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36 LAS PLAYAS DE CHILE XIV Radiante miro el fulgurar de la playa ante sus ojos como sueiios hasta las piedras se iban borrando en ese oceano de lagrimas Todo Chile se iba borrando en este oceano de lagrimas hasta quedar apenas un jiron doloroso baiiado por la costa verde empapado como si una maldicion 10 volara sacandole el aura de los ojos 1. Todo Chile se iba blanqueando en sus pupilas 11. Por eso las lagrimas se Ie iban sumando hasta ser elias el verdor imaginario de la patria 111. Por eso incluso los suspiros se hacfan colores frente al verde borrado de Chile auratico inexistente que la misma luz les iba dejando en la mirada Porque todas las lagrimas de Chile se iban sumando hasta tragarse los verdes valles que pintaron dolidos inventandose una playa donde recogerse en jubilo los despojos IV. Toda la patria fue entonces la resurreccion pintandose en sus despojos. v. Por eso hasta los cerros saltaban de gozo con el clamor de la patria Vi. Por eso Chile entero reverdecfa mientras Ie manaban mojandolo las lagrimas como manchas de pintura en todos estos aires expandiendo los valles que cubrfan sus gemidos En que la patria borrada fue renaciendo como una playa que les hacfa luz de sus despojos y donde resurrectas hasta las piedras de Chile se alzaron gritando de dicha delirantes maravilladas mirando todo el universo saludar la revivida que les vestfa de fiesta los ojos THE BEACHES OF CHILE XIV Radiant he saw the beach flashing before his eyes as in a dream even the stones were wearing away in that ocean of tears All Chile was wearing away in this ocean of tears until nothing was left but a painful shred green drenched bathed by the coast as ifa curse had seized him and snatched the aura from his eyes t. All Chile was becoming white in his pupils 11. That's why his tears kept swelling until they were the country's imaginary green ttl. That's why even his sighs became colors before the faded green of Chile auratic nonexistent that the light itself reflected in his gaze Because all Chile's tears kept swelling until they engulfed the green valleys they painted bereaved creating a beach where the mortal remains could be sheltered with joy tv. Then the entire country was the resurrection painting itself on its mortal remains v. That's why even the hills jumped for joy over the country's clamor Vt. That's why all Chile turned green while his streaming tears soaked him like spattered paint in all these airs widening the valleys that covered his cries In which the worn country was being reborn like a beach that transformed its mortal remains to light and where resurrected even Chile's stones rose up shouting with joy delirious stunned seeing the entire universe greet the revived country that was a feast for their eyes 37 ...
