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307 abortion, 233 Academia Nacional de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos (ANEPE), 102–3, 281n14 Academia Judicial, 169 Agencia Nacional de Inteligencia (ANI), 257 agrarian reform disputes, 7, 212 agricultural loans, 174 Agrupación de Familiares de DetenidosDesaparecidos , 145–46 Aguero, Felipe, 190 Aguilo, Sergio, 224 Ahumada, Veronica, 38–39 Aldunate, Jose, 147 Alessandri, Jorge, 99 Alessandri Besa, Arturo, 99, 280n5 Alessandri Palma, Arturo, 280n5 Alfa Omega (private security agency), 137–38 Alfonsin, Raul, 41 Alianza Democratica, 229, 249 Alianza por Chile, 120–21 Allbritton, Barbara, 118, 197 Allbritton, Joseph, 117–18, 151, 166, 197 Allende, Isabel, 150, 165 Allende, Salvador/Allende administration: agrarian reform program of, 212; cabinet of, 165; CIA and, 44; as congressional deputy, 124; coup against, 1, 39 (see also coup d’etat (1973)); human rights abuses against workers/associates of, 9; human rights under, 102; paramilitary bodyguard group of, 73; political opposition to, 36–37; in postcard series, 2; resident Nazis and, 279n24; state funeral of (1990), 60; suicide of, 1, 94; U.S. campaign against, 273n4 Almeyda, Clodomiro, 52–53 Alvear, Enrique, 152 American Anthropological Association, Human Rights Committee, 218 Index 308 i n d e x American Engineering, 167 Amnesty International, 75, 86, 161, 212–13, 226 amnesty law (1978), 29, 80, 89, 90, 138, 145, 153 Análisis (periodical), 131 anarchist groups, 223 Ancalaf Laupe, Victor, 222–23 Anderson, Jon Lee, 157, 158, 159 Andrade Guenchocoy, Jaime, 214 ANEPE. See Academia Nacional de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos Angell, Alan, 99, 270–71n6 antiterrorism, 222–25 Antofagasta, mass executions in, 153–55 APSI (periodical), 131 Arancibia, Jorge, 174 Arancibia Clavel, Patricia, 272n26 Araucana, La (poem; Ercilla), 210–11 Araucania region, 210 Arauco Malleco Coordinating Group of Communities in Conflict (CAM), 222, 225–26 Arce, Luz, 73–75, 81–82, 83, 87 Arellano, Sergio, 154–55, 260 Arequipa (Peru), 241 Argentina: Chilean investment in, 107–8; desaparecidos in, 22; DINA operations in, 201; economic problems in, 41; human rights abuses prosecuted in, 21–22; military rule discredited in, 3; natural gas imports from, 255, 256; Prats assassinated in, 244; Schafer extradited from, 195, 207; women in labor market of, 230 armed forces law, 145 arms control law, 47 arms embargo, 45, 46, 66–67 arms trade, 67–68, 172 arms trafficking, 69–72 Aronofsky, David, 121–22 Arrate, Jaime, 165 Arrate, Jorge, 250–51, 261 Arriagada, Genaro, 21, 171, 271n12 Artaza, Mario, 157–58, 160 ARTV, 272n26 Asian financial crisis (1998), 135, 164 Associated Press, 141 Atacama Desert, 58, 155, 209–10 Audiencia Nacional (Spain), 159 Avanzada Nacional, 14, 21, 23 Aylwin, José, 220 Aylwin, Leonor Oyarzún de, 38, 40 Aylwin, Patricio/Aylwin administration: Allende opposition led by, 16, 36; army surveillance of, 55; assassination plot against, 274n6; cabinet of, 65, 183, 251, 296n13; Colonia Dignidad investigation ordered by, 88–89, 194; congress and, 43, 122–23; diplomatic skills of, 40; economic policies of, 41–43; household surveys of, 108; human rights investigations and, 101; inauguration of (1990), 35–36, 38–41; indigenous rights under, 214–15; international relations under, 44–46, 51–53, 66–67, 69–72; judicial reforms under, 169– 70; Matthei successor appointed by, 104; media coverage of, 273n38; military contempt for, 60–61, 277nn14, 17; Pinochet’s back channel emissary to, 125; Pinochet’s demands of, 91–92; political coalition behind, 43; political pardons issued by, 47; political violence under, 46–51, 94; populism resisted by, 29; as presidential candidate, 27, 28–29; press control loosened by, 130; public opinion of, 97–98, 98, 136; relationship with Pinochet, 36–37, 56–57, 60–61, 64; rightwing attempts to undermine, 47–48; as senate president, 36; Supreme Court appointment made by, 138; Truth and Reconciliation Commission report delivered to, 77–80; women’s issues under, 230. See also National Truth and Reconciliation Commission Aymara Indians, 213 Aysen region, 256–57 Aznar, José María, 162 Bachelet, Alberto, 227–28 Bachelet, Michelle/Bachelet administration: as ANEPE student, 103, 281n14; cabinet of, 230, 237, 238; critics of, 262; as defense minister, 191, 227, 228–29; DINA imprisonment /torture of, 147, 228; economic policy of, 298n1; education budget under, 258; electoral victory of (2005), 233; exile life of, 52; foreign policy under, 239–42; as health minister, 232, 296n13; at human rights institute opening, 260–61; inauguration of (2006), 234, 241; international reception of, 236–37; lawsuit against U.S. banks, 247; personal background of, 227– 28, 232–33; Pinochet death/funeral and, 242–46; in postcard series, 2; Prensa...
