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to defend Hungary, not Austria. How did we get involved in this?” I think I must have heard incorrectly. “Did you learn this in Hungary recently? “Aren’t our troops stationed on the Western Front, at Verdun, in Albania, in Syria . . . and you want to defend Hungary only at its borders? Don’t you think the Austrian troops also defend Hungary in Galicia and Italy? “If that is the new attitude in Hungary—then good night.” But the Hungarians show absolutely no understanding of what I mean. Disgusted, I roll over in the straw. I have become aware of something terribly sad. The old monarchy is visibly crumbling. Who can prevent it? Various Czech units desert, Hungary does not dream only of her independence, but there must be sinister agents who want to sabotage the war. There are rumors of passive resistance in the ammunition factories. In Carniola, in Bosnia , and in Herzegovina, political committees have supposedly been formed. Fresh air can be found only on the Front and at sea. Thirty-Four.Bravo,Bim! I go via Pola intentionally because I have business to do on the flagship Viribus Unitis. I want to look up my old friend, the admiral’s aide. “Hello there, Bim! What’s happening here in the fleet? Lots to write about?” “Terrible!” He throws his hands up in the air and makes a dreary face. “By the way, you are up for another decoration!” “Aha! That is exactly why I have come here. But not for myself . At this point I have made three trips to the Mediterranean and my men have not even been considered. My boat has not received one award for gallantry. And I am given one decoration after another—I feel embarrassed in front of my men.” BRAVO,BIM! 153 “Yes, yes, calm down, it’s coming soon; they have all been recommended long ago.” “No, I want to have this now! The U-boats do the dirtiest work and honestly deserve their medals. The men are beginning to try to transfer to the air corps because over there they are treated better.” “But it’s coming! I tell you—the dispatch must already be underway !” “Good! Then I will go and wait until the decorations arrive. Until then, I will not put out to sea. So hurry up! By the way, we remain friends.” I have the chance to travel on a steamer to the Bocche. During the day the route goes between the islands because here fewer enemy boats are expected. The stretches toward the open sea are navigated overnight. Even here the darkness is perceived as protection from U-boats! In the course of time the enemy has already sunk a few steamers on this stretch. Once even a hospital ship. But this life-giving transport for fleet and army was never interrupted along the home coast all the way to Durazzo. There the Austro-Hungarian fleet held naval supremacy. To the end! For me as a U-boat man this steamer trip is of great interest. I see the other side of economic warfare and help diligently to look out for periscopes. When I arrive at Gjenović, I find my boat all ready to sail; but I find something else and am frankly astonished: a telegram that announces decorations for my men. Bim is a fine fellow, on whom you can depend! So prompt— bravo! “Tonight we put out to sea!” 154 BRAVO,BIM! ...
