist that I would try to contribute my understanding of how our human mind works to the vital study of the Holocaust and genocide; that is, to see what psychology can contribute to our understanding of how everyday, ostensibly ordinary human beings turn into the rotten destroyers that many of us become. Now, after many years also as a genocide scholar, I am returning to my ongoing home field of psychology in the hope of contributing new understanding about the workings of the human mind based on what I have learned about our species from the study of genocide. The larger theoretical frame and goal of this work is to explore the building of a new bridge in social science theory between concepts of collective structure and functioning in society and a theoretical model of the functioning of the individual mind. Over the years I have come to the conclusion that our human mind, brilliant as it is, is so poorly evolved – such an early “software” version from the“manufacturer”– that it is basically organized around what I am calling a software program of paradigms of fascist thinking. Or,continuing in modern computer talk, that the “default” with which we go into the world – until some of us learn better and upgrade our software – causes us to think along the lines of a fascistlike absolutism: certainty, suppression of contrary information, and the exercise of violence toward those who differ or disagree with us, and even toward those parts of our own selves that do not conform to the rules we have made for ourselves. KimE — University of Nebraska Press / Page 2 / DEC . 14 . 2005 / Fascism and Democracy in the Human Mind / Charny introduction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 [2], (2) Lines: 47 to 64 ——— 12.5pt PgVar ——— Normal Page PgEnds: TEX [2], (2) In this book we are looking at two major ways of organizing our minds. I call the one a paradigm of a fascist mind and the other a paradigm of a democratic mind. Each of these ways of organizing our minds may be said to contain a large number of software programs for different areas of experience characterized by guiding principles we characterize as fascist characteristics of mind versus democratic characteristics of mind. What Does the Study of Genocide Teach Us about Fascism and Democracy in the Human Mind? I propose that the paradigms of fascist mind and democratic mind are not only political constructions but that the same kinds of psychological organizational structures that characterize fascism or totalitarianism in society – which lead to grave suffering, a breakdown of a decent society, and finally to widespread destruction of human life – are also at work in the construction of psychological or mental and relationship disorders of doing harm to oneself and disorders of doing harm to others. Here too fascist-type thinking leads to grave suffering, breakdowns of the normal organizational ego of individuals and their relationship systems, and to a shutting off of the opportunities for life. Just as democratic organization is the only hope-alternative to fascism in society, so too the workings of “democracy in the mind” present the healthy alternative for individuals managing their minds and their intimate relationships in mentally healthy ways. Fascist programs tell you what to do with certainty, without questioning or alternative frames of reference; they punish you for not obeying; they instill in you a sense of superiority toward all those you consider inferior because they don’t know or observe the one and only correct way to do things. They open the door to violence and then to denials of the very violence they have you wreak on anyone who doesn’t obey, including yourself. fascist mind...
