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Index Pages in italics indicate figures and tables. ABM Treaty. See Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty Abrams, Dominic, 84–85 Adler, Emanuel, 215 agency: in identity formation, 9, 13–16, 20–21; microfoundations for, 21, 215; self-definition and, 24–26 Aksiuchits, Viktor, 70, 71 Albert, Stuart, 26 Albright, Madeleine, 180 Ambartsumov, Evgenii, 67, 257n102 Anpilov, Viktor, 69 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, 177, 180, 182–83, 185–86, 193–98, 200, 202 appropriateness, logic of, 37, 233n5 Arbatov, Aleksei: criticism by, 130; democratic developmentalism and, 63; on liberal internationalism, 125; on national idea, 140; on nuclear parity, 192–93; on Primakov, 129; on security interests, 155 arms control. See nuclear arms control aspirational constructivism: areas for future research, 211–12; argument of, 10–12; contribution of, to understanding national interests, 212–20; core expectations of, 50–52, 75–76; identity formation and, 8–14; national interests and, 7–8, 21; overview of, 3–4, 203–5; policy implications of, 220–23; questions asked by, 22–23 aspirations: conflicting, 57–59; logic of, 21, 52, 213–14 aspirations, historical: constraints on, 160–66; great power status as, 55–56, 56; identity and, 38–40; national selfimage and, 54–60; security interests and, 155–60 assimilation, 83, 87–89, 114–15. See also social mobility strategy Baburin, Sergei, 69, 189 Bandura, Albert, 14 Baranovskii, Vladimir, 158 Barkashov, Aleksandr, 68 behavioral orientations, 3, 16, 47–51, 76, 78–86 Belarus, 181 Belovezhsky Accords, 18 Blanz, Mathias, 84–85 Bogaturov, Alexei, 67 Bolsheviks, 48 Bondarev, Iurii, 69 Bosnian war, 157–58, 188–89 Brewer, Marilynn, 49, 78 Burbulis, Gennadii, 64, 109 Burke, Peter J., 26, 30 Bush, George H. W., 179, 193–94 Bush, George W., 135, 181–82 candidate national identity. See national self-image case study, Russia as, 1, 17–20 309 Chechnya, 135–36 Chekhoev, Anatolii, 173 Chernomyrdin, Viktor, 66, 126, 257n102 China, 81–82 Christopher, Warren, 159 Chubais, Anatolii, 64, 109, 119, 124 Chubais, Igor, 258n121, 261n173 Churkin, Vitalii, 157–58, 164, 251n13 CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), as ingroup, 121 Civic Union party, 123, 126, 257n104 Clinton, Bill, administration of, 180, 195 Cold War: end of, as opportunity, 18; Europe after, 145; great power status and, 244n17; nuclear weapons and, 176; perception of political space or social time after, 216; talk of new, 134 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), as ingroup, 121 Communist Party of the Russian Federation , 68, 187, 247n63 competition strategy. See social competition strategy confrontation strategy, 95, 137–40, 221 consequences, logic of, 19, 37, 217–19, 233n5 constitutional crisis, 117–18 constructivism: contributions of aspirational constructivism to, 213–17; development of, xi; formation of national interests and, 5–8; problems with, 8–9, 22; as situational explanation , 6–7. See also aspirational constructivism ; structural constructivism cooperation: competition within, as foreign policy, 95–98, 105, 128, 143–44, 160–62; definition of Russia’s identity and, 2; with NATO, 163–64, 175; with U.S. on missile defense, 200–201; with West, 93–95, 149, 152, 155–57 correspondence tests of legitimacy: definition of, 10–12, 37, 102; history tests, 40–41, 102, 108–16, 125–27; as institutional selection mechanism, 215–16; as legitimation process, 33; meaning and, 37–38; national self, foreign others, and, 43–45; process of, 38, 39, 44–45; strategic nuclear arms control and, 183–89. See also aspirations, historical ; efficacy-testing; history tests Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, 120, 166–67, 253n38 creativity strategy. See social creativity strategy critical junctures, 17–20 cross-cutting group memberships, 49–50, 78, 95–96. See also ingroups; outgroups culture of anarchy, 18–19, 28 currency crisis, 124 democratic developmentalism: assimilation strategy and, 88–89; overview of, 61, 63; West as ingroup for, 94–95 deterrence, minimal, 190. See also mutually assured destruction (MAD) distinctiveness. See positive distinctiveness ; self-esteem, collective Dvorkin, Vladimir, 197, 201 Eckstein, Harold, 17, 225 efficacy-testing: confrontation over European security and, 160–62; description of, 15, 103–4; of liberal internationalism, 116–25; limitation of confrontation with West and, 137– 40; process of, 41–43; Putin and, 170; social creativity strategy, 131, 139. See also correspondence tests of legitimacy ; history tests Emerson, Rupert, 27 Eurasian statism: aspirations and, 58; assertion of great power status as lowest common denominator in, 108, 128, 142–43, 161; critique of Yeltsin by, 157; description of, 64–65, 66–67; legitimacy testing of, 103–4; partial ingroups and, 96; social creativity strategy and, 86, 90; Stankevich and, 112 Europe, after end of...
