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6 ʨʲʸʨʸˌ˝ ʠ . ʱʲʬʲʩʲʬ ' ʯ ʯʡʲʬ ʸʩʠ ʨʩʬʢʲʢʫʸʥʣ ʯʡˌʤ ʷʩʬʢʮʥʠ ʯʥʠ ʨˌ˝ʹ ʬ‫ٷ‬ʥʥ , ˝ˌʷ ʭʲʣ ʵʬˌʨʹ ʩʥʦˋ ʯʢˌʸʨʲʢ ʩʦ ʨˌʤ , ʥ ʱ ʩʥ ' ʯʡʩʥʤʸʲʣ ʬʥ˦ʹʩʰʮʩʩʤʲʢ ʨˌʢ ʩʦ ʨʬˌʥʥ . ʦʩʥʤ ʯʸʲʬ ʯʩʠ , ʯʢʲʸ ˋ ʪʸʥʣ ʩʥʥ ʯʲʦʲʢ ʪʩʦ ʬʢʩ˝ʹ ʯʩʠ , ʲʨʰˋʷˋʡ ʨʷʥʷʲʢʫˌʰ ʸʩʠ ʵʬˋ ʯʨʬˌʥʥ ʱʲ ʩʥʥ ʯʥʠ , ʯʢʲʷʨʰˋ ʪʩʦ ʯʢʰˋʢʲʢ ʪʠʬʸʲ‫˦ٷ‬ ʩʦ ʦʩʠ , ʲʨʰˋ˦ʰʩʠ ʯˋ ʯʢʲʷʨʰˋ ʨʩʩʢ ʯʲʮ ʩʥʥ . ʨʥʸʲʢ , ʨʥʸʲʢ . ʢ ʯʱʲʦʲʢ ʳ‫ٷ‬ʨʹ ʯʥʠ ʪ‫ٷ‬ʬ . ʨʩʩʷʮˋʦʰʩʩʠ ʸʲʣ ʳʩʥʠ ʲʷʱˋʮ ʸʩʠ ʨʩʥʸʨʸˋ˦ ʨʩʰ ʯʥʠ , ʱ ʯʲʥʥ ' ʯʲʤʲʹ ʲʷʩʨʰʥʥˌ ʲʨʥʢ ʯʡˌʤ ʵʬˋ ʸʲʡʩʠ ʯʥʠ ʸʩʠ ʸʲʡʩʠ ʪʩʦ ʨʢʩʩʰʲʢ ʷʩʣʰʸʲʮˌʩ . ʨʬʩ˦ʲʢ ʸˌʰ ʯʥʠ : ʸʲʨʱʩʥʥ , ʯʥʲʢʹ ʸʲʷʩʮˋʬ˦ ʦʣʬˋʤ ʭʲʣ ʳʩʥʰʥʶ ʸʩʠ ʪʲʬʨʸʲʶ ʨʷʩʸʣ . 7 PORTRAIT * To A. Leyeles Because mockery and sorrow inflamed her life, she held her head proudly as if God had secretly elated her. In the empty house, peering into the mirror as through rain, as if familar eyes were watching her, she approached herself solemnly, as one approaches an Infanta. Calmly, calmly, sitting stiff and formal. Not even entrusting her mask to the solitude, when the pleasant evening hours hover mournfully over her and over all. Feeling only bleak, burning madness tighten gently round her throat. *Aaron Glanz-Leyeles (1889–1966) Founder of In-zikh movement. ...
