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293  Index abyss Barth on, 224 Buber on, 252 Gogarten on, 213 Heidegger on, 175, 202 Kant on, 75, 269 Luther on, 40 Schelling on, 39n25, 129–31, 133 Adam, Karl, 215 Adams, Robert Merrihew, 125n11 Adorno, Theodor, 13, 22, 116, 260 aesthetics Feuerbach and, 145n34 Kanton, 8 6–87, 122–23 The Ages of the World (Schelling, 1815), 129 alienation, Hegel on culture of, 109–10 Allison, Henry E., 137n27 Also sprach Zarathustra (This Spake Zarathustra, Nietzsche,1883–85),170,171,173 Anselm of Canterbury, 45, 47, 49–50, 54, 60, 61, 110, 111, 112, 115 anti-Hegelians, mid-nineteenth century, 120–51,1 75. See also Feuerbach, Ludwig; Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph; Schleiermacher, Friedrich; Schopenhauer, Arthur Der Antichrist (Nietzsche, 1888), 154 Apologie oder Schutzschrift für die vernünftigen Verehrer Gottes (Apology for Rational Worshippers of God, Reimarus, 1769/1972), 81 Arendt, Hannah, 199, 228, 234n36 Aristotle, 4, 25, 46, 48, 56, 59–60, 178, 186 Arminians, 46 Arnauld, Antoine, 45–46, 55, 62 Art of Love (Ovid), 164n12 Asad, Talal, 13, 20, 273 Aschkenasi, Isaak Luria, 249 atheism Buber on, 252 Feuerbach on, 120 Heidegger and, 182–83, 203n32, 204 Kant grounding of religion in morality by, 68–70 on impossibility of proving nonexistence of God, 73n4 traditional proofs of existence of God, attacks on, 79 of Marx, 149 Nietzsche on, 154, 190 Rosenzweig on atheistic theology, 240, 242, 243–44 Schelling and Schleiermacher suspected of, 122 scientific rationality and charges of, 46 atheism/theism debate. See dialogue of faith and reason “Atheistische Theologie” (Rosenzweig, 1914), 240 Augsburg, Treaty of, 55 Augustine of Hippo Barth’s theological project compared to,215 Bultmann and, 234 free will, debate between Luther and Erasmus on, 37, 38, 43, 46 Heidegger and, 186, 192n17 Kant and, 82 Ovid compared, 164n12 Ba‘al Shem Tov or Bescht (Israel ben Eliezer), 250 Bacon, Francis, 35, 58, 63, 142 Badiou, Alain, 25n4, 224n24, 266–67, 268 Bahrdt, Karl Friedrich, 70n1 Balibar, Étienne, 271–73 Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 217n15 Bambach, Charles, 177n3 Barth, Hans-Martin, vii, 46n2, 53n10, 66n24, 76n10 Barth, Karl, 215–27 on abyss, 224 294 INDEX Barth, Karl (continued) Benedict XVI and, 266 biographical information, 215–16 Bultmann and, 205, 222n23, 227, 229n31, 230n32, 233 consequences of theology of, 225–27 on death-of-God theology, 217n16, 224 Gnosticism of, 219, 266 Gogarten and, 213–10, 214, 216, 217, 226n27 Hegel and, 102, 216 Heidegger and, 188–89, 200, 209n4, 222 Kant and, 218, 226 key features of theology of, 218–24 Luther and, 215, 221 National Socialism, rejection of, 213n10, 215–16, 222n23, 226–27 on Nietzsche, 216, 217 Paul, centrality of, 25n4 on post-WWI German theology, 216–17, 225–26 Rosenzweig and, 223, 225n25, 237–41, 242n4,2 45–49 on Schleiermacher, 126, 128, 216, 218n17, 219, 220n19 Baumgarten, Alexander, 74n6, 76n9 Bayle, Pierre, 58, 142 Bedürfnis (need) der Religion, Hegel on, 95, 99, 101, 109, 110, 118 Beets, M. G. J., 5n12 Being, Heidegger on history of. See “ history of Being,” Heidegger on Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis) (Contributions to Philosophy [On the Event], Heidegger, 1938), 194, 198–200, 203–4 “Die Bekenntnis der Kirche” (“The Confession of the Church,” Gogarten, 1934), 214 Benedict XVI (formerly Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger) Barth and, 266 on de-hellenization, 213n9, 259, 262–65, 268–69, 271 dialectic within Christianity and, 265–70 Habermas and, 260, 261, 264, 270–73 Hegel and, 260–61, 263, 264, 265, 266, 269, 273 Heidegger and, 260, 262, 269 on Hellenistic influence on Judaism, 259, 260–62 Iraq War, opposition to, 262 on Islam, 259, 262–63, 265, 268 John’s Gospel, centrality of, 25n4 logos, Western concept of, 259, 260–62, 263–64, 265, 268–70, 272–74 on otherness of God, 2424n4 philosophy and religion, essential complementarity of, 3 political conclusions regarding contemporary Europe, 259, 270–74 on Schleiermacher, 123 Benjamin, Walter, 141n36 Berger, Peter, 12n21 Bescht or Ba‘al Shem Tov (Israel ben Eliezer), 250 Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche, 1886), 152, 159, 163, 170–71, 172 biblical exegesis in dialectical theology, 225, 230n33, 233–34 implications of debate between Luther and Erasmus for, 26–30 Jewish “new thinking” on, 225n25, 238, 256–57 Lessing’s historical critique of Bible, 81–82 Spinoza on, 52–53 Birth of Tragedy (Nietzsche, 1872), 172n15 Bloch, Ernst, 22 Blond, Philip, viiin2, 5 Blumenberg, Hans, 12n21 Bramhall, Bishop, 44n31 Brunner, Emil, 239 Bruno, Giordano, 48 Buber, Martin, 249–57 on abyss, 252 on atheism, 252...
