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Abbas (shah of Persia), 45, 139n. 83 Abdallah (son of al-Shaykh), 30 Abu Faris, 29–30, 31, 35 Abu Hassan al-Wattasi (sultan of Morocco), 33, 34 Abu l-Lif, 31 Abu Sa’id, Abd al-Haqq ibn, 21, 24 Adibe, Jacob, 34 Aerssens, Cornelis, 84, 98 Aguer, Abraham. See Robles, Juan Ahmed (Ottoman sultan), 149n. 103 Aier port project, 107–9 Alcazarseguer, 43 Alfarim, Abram, 120 Ali ben Mussa, Sidi, 121–22, 123 Almosnino, Isaac, 13, 45–49 Alqasim, Isacar ben Isaac. See Espíritu Santo, Francisco del Al-Qasr al-kabir, battle of, 23, 33; prisoners from, 25–26, 29 Amsterdam: moriscos in, 59; Pallache descendants in, 127; Samuel Pallache in, 1–2, 54–56, 140n. 2 Amsterdam Jewish community, 3, 53, 56–59, 143n. 51; Samuel Pallache’s place in, 1–2, 63–64, 71, 129; religious life in, 58, 126, 141n. 21 al-Andalusi, Ahmad ben Qasim. See alHajari Antwerp, 56–57, 65 Aragon, 9 Arbeláez, Juan de, 11 arms trade: Dutch-Moroccan, Pallaches in, 55, 72, 73, 74, 76, 102, 114; Jews/conversos in, 43–44, 138n. 40 arrest, of Samuel Pallache, 89–90 Arzila, 23, 40 al-Ayyashi, Muhammad, 38 Azemmour, 23, 34 Azevedo, Melchor (Belchior) Vaz de, 42–44, 131 Barbary Jews. See Moroccan Jews Barreto, Luis, 13 Barrios, Miguel de (Daniel Levi de Barrios), 1–4, 140n. 2 Bashir, Hammu ben, 56, 71, 78 Bautista de Zayas, Juan, 38 Bautista Ramírez, Juan, 17–18 Ben Cheloha, Israel (Shaykh Israel), 102, 103 Benninck, Willem, 54 Benterny, Nathan (Natán Benterni; Ulet Natán), 36–37, 138–39n. 61 Bento, Antonio, 89, 95 Ben Zamirro, Abraham, 33 Ben Zamirro, David, 34 Ben Zamirro, Isaac, 34 Ben Zamirro, Moysen (Moisén Ben index Zamerro; Pablo de Santa María), 34, 48, 139–40n. 84 Ben Zamirro, Salomón (Ben Zamerro; Manoel de Noronha), 33–34, 42, 43, 48 Ben Zamirro, Yehuda, 34 Ben Zamirro (Ben Zamerro) family, 33–34 Bernáldez, Andrés, 22 Beth Jacob (Amsterdam), 58 Biscaino, Ahmed Elhaitia. See alMaruni , Ahmad ben Abdallah alHayti Biscaino, Yussef, 51, 112–13 Bonaventura (ship), 84, 95 Bourbon, Antoine de (king of Navarre), 43 Bouwens, Dominicus, 88 Brief Indulgence of 1603, 41 Bueno de Mesquita, Jacob, 126 Bueno de Mezquita, Abraham David, 126 Burckhardt, Jakob, 131 Camondos (Camodos), Jacob, 48 Camondos (Camodos), Salomón, 48 Canary Islands, 51 Cansino, Hayim, 35 Cansino, Isaac, 35 Cansino, Jacob, 35 Cansino family, 13, 35, 126 Carmona, 30 Caron, Noel de, ix, 90, 91, 92, 93–94 Castelane, Jean Philippe de, 79–80, 81, 144–45n. 102 , 145n. 112 Castel Rodrigo, marquis de, 4–5 Ceuta, 4, 6, 7, 60, 140n. 92 Chamberlain, John, 90 Charles I (king of England), 75, 119 Christianity: Jewish animosity toward, 22–23; in Pallaches’ time, vii, viii. See also conversion Cidan, Muley. See Zaydan, Muley Clénard, Nicolas, 26–27 Cleysen, Cornelius, 85 Cohen, Benjamin, 35, 38 Cohen, Eva, 124–25 Cohen (Coén), Joseph, 38, 55, 69 conversion: Amsterdam Jews’ memory of, 3; of Jews to Islam, in Moroccan civil war, 31, 32; of Muslims resettling in Spain, 38–39, 139n. 67; of Isaac Pallache, x, 121; “planned,” of Pallache family members, 10, 62; of Portuguese Jews, 40; requests for, by Jews resettling in Spain, 38, 39, 135n. 40, 136n. 65; as survival strategy , xxii conversos (converted Jews), ix; in Amsterdam , 56–59, 64; denunciations of, 60–61, 64–66, 70, 141–42n. 34; from Fez, tried by Inquisition, 14–18, 19– 20; in French trade, 53–54; in garrison towns, 23, 40–41, 136n. 8; “judaizing ” among, 5, 16, 18–19; of Málaga, 19; Pallache family and, 64, 66, 71; return to Judaism, 3, 27, 40, 58, 136n. 8. See also Portuguese Jews/conversos Córdoba, Cabrera de, 73 corsairs. See privateering “court Jews,” 130 Coutinho, Gonzalo, 104 Coy (Dutch agent), 35 Craven, William, 91, 92 Cruz, Bernardo da, 26 crypto-Jews. See conversos de Castries, Henry, 73 de Castro, Pedro, 16 de Galigaï, Leonora, 118 de Jaubert, Émery (count de Barrault), 8–9, 10 de Jonge, Carel, 73, 141n. 14 denunciation, of converted Jews, 60; Duarte Fernandes case, 141–42n. 34; by Paulo Garces, 70; by Isaac Pallache , 64–66; of Isaac Pallache, 123, 124; by Joshua Pallache, 60–61 Descartes (French ambassador), 61–63 dhimma statute, 22 diplomacy, by Jews, 32–38, 130 dissimulation, xx, 131–32 Dodar, Side Abdallah, 51 “dogmatizing tutors,” 18–19 Domínguez, Martín, 7 Dotar, 59 166 index [3.135...
