In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In undertaking this major task, I have sought the advice of wise and informed individuals to help me say what is correct and what is useful. My wife, Dr. Betty C. Moore, edited the first draft of the manuscript. Those who have been most helpful with theology and religioushistory are Edwin S. Gaustad, Douglas M. Parrott, Raphael Zidovetzki (allof the University of California, Riverside), and the Reverend Cynthia P. Cain (late of the Universalist Unitarian Church of Riverside). Scientists , most of whom have long been concerned with the science and creationism problems, are Bruce Alberts (National Academy of Sciences ),Andrew Ahlgren (American Association for the Advancement of Science), Francisco J. Ayala (University of California, Irvine), Charles Birch (Sydney University), Rodger Bybee (BiologicalSciences Curriculum Study), Richard Cardullo (University of California, Riverside ), Ursula Goodenough (Washington University), Arnold Grobman (BSCSand the University of Missouri, retired), Donald Kennedy (Stanford), Ernst Mayr (Harvard), Ingrith Deyrup Olsen (University of Washington), Clay Sassaman (University of California, Riverside), Eugenie Scott (National Center for Science Education), Claude Welsh (Macalester University, retired), and Rachael Wood (Delaware Department of Education). I also wish to thank two informed citizens, xvi / Ac@owledgments Betsy Donley (Phoenix, Arizona) and Sally M. Gall (librettist, La Jolla, California) for their thoughtful comments. Help of a different but critically essential sort has come from Larry McGrath and his associates of the University of California, Riverside, Microcomputer Support Group. It is customary not only to thank wonderful people like these but to say they are not responsible for any remaining errors. This is true, of course; but more important, there are many fewer errors and better arguments because of them. And their warm support and encouragement has made a very great difference in my attempts to deal with this very important, discouraging, and fascinating topic. And then come the very special expressions of appreciation for those who are so indispensable in converting a manuscript into a printed book-the editors. Mine have been Susan Wallace Boehmer, Howard Boyer, Doris Kretschmer, Suzanne Knott, and Carolyn Bond. Their skill and encouragement have made all the difference. ...
