In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

vii Con­ tents Ac­ knowl­ edg­ ments ix Ab­ bre­ vi­ a­ tions of Hem­ ing­ way Texts xi Intro­ duc­ tion: Er­ nest Hem­ ing­ way and the Life of the Mind 3 1 The Sol­ i­ tary Con­ scious­ ness I: Meta­ cog­ ni­ tion and Men­ tal Con­ trol in “Big ­ Two-Hearted River” 20 2 The Sol­ i­ tary Con­ scious­ ness II: Meta­ cog­ ni­ tion and Men­ tal Con­ trol in The Old Man and the Sea 37 3 Mem­ ory in A Fare­ well to Arms: Archi­ tec­ ture, Di­ men­ sions, and Per­ sis­ tence 56 4 “The ­ Stream with No Vis­ ible Flow”: Is­ lands in the ­ Stream and the ­ Thought-Action Di­ chot­ omy 78 5 Beat­ ing Mr. Turge­ nev: “The Ex­ e­ cu­ tion of Trop­ mann” and­ Hemingway’s Aes­ thetic of Wit­ ness 101 6 That Su­ preme Mo­ ment of Com­ plete Knowl­ edge: Hemingway’s The­ ory of the Vi­ sion of the Dying 116 7 Read­ ing ­ Through ­ Hemingway’s Void: The Death of Con­ scious­ ness as Con­ ver­ sion or An­ ni­ hi­ la­ tion 131 Notes 149 Works Cited 165 Index 175 ...
