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Index Accampo, Elinor, 21 acquittals: controversy over, 178; controversy over rates of, 183–85; for crimes of passion, 1–2, 10–11, 156, 161–62; gender and, 184– 85; increase in rates of, 156–58; for infidelity , 38–39; jurors and, 175–79; of Koenig, 171, 180, 182; of Maxant, 5, 17; of Merle, 19; of Perrin, 48; as protests against legal structure, 176–77 actes d'accusation (official indictments), 8, 173–74 Adler, Laure, 21, 79–80 admissions of guilt, 5, 7 alcohol: drinking of, 90–91; food resources traded for, 76–77, 131; role of, in crimes, 164–65, 194–95 Allwood, Gill, 210 Ancel, Alphonsine, 62, 136 appearances, concern for, 84, 147 archives, judicial, 6, 9–10 assize court (cour d'assises): archives of, 6–7; cases, 9; described, 172–74; presentation of evidence in, 178–79; retributive justice and, 182–83. See also defendants; jurors; witnesses attitudes toward violence, 182–83, 184–85. See also retributive justice Aubry, Paul, 191, 192 awls, as weapons, 135 Badault, François, 62, 204 Badran, Louis, 25, 37, 53, 77, 87, 144 Balade, Charles, 99, 149 Barbier, Louis, 195 Barbier, Zoé, 88, 107 Barbot, Louis, 149, 239–40n54 Barthélemy, Annette, 97, 101 Béal, Célestine, 52, 98 Bérard des Glajeax, Anatole, 193 Berlanstein, Lenard, 24, 58, 59 Bernheim, Hippolyte, 190 Bernou, Jean-Baptiste, 50, 96–97, 118–19, 135 Berriat de Saint-Prix, Charles, 177 Béziade, Henri, 18–20, 150 Bière, Marie, 34, 209 Billoir, Sébastien-Joseph, 188–90 Biver, Marie, 106 Biver, Pierre, 82, 125, 151 blades, as weapons, 135 Blanc, Louis, 129 Bonjour, Esther, 64, 68, 112 Bonnefoy, Jeanne, 200, 205–6 Bougon, André, 166 Bourdeaux, Mathilde, 60, 63–64, 125 Bourdieu, Pierre: on discursive strategies, 14; and “feel for the game,” 158, 214; on practice theory, 11–13; on social capital, 94; on symbolic capital, 56 bourgeois class: code of honor of, 146–48; family involvement and, 104–6; jurors from, 165–67; toleration of violence and, 144–46; wage labor and, 59 bourgeois habits: notion of couple and, 21; sexuality, 21–22; trickle-down theory of, 16, 213 Brossier, Philiberte, 61–62, 142 Brunette, Cécile, 47 business interests: domestic disputes and, 61– 62; honor and, 152; marriage and, 29–32 262 Index cafés and cabarets, 40, 75, 90–91, 189 Catelier, Alphonse, 53, 101, 110, 143, 238n32 Catherine, Augustine, 40, 82, 112, 141 Catherine, Pierre, 40, 82, 112 Ces Bonnes lettres, 201–2 Chalandre, Alexine, 136 Charcot, Jean-Martin, 190 Charle, Christophe, 60 Charmeil, M., 176–77 Charrier, Antoine and Marie, 79, 83 Chauvaud, Frédéric, 15 children: dissolution of unions and, 102–3; illegitimate, 30, 70; parenting of, 70–74 civil code: article 213, 32–33; article 1536, 29; reforms to, 210–11. See also penal code civil court processes, 171 Clément, François, 40, 62–63, 97 clothing, 38, 82–85 Code Pénal. See penal code commissaires de police (police captains), 159, 167, 168–70 community-based justice. See retributive justice concierges: intervention in disputes by, 31; testimony of, 3, 4, 40, 119–21, 180, 189 concubinage: definition of, 8, 24; reform to law regarding, 210–11; as trial period before marriage, 25 consumption of household goods, 74–76 control, loss of, 195–96 Corre, Armand, 192 correctional courts, 239n51, 240n55 corsets, 83 Cotard, Ernest, 71–72, 143, 171 Cotard, Marie, 71–72, 135 couple: bourgeois notion of, 21; eroticization of, 22–23, 55, 216; formation of, 24–32. See also domestic partners Courtois, Hélie, 192–93 Courtois, Jules, 26–27, 70–71 courtship: family involvement in, 28–29, 180; sexual relations and, 19–20 coworkers, as witnesses, 64–65 crime: definition of, 159–60; magnitude of, and punishment for, 176–77; medicalization of, 10–11, 164–65; against property, 156. See also acquittals; crimes of passion Crime de Femme (Decourcelle), 186–87 crimes of passion: acquittals for, 1–2, 10–11, 156, 161–62; alcohol and, 164–65, 194–95; definition of, 1; discourses on, 13–14, 213; honor defense in, 146–47; love and, 49–50, 54–55; madness and, 164–65, 198–99; popular press and, 161–62, 186–88, 198–99; retributive justice and, 183; stories of, 162–63 Croissant, Marie, 27, 113, 151, 152 Dabon, Charles, 64, 77, 81–82, 86, 135 Damotte, Henriette, 46, 84, 89, 100, 197 Daouze, Marie, 45, 122, 141 Daphne Initiative, 211 death sentence, and murder, 175...
