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T E X T U A L N O T E S This page intentionally left blank Textual Notes Introduction The copy text for this volume has been reprinted almost literatim, but there are certain classes of exceptions. The editors have introduced nonauthoritative emendations where the sense seems to demand them. These emendations are listed in the footnotes. In addition, accidentals are introduced or altered where it seems he:pful to the reader. All such changes also are recorded in footnotes as they occur. Finally, turned b, q, d, p, n, and u are accepted as q, b, p, d, LI, and n, respectively, and if they result in spelling erlors are corrected in the text and listed in the footnotes. The siglu~n in the footnotes indicates the format of the copy text (0octavo ). when variants in punctuation alo:~eare recorded, the wavy dash is used in place of the identifying word before (and sometimes after) the variant punctuation. A caret indicates absence of punctuation. Certain purely mechanical details haxe been norma!ized without special mention. Long "s" has been changed to round "s", "VV" to "W; swash italics haxe been represented by plain italics; captions, display initials, and any accompanying capitnliz~tio:i lirive been made uniform with the style of the present edition; u:ong font and turned letters other than q, b, p, d, u, and n have been adjusted; italicized plurals i!l -'s hale been distinguished (by italic final "s") from possessi~es (roman final "s"); quotations if marked with inverted commas have been marked at the beginning and end only and always; spacing between words and before ,~:icl aftei punctuation has been normalized when no change in nw,3illn: results. T h e History of the League The History of the League was first published in 1684 ( 0 ; Macd 132). For detai!~concerning the publishing history, see the commentary, p. 423 ff. above. Tincorrected (or incorrect) states of outer D, inner F and G, outer N, inner Aaa, outer Bbb, and inner Ccc, Ppp, and Sss have been identified as shown below. Some of the differences, ho~
