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703 INDEX abdominal bristle, 201, 636 abiotic environment, 403–405, 524 accelerated aging, 560 Ackermann, M., 565 activity, physical, 268–269, 272, 292, 308–313, 314 actuarial aging, 556. See also Aging Adams, J., 367, 376, 377 adaptation to abiotic conditions, 403–405 to biotic conditions, 405–411 genetic basis of, 396–403 physiological in laboratory environments, 523–543 problems with laboratory, 678–686 and trade-offs, 20–23 See also specific index headings adaptation to captivity, 101, 105 adaptive hypotheses, 276, 290 adaptive landscape, 146–150, 155–156, 161 adaptive parallelism, 354, 357, 359, 365–367 adaptive plasticity, 312 adaptive process, 354, 357, 369 adaptive radiation, 112, 124–126 addiction, 265, 291 additive genetic covariance, 98, 104 additive genetic variance (VA), 25, 33, 34, 140, 280, 436 Aedes aegypti, 231 aerobic capacity, 308, 311, 317–318, 323, 324–326, 332, 334 affiliative behavior, 289–290 age-independent mortality, 566–567, 569, 574 age of reproduction, 222, 553, 559, 560, 565, 569, 571, 572, 573, 578 age-specific mortality, 199–200, 211, 555, 563, 566–569, 570, 574–575 age-structured experiments, 211 aggression, 232, 270, 272, 284, 313, 329, 603 aging disposable soma theory, 224–225, 557–558 evolutionary theories of, 552–559 experimental evolution impact on research, 577–578 experimental evolution role in testing Hamiltonian theories, 559–566 free radical theory, 228–229, 538 late life, 566–578 rate of living theory, 226–228 research considerations, 552 agonistic pleiotropy, 370 agricultural animal production, 320, 431–432 algae, 499–503, 507–510, 515 Page numbers followed by f refer to figures, n refer to notes, and t refer to tables. 704 • I N D E X Allan, M. F., 322 allelopathy, 531, 542 Allen, C., 464 allometry, 424–428, 440, 448–451, 453 allopatric speciation, 409, 633, 634–637, 639, 642–643, 647 altruism, 585–630 artificial selection experiments, 597–604 definition of, 590–591 experimental research overview, 597 natural selection experiments, 614–616 quasi-natural selection experiments, 604–614 research considerations, 589 and social interactions, 586–587, 616–623 theoretical background, 590–597 amino acids, 241–242 ammonia, 209, 210, 541, 682 analgesia, 308–309 analysis of variance (ANOVA), 306 ancestral state, 17, 91, 140–141, 156, 411–412, 664, 666 Anderson, W. W., 206 animal shape variation. See Shape variation anisogamous, 499, 501, 505 Anolis, 178, 180, 181–182, 187 ANOVA (analysis of variance), 306 antagonistic coevolution, 232, 408, 647 antagonistic pleiotropy aging and late life, 557–558, 562, 563–564, 572–573 and costs of adaptation, 407 and disease evolution, 412 domestication, 98, 100 and loss of function, 371 and niche expansion, 398–399 parallel evolution, 120–123 reverse evolution, 150–152 trade-offs, 369–370 antibiotic resistance, 114, 152–153 antioxidant, 228–229, 251 antipredator behavior, 270, 327 antisocial influences, 613 anxiety, 272, 281, 285 aquatic organisms and environment, 524, 527–528, 604, 690 Arabidopsis, 602–603, 604, 615–616, 622, 679 arginine vasopressin, 267, 285, 286, 287–290 Arnold, S. J., 302 artificial selection altruism, 597–604 behavioral evolution, 266, 271–274 Bicyclus eyespots, 451 definition of, 7, 161, 219–220 disadvantages of, 674 examples of, 219 extreme morphologies, 421 focus of experiments, 8 vs. laboratory evolution, 32 vs. laboratory natural selection, 672 multiple-trait model, 43–49 phage evolvability, 402 replication, 276–277 and reversion, 139 sexually selected ornaments, 327, 328 single-trait model, 36–40, 58 wing loading in flies, 446 asexual (mitotic) reproduction, 151, 159–160, 480–481, 482, 483, 485, 490, 506, 556–557 Asobara tabida, 231 assortative mating, 24, 26, 330, 637, 638, 643, 648 asymmetrical fissile species, 556, 565 atavism, 136–137, 138, 161 Atchley, W. R., 439 automixis, 481 Ayala, F. J., 202, 206 Bacillus, 371, 532 bacteria aging in asymmetrically fissile, 565 altruism, 616 clonal interference, 116 direct mutation hypothesis, 126–127 experimental evolutionary studies, 355–357 genomic technologies, 355–376, 538 laboratory natural selection, 686 natural vs. laboratory strains, 681 nutritional selection, 530–532 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 05:00 GMT) reverse evolution experiments, 152–153, 158–159 sex, 482, 487t, 495–498 temperature selection, 526–527 See also specific bacteria bacteriophage abiotic environment, 403–405 benefits of experiments, 393 biology of, 394–395 biotic environment, 405–411 competitive restraint, 605–609 definition of, 392 genetic basis of adaptation, 396–403 medical applications, 412–413 in nature, 413 phylogenetics, 411–412, 664–665, 666 quantitative models of phage-host systems, 394–395 research considerations, 392–393, 413 reverse evolution, 153...
