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Publications based on the 1990 World Values Surveys Abbruzzese, S. 1992. L'ltalia dei valori. Micromega 4: 123-32. Abela, Anthony M. 1992. Transmitting Values in European Malta. A Study in the Contemporary Values of Modem Society. Valletta and Rome: Jesuit Publications/ Editrice Pontificia Universita Gregoriana. Abela, Anthony M. 1992. European values study in Malta. Melita Theologica, University of Malta, XLIII: 33-38. Abela, Anthony M. 1993. Post-secularisation: The social significance of religious values in four Catholic European countries. Melita Theolgica XLIV: 39-58. Abela, Anthony M. 1993. Valori per il futuro di Malta. La Civilta Cattolica Quaderno 3429, Roma: 260-69. Abela, Anthony M. 1994. Values for Malta's future. Social change, values and social policy. In R.G. Sultana and G. Baldacchino (eds.), Maltese Society. A Sociological Inquiry. Malta: Mireva Publications. Abela, Anthony M. 1995. Youth and Religion in Malta. Social Compass 42: 59--67. Abramson, Paul R., and Ronald Inglehart. 1994. Education, security, and postmaterialism. American Journal ofPolitical Science 38: 3. Abramson, Paul R., and Ronald Inglehart. 1994. Generational change: Cohort effects and period effects. In Henk Becker and Piet Hermkens (eds.) Solidarity of Generations: Demographics. Economic and Social Change and its Consequences. Amsterdam: Thesis, 1994, pp. 71-109. Abramson, Paul R., and Ronald Inglehart. 1995. Value Change in Global Perspective. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Aish-Van Vaerenbergh, Ann-Marie, and Jacques-Rene Rabier. 1994. Algunas reflexiones metodologicas sobre la investigacion estadistica intercultural sobre los valores. In Juan Diez-Nicolas and Ronald Inglehart (eds.), Cambios en los Valores Sociales y Politicos. Madrid: Complutense University Press. 477 478 Human Values and Beliefs Akker, Piet van den, and Sheena Ashford. 1995. Individualism in contemporary Europe. The case of Eastern Europe. In Ruud de Moor (ed.), Values in Western Society. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press. Akker, Piet van den, Loek Halman, and Ruud de Moor. 1993. Primary relations in Western societies. In Peter Ester, Loek Halman, and Ruud de Moor (eds.), The Individualizing Society: Value Change ill Europe and North America. Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilburg University Press. Alishauskene, Rasa. 1994. EI humor politica en la poblacion lituana. In Juan Diez Nicolas and Ronald Inglehart (eds.), Cambios ell los Valores Sociales y Politicos. Madrid: Complutense University Press. Ashford, A, and Loek Halman. 1994. Changing attitudes in the European community. In C. Rootes and H. Davies (eds.), Social Change and Political Transformation, pp. 7285 . London: UCL Press. Ashford, Sheena. and Noel Timms. 1992. What Europe Thinks: A Study of Western European Values. Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishing Co. Auh, Soo Young. 1991. The impact of value change on democratization in South Korea. Korean Political Science Review 25, 2. [In Korean] Auh, Soo Young. 1994. Cambio de valores y democratizacion en Corea del Sur. In Juan Diez-Nicolas and Ronald Inglehart (eds.), Cambios en los Valores Sociales y Politicos. Madrid: Complutense University Press. Barker, David. 1992. Changing social values in Europe. Business Ethics. A European Review I: 91-103. Barker, David. 1993. Values and volunteering. In Justin Davis-Smith, Volunteering ill Europe. Berkhamsted: The Volunteer Centre. Barker, D., L. Halman, and A. Vloet. 1992. The European Values Study 1981-1990. Summary Report. London: The Gordon Cook Foundation. Basaiiez, Miguel. 1993. Is Mexico Headed Toward its Fifth Crisis? In Riordan Roett (ed.), Political and Economic Liberalizatioll ill Mexico. Boulder: Lynne Rienner. Basaiiez, Miguel. 1993. "Protestant and Catholic Ethics: An Empirical Comparison." Paper presented at conference on Changing Social and Political Values: A Global Perspective, Complutense University, Madrid, September 27-October I. Basanez, Miguel. 1994. Winners and Losers of NAFTA in Mexico. In Brenda M. McPhail (ed.), NAFTA Now! The Changing Political Economy of North America. Latham, MD: University Press of America. Basaiiez, Miguel, and Alejandro Moreno. 1994. Mexico en la Encuesta Mundial de Valores 1981-1990. In Juan Diez-Nicolas and Ronald Inglehart (eds.), Cambios en los Valores Sociales y Politicos. Madrid: Complutense University Press. Bashkirova, Elena. 1994. Cambio de actitudes politicas y los valores en la URSS y Russia. In Juan Diez-Nicolas and Ronald Inglehart (eds.), Cambios en los Valores Sociales y Politicos. Madrid: Complutense University Press. Becker, Henk. 1995. Generations and Value Change. In Ruud de Moor (ed.), Values in Western Societies. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press. Publications 479 Brechon, Pierre. 1995. Les Europeens et la politique. Futuribles, 200 (July-August): 6384 . Brechon, Pierre. (forthcoming). Religions et politique en Europe. Paris. Breen, G., and C.T. Whelan. 1993. Social class, class origins and political partisanship in the Republic of Ireland. European Journal ofPolitical Research 25. Broek, Andries van den, and Ruud de...
