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Index 303 A and Others v. Secretary of State (U.K.), 246n66 aberration, torture viewed as. See pervasive versus aberrational view of torture absolute ban on torture archetypal nature of, 80–83 doctrinally porous nature of, 13 in European Convention on Human Rights, 46, 53 exceptions to. See necessity, emergency, and exception defenses in ICCPR, 227n73 in international law, 15–17, 34–35 as positive law, 79, 82 separation of torture from continuum of state violence, 12–13, 215, 272n10 in U.N. Convention against Torture, 34–35 in United States, 56 Abu Ghraib (Iraq), 187–95 Afghanistan and Guantánamo, migration of tactics from, 188–92 difference, manipulation of, 8, 10–11, 211 evidence/allegations of abuse at, 1, 2, 4, 187–95 “fun,” torture of prisoners described as, v, 211–12 guards, legal and political role of, 193–95 opposition and retrenchment generated by, 195–96 pervasive versus aberrational view of torture at, 188, 192, 193–95, 212 prison violence in United States transferred to, 159, 194, 256n122 Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions (1977), 23–26, 225n37 Aden, British use of torture in, 105 Afghanistan. See also al Qaeda; war on terror allegations of abuse by U.S. forces in, 3 Bagram Air Base, 1, 2, 188 coercive interrogation in, 175, 176, 188–89 international law, applicability of, 24 invasion of, 169 Passaro case, 72 post-9/11 demands made to, 168–69 Soviet invasion of, 55 Taliban, 172, 173 U.N. Convention, applicability of, 179 women, rights of, 93 African Americans, treatment of, 9–10, 136, 250n1 Agamben, Giorgio, 53, 65, 94, 95, 165, 186, 195, 267n118 Agiza, Ahmed, 128 Ahmed v. Keisler (U.S.), 258n153 Akkoç v. Turkey (ECHR), 52 Aksoy v. Turkey (ECHR), 50 al Qaeda Canadian rendition of suspected member to Syria, 129–30 CIA activities against, 168, 175 Geneva Conventions, applicability of, 172, 173 international law, applicability of, 25 military commissions, imprisonment and trial of terrorist suspects before , 170, 198–99 responsibility for 9/11 assigned to, 168–69 U.S. actions against, application of Geneva Conventions to, 66 Algeria, French use of torture in, 98, 99–103, 146 Alien Tort Statute, U.S., 60, 258n146 American Indians, treatment of, 136, 250n1 Amnesty International on French deportation of Basque militants to Spain, 104 on international use of torture, 16 language of torture, use of, 4–5 on Spanish torture of Basque and Catalan militants, 118–19 Anderson, David, 108 Anderson v. Creighton (U.S.), v, 62, 66 Angel Island, internment of Chinese immigrants to United States on, 161 Anti-Imperialist League, 138 Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, U.S., 166 Arar, Maher, 129–30 archetypal nature of absolute ban on torture, 80–83 Arendt, Hannah, 63, 166 Ashcroft, John, 166, 167–68, 261n39 Astrain, Luis Núñez, 117, 247n74 Atwater v. City of Lago Vista (U.S.), 66–67 AUMF (authorization for use of military force), congressional, 168, 170, 174 Aussaresses, Paul, 99, 102–3, 146 authorization for use of military force (AUMF), congressional, 168, 170, 174 Bagram Air Base (Afghanistan), 1, 2, 188 Bailey, United States v. (U.S.), 72 Bailkin, Jordanna, 92 balance of harms or choice of evils argument , 73, 76, 111, 121, 124, 134 Bangladesh, U.K. rendition to, 115 Basque militants French deportations to Spain, 104 Spanish torture of, 116–19 Bentham, Jeremy, 239n5 Berlin, Isaiah, 88 Bigeard, Marcel, 244n18 bin Laden, Osama, 169 Bingham, Lord, 115, 246n66 biopolitics, 88–91, 95, 185, 195, 267n118 Birtle, Andrew, 138 black sites, 1, 63, 65, 175–76, 178–79, 181, 182, 198 Blair, Tony (British prime minister), 9 Bolivia, 150 Borneo/Malaysia, British use of torture in, 105 Bostick, Florida v. (U.S.), 63–64 Boumedienne v. Bush (U.S.), 200 Bowden, Mark, 11 Brd -anin, Prosecutor v. (ICTY), 226n55 Britain. See United Kingdom British Guiana and British Cameroon, U.K. use of torture in, 105 Brown, Preston, 251n26 Brunei, British use of torture in, 105 Burgers, J. Herman, 39 Bush (George H. W.) administration, 57, 59 Bush (George W.) administration black sites, closure of, 198 CIA detainee program, revocation and reinstatement of, 199, 201–2 difference, manipulation of, 9, 87 on DTA, 197 enemy combatants, concept of, 141, 171, 177, 196, 200 Geneva Conventions, applicability to terrorist suspects, 141, 172–74, 201 ICCPR and U.N. Conventions, applicability of, 180–81 on ICCPR jurisdiction, 59 legal de‹nition of torture and, 2 on MCA, 201 military commissions, use of, 170, 198–99 Obama administration and...
