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126 ʯʢʲʸ 1 ʨʢʩʥʥʲʢ ʯʲʮʥʬʡ ʪʩʦ ʯʡˌʤ ʯʢʲʸ ʭʲʰʸʲʡʬʩʦ ʯʩʠ , ʨʢʩʥʥʸˋ˦ ʯʥʠ ʨʹʩʥʸˋʡ ʪʩʦ ʨ˦ʥʣ ʭʲʰʲʢʩʩʠ ʨʩʮ , ʯʢʩʥʡʲʢ ʭˋʦʢʰˋʬ ʪʩʦ ʯʢʲʸ ʯʥ˦ ʸʲʢʰʩ˦ ʲʣʰʲʹʨʹˋʬ ʯʥʠ ʲʢʰˋʬ ʸʲʨʰʥʠ . ʨʷʥʡʲʢ ʪʩʦ ʣʸʲ ʸʲʣ ʥʶ ʯʡˌʤ ʯʦˌʸʢ . ʲʶ ʸʲʮʩʩʡ ʪʩʦ ʯʡˌʤ ʯʢʲʸ ʭʲʰʸʲʡʬʩʦ ʯʩʠ ʨʩʬʡ ʨʩʬʡ ʸʲʣʲʥʥʨʲʩ ʳʩʥʠ ʯʬˋ˝ˌ ʲʫʩʩʬʡ ʨʩʮ , ʯʲʮˋʨʹ ʲʷʩʨ˦ʥʬ ʯʥʠ ʯʲʰʩʥʸʷ ʲʷʩʨ˦ʥʬ ʨʩʮ , ʲʨ˦ʥʹʩ˗ʸˋ˦ ʩʥʥ , ʲʰʸʲʡʬʩʦ , ʯʲʰˋʨʰˌ˦ ʲʷʰˋʬʹ , ʣʩʬ ʯʲʢʰʥʦʲʢ ʯʸʲʸʨ ʪʸʥʣ ʯʥʠ ʯʲʢʰ˒ʥʥʹʲʢ ʪʩʥʤ ˋ ʩʥʥ . 2 ʨʲʬˌʩʥʥ ʦʩʠ ʢˌʨ ʸʲʣ . ʢ ʪʩʦ ʯʲʩʬˋʥʥʫ ʱʰʷʬˌʥʥ ʩʥʥ ʯʱˋ , ʯʱˋ˝ ʲʹʩʢʰˋʬʹ ʯʩʠ ʨʱʩʬ˦ ʨʥʬʡ ʯʥʠ ʸʲ˝ʥʷ ʯʥʠ . ʬʣʩʩʮ ˋ ʯʥ˦ ʷˌʬ ʸʲʰʲʣʬˌʢ ʸʲʣ ʬ˝ʲʰ ʯʩʠ ʯ‫ʹٷ‬ʰʥʦ ʩʥʥ ʪʩʦ ʨʢʩʥʥʲʶ , ʯʢʲʷʨʰˋ ʸʲʨʫʩʦʲʢ ʯʲʮʩʥʥʹ ʱʲ ʯʥʠ ʬʣʩʩʠ ʹʩʬʸʲʨʱʩʥʠ ʯʥʠ ʨ‫ٷ‬ʥʥ , ʨʷʥʸʸˋ˦ ʪʩʦ ʯʥʠ . 1 2 127 RAIN 1 In silvery rain the flowers sway, lulled and cradled by their own fragrance, slowly, they bend under the long, caressing fingers of the rain. Grasses bow to the earth. In the silvery rain, trees burst into leaf, every blossom a pale opal, with airy crowns and cool trunks, like spellbound, silvery, slender fountains, like high-arcing song sung through tears. 2 The day is violet. The streets are like turbulent clouds, copper and blood flow in snakelike streams. The golden tresses of a young girl sway like sunshine in a mist, and faces approaching, gliding, distant, delicate, otherworldly, blurring themselves. 128 ʱ ' ʬʮʩʤ ʸʲʣ ʨʰ‫ٷ‬ʤ ʣʸʲ ʸʲʣ ʳʩʥʠ ˝ˌʸˋ ʦʩʠ , ʬʮʩʤ ʯʩʠ ʷʑ ʩʥʸ ʪʩʦ ʯʹʨʰʲʮ ʯʲʩʩʢ ʱʲ , ʷʑ ʩʥʸ , ʨʷʥʶʲʢʫʸʥʣ ʸʲʶ ʯʥ˦ . 129 The heavens fell to earth today, people are calmly strolling in the sky, calmly, trembling in sorrow. ...
