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227 Page numbers followed by letter f indicate figures. Index actor-network perspective, 7n15 Adam (biblical character): dying, legends of, 20n48, 21; Hildegard on, 60–61, 71 Adam of Dryburgh, 36, 171–72 Adelidis (abbess of Barking), 32–33 Advent, liturgy of, 14 Aelred of Rievaulx, 15, 36, 117 affective devotion: Bonaventure and, 123–24, 125; Franciscans and, 160; women and, 7–8, 69, 70, 115, 117 Agnes of Prague, 92, 101, 101n36; Clare of Assisi’s letters to, 93, 96–97, 100–111, 118; monastery of, Gregory IX and, 102–3, 105 agricultural labor: monastic ideal of, 15, 16, 25, 37–40; vs. women’s labor, 34n42 Alan of Lille, 4, 42, 66–67 Alberzoni, Maria Pia, 91 Alexander IV, Pope, 118 Alheit of Trochau, 3, 10, 156–58 allegorical reading: Hildegard’s liturgies and, 62, 64; Speculum virginum and, 43, 47 Amadeus of Lausanne, 14 Ambroise of Milan, 20 Amorbach, Jean, 166 analogical reading, Speculum virginum’s instruction in, 48, 52, 53 Andernach, abbey at, 29, 55 Angelo Clareno, 139, 154 Anselm of Canterbury, 13–14, 15, 69 architecture, Carthusian, 163, 190–95, 191f, 192f Arnald of Sarrant, 149–50, 150n43 art: Bonaventure’s Lignum vitae and, 112–14, 113f, 115, 125, 145, 147; Carthusian, wilderness images in, 166–70, 167f, 169f, 170f; created world as work of, Carthusians on, 181 Assisi: Basilica of Saint Francis in, 135n17, 143–44, 147. See also Clare of Assisi; Francis of Assisi Augustine, St., 13, 17 Augustinian communities: manuscripts of Speculum virginum in, 29; women in, 26, 27 Baert, Barbara, 20 Barking, Benedictine house of, 32–33 Bartholomew of Pisa, Book of Conformities, 149, 150–53, 151f Bartlett, Robert, 178n48 Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi, 135n17, 143–44, 147 Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Bergamo, 114n49 Benedictines: Clare of Assisi and, 94–95; monastic reform and, 26, 27, 56; women’s communities of, 26, 33 Benedict XI, Pope, 141 Bergamo, Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in, 114n49 Bernard of Clairvaux, 14, 15, 52, 69, 70; admonitions against use of images, 36; on natural world, 39, 175; reading of Song of Songs by, 97, 98 Bernard of Silvestris, 4, 66 Bernards, Matthäus, 48n74 body: in doctrine of re-creation, 9; and female religious experience, 7–8, 54; of Francis of Assisi, 133, 134–36; God’s, in images of natural world, 22; incarnation resonating in, 70. See also body of Christ; body of Mary; body of virgin(s) body of Christ: in affective devotion, 8, 9; Bonaventure on,121,124; Clare of Assisi on, 103–4,110,118;efforts to visualize in images of natural world, 22; in Eucharist, 13; Francis of Assisi’s incarnation in,125,126, 133,143–44,151;in Hildegard’s liturgies, 64,68,73;Lignum vitae paintings depicting, 113f, 114,147;Marguerite d’Oingt on, 161,162;trees identified with,20,68,121, 154,158,201;Ubertino on,142,144,157 228 INDEX body of Mary: Clare of Assisi on, 104; in doctrine of re-creation, 10, 14, 43; as garden , 42, 71–72, 74; Hildegard on, 71–72, 75, 76, 104; natural images associated with, 14–15; Speculum virginum on, 42, 43; veneration of, 15 body of virgin(s): Clare of Assisi on, 96; as emblem of re-creation, 195; image of God in, 40, 41, 54, 73; as paradise garden, 33–34, 44–46; Speculum virginum on, 31–34, 40, 41, 42, 44–47, 51, 53–54, 89; wilderness compared to, 42 Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, 118–19; Angelo Clareno on, 154; Clare of Assisi and, 115, 116–17, 117n60, 118, 120, 122, 125; influence of, 127, 137, 141, 150; Legenda maior, 128, 130, 131, 132–33, 135n18, 137, 139; Lignum vitae, 23, 91, 93, 115, 118, 119–25, 137; on mental images, 115–16, 120; paintings based on, 112–14, 113f, 115, 125, 145, 147; philosophy of imagination, 133; tree images used by, 115, 116, 118, 119–21, 124, 137, 153, 155, 197 Boniface VIII, Pope, 141 book: of nature, 17; in tree of Jesse image, 49–50 Book of Conformities (Bartholomew of Pisa), 149, 150–53, 151f Bouchard, Constance, 96n16 Bruno of Cologne, 16, 36, 38, 164–66, 172, 188 Bruno cycle, 166–69, 167f, 169f Butler, Judith, 31n34 Bynum, Caroline, 3, 7, 8n21, 156n55 Cames, Gérard, 82 Carruthers, Mary, 10, 34 Carthusians: cell gardens of, 162, 184, 188, 190–95, 191f, 192f; cloister architecture of, 163, 190–95, 191f, 192f; and doctrine of speculation, 175–79, 181, 195, 197...
