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Figures 1.1. Factors Affecting the Well-Being ofthe Older Population, Policy Developments, and Their Interrelationships 7 4.1. Conceptual Framework ofFactors Affecting Well-Being of the Elderly and Others, and Policy Formation 108 7.1. Labor Force Participation Rates for the Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan, and Singapore: 1970-1990 238 7.2. Percent ofOlder Males and Females in Labor Force, by Age and Country: 1980s and 1995-1996 242 8.1. Interrelationships among Various Dimensions ofEconomic Well-Being 300 8.2. Ratio ofMean Income in Sociodemographic Groups to Overall Mean Income, by Country 312 8.3. Sufficiency ofIncome for the Cohort 60 and Older, 1989 and 1996 346 8.4. Distribution of Sufficiency ofIncome in 1996 by Level of Sufficiency in 1989 347 10.1 Determinants ofHealth Services Utilization 415 ILIA. Philippines: Relative Risks ofEconomic Disadvantages for Sociodemographic Groups 471 11.1B. Philippines: Relative Risks ofHealth Disadvantages for Sociodemographic Groups 472 11.1C. Philippines: Relative Risks of Social Disadvantages for Sociodemographic Groups 473 11.2A. Thailand: Relative Risks ofEconomic Disadvantages for Sociodemographic Groups 475 11.2B. Thailand: Relative Risks ofHealth Disadvantages for Sociodemographic Groups 477 1l.2C. Thailand: Relative Risks of Social Disadvantages for Sociodemographic Groups 478 x Figures 11.3A. Taiwan: Relative Risks ofEconomic Disadvantages for Sociodemographic Groups 480 11.3B. Taiwan: Relative Risks ofHealth Disadvantages for Sociodemographic Groups 481 l1.3C. Taiwan: Relative Risks of Social Disadvantages for Sociodemographic Groups 482 l1.4A. Singapore: Relative Risks ofEconomic Disadvantages for Sociodemographic Groups 483 11.4B. Singapore: Relative Risks ofHealth Disadvantages for Sociodemographic Groups 484 11.4C. Singapore: Relative Risks of Social Disadvantages for Sociodemographic Groups 485 11.5. Average Relative Risks Associated with Each Dimension of Disadvantage, by Sociodemographic Group and Country 489 12.1. Proportion ofAdult Males with at Least a Secondary Education, by Birth Cohort and Country 525 12.2. Proportion ofAdult Females with at Least a Secondary Education, by Birth Cohort and Country 526 ...
