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120 ʨʫˋʰ ʸˋ˦ ˌ , ʬʮʩʤ ʯʥ˦ ʣʰˋʸ ʭʲʣ ‫ٷ‬ʡ ʸʲʰʨʸʲʢ ʲʷʩʣʰʲʮˋʬ˦ , ʯʱʩʸʩʠ ʲʨʬʨˋ˝ʲʶ , ʯˌʮ ʯʥʠ ʦʲʡ ʸʲʢʰʥʩ , ʯʥʠ ʬʷʰʥʨ ʲʸʲʥʥʹ - ʯʦʩʥʸ ʲʷʩʸʲʩʥʸʨ ʯʥʠ ʲʰʲʣʬˌʢ ʭʥʬʡ ʲʩʥʬʡ ʩʣ ʯʥʠ . ʩʥʸʢ ʯʱˋʢ ʯʥʠ - ʯʡʩʥʨ ʯʥ˦ ʬʢʩʬ˦ ʩʥʥ ˋʬʩʬ . ʬʮʩʸʣ ʯʥʠ ʭʥʬʧ ʨʱʩʬʹ ʯʫˋʦ ʯʥ˦ ʯʢʩʥʠ ʲ˦ʩʨ ʩʣ . ʯʦʩʥʸ ʲʷʩʸʲʩʥʸʨ ʯʥʠ ʲʬʲʷʰʥʨ ʯʸʲʥʥ ʯʹʨʰʲʮ ʯʥʠ , ʬʮʩʤ ʯʥ˦ ʯʨˌʹ ˋ ʨʸʲʥʥ ʣʸʲ ʩʣ ʯʥʠ . 121 EVENING Oh, flaming gardens at the edge of the sky, disheveled irises, young lilacs and poppies, and heavy, sad, darkly golden roses and blue blossoms. Violet-grey streets like the wings of doves. Deep-eyed objects locked in dream and drowsing. People become dark and sad roses, and the earth becomes a shadow of the heavens. ...
