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319 Index Numbers in italics indicate figures or maps. abeimahani. See women’s songs abelaguduni (presenting the “catch”), 164 achiote dye, 108, 155 Acker, Alison, 270n31 additivity, 55 Adefumni I, Oba Ofuntola Oseigema Adelabu. See King, Walter Serge Adorno, Theodore W., 285n12 adugurahani. See dügü performance African Americans: innate religiosity of, 216; notion of diaspora and, 33, 35, 38–39; Yoruba revivalism among, 207–10, 216–17 African Burial Ground (Lower Manhattan), 274n3 African Diaspora: analytic features of, 48–53; Black Carib religion and, 18–19; Brazilian slaves and, 50; Bronxbased shamans and, 128–35, 145; culture vs. racial authenticity and, 208, 209–10, 213; Garifuna consciousness and, 18–19, 102, 242–45; Garifuna religious conversion and, 6, 22, 46, 47–48, 229, 230–31; idea of, 259n14; institutional networks and, 33; literature on, 18, 212–14; migrations of, 255n2; as nonterritorial, 51–52; origins of Garifuna and, 3, 5, 8, 16, 17; Oyotunji Village and, 208–9; racial identity and, 214–20; spread of culture of, 224–25; as term, 260n16. See also African diasporic religions in New York; Yoruba-Santería traditions African Diaspora and Caribbean Culture Center, 48 African diasporic religions in New York, 53–59; Bronx-based shamans and, 125–45; comparisons among, 58–59; definition of, 53–54; diasporic exchange and, 202–3; “return of the ancestors” ritual and, 188–89, 191–94; ritual return to homeland and, 33; spirit geographies and, 135–36; Yoruba-Santería religious hegemony and, 103, 205–14. See also Candomblé tradition; Palo Monte; Santería; Vodou; Yoruba-Santería traditions Africanness vs. blackness, 40, 49, 52–53, 217–19, 225–26; African diasporic cultures and, 229; definition of terms and, 218; Garifuna identity and, 102; religious renaissance and, 223–24, 225; Yoruba-Santería traditions and, 208, 209–10, 213 Afro-Honduran, as term, 102 ahari (spirits), 272n2 Alpers, Edward, 260n16 Alquiza, Sancho de, 63 altars (gulei): African diasporic objects and, 113–14, 136–37, 138; of Bronx shamans, 114, 136–37, 138, 188–89, 189, 195; calderos and, 247–50; 320 INDEX altars (gulei) (continued): homeland dügü rituals and, 154; of homeland shamans, 105, 112–14, 113; images of saints on, 110–11 amalahani dance and songs (mali), 72, 164–66, 173, 277n14 Amaya, Carlos (Honduran buyei), 107–8, 109, 116–17, 123, 135, 272n4, 273n7 Amerindian identity and Garifuna, 3, 5, 8, 221, 254n11 amuidahani ritual (bathing of the deceased), 94 ancestors, distinctions among, 272n2. See also ancestor spirits; helping spirits ancestor spirits (gubida), 172; Black Carib religious roots and, 72–73, 84–85; dances leading to possession by, 18, 149; entertainment of, 160, 175; feeding of, 95–96, 169–70; homeland ritual and, 93, 95, 148–49, 159, 169–70, 171–73; illness inflicted by, 19, 148; movements of, 12, 178–79, 228; repose and, 237–38; role of buyei and, 71, 148. See also helping spirits Anderson, Alexander, 69, 76 Anderson, Benedict, 255n4 Anderson, Mark, 217–18 Andino, Tiburcio Carías, 271n37 Andrews, George Reid, 210 animal sacrifice: Bronx Garifuna and, 189, 193; homeland ritual and, 96, 161, 166–67; Santería and, 44 Appadurai, Arjun, 100–1 Appiah, K.A., 259n13, 280n4 Aranda, Theodore, 274n5 Arawaks, 232, 251n1 Arce, Manuel José, 81, 82 Arendt, Hannah, 234 arumahani (men’s songs). See men’s songs assimilation: Bronx Garifuna and, 21, 22; diasporic religion and, 41; notion of diaspora and, 33, 34–40 Atran, Scott, 283n7 audience: Bronx rituals and, 198–200, 278n2; homeland dügü and, 180–81 “auratic decline,” 233–34 authenticity, 282n2; Black Carib rituals and, 85; diasporic horizons and, 7–8; diasporic religion and, 40, 45, 227, 231–35; homeland as endowed with, 36; links with homeland and, 45, 232–33; spirit geographies and, 135–36; “theologization” and, 103 Baba Luaye (Yoruba-Santería deity), 192, 205 Bachelard, Gaston, 13–14 Baha’i (religion), 273n5 Bakongo people. See Kongo tradition Balibar, Étienne, 215, 242 Baliceaux island, 77 banana republic period, 79, 86–93 Barbados, 63, 64–65, 76 Bard, Samuel, 80, 90 Bascom, William, 261n23 baskets of palm sheaves (guagai), 151, 159–60, 276n9 Bastide, Roger, 57, 212, 261n22 Baumann, Martin, 35, 42 Baxter, Mr. (Methodist missionary), 74 bead necklaces (collares), 136, 195 Beaumont, Monsieur de, 67 Belgium (Bronx Garifuna woman), 136, 191 Belize, 45, 78, 82, 83, 141, 224, 268n20, 272n2, 277n14; dügü song from, 152–53; initiation of shaman from, 132–33. See also Central American Caribbean Coast Bell, Catherine, 242–43 Benjamin...
