In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

193 Il­ lus­ tra­ tion Cred­ its Page 31 “Primo Mo­ bile (Prime Mover),” c. 1465, cour­ tesy of the Na­ tional Gal­ lery of Art, Wash­ ing­ ton, DC. Pages 38–39 “Splen­ did Moun­ tain Wa­ ter­ color,” by John ­ Singer Sar­ gent, 1870, the Met­ ro­ pol­ i­ tan Mu­ seum of Art, Gift of Mrs. Fran­ cis Or­ mond, 1950 (50.130.146). Pages 50–51 “Storm at Sea,”by Cap­ tain ­ Thomas Has­ tings, Fine Arts Mu­ seums of San Fran­ cisco. Pages 64–65 “For­ est Path,”by Carel Ni­ co­ laas Storm van ’­ s-Gravesande, c. 1885, Ster­ ling and Fran­ cine Clark Art In­ sti­ tute, William­ stown, Mas­ sa­ chu­ setts (1988.4); image © Ster­ ling and Fran­ cine Clark Art In­ sti­ tute, photo by Mi­ chael Agee. Pages 80–81 “Desert Mon­ u­ ments, Ar­ i­ zona,” by ­ George El­ bert Burr, c. 1930, cour­ tesy of the Ar­ i­ zona Cap­ i­ tol Mu­ seum. Pages 92–93 View in the Arc­ tic re­ gions, a ship prob­ ably HMS Ter­ ror, by Ad­ mi­ ral Sir ­ George Back, Brit­ ish Mu­ seum (1891, 1031.307). ...
