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Notes Chapter 1. The Militant Surrealist 1. Ian Gibson, The Shameful Life of Salvador Dalí (London: Faber and Faber, 1997), 210. 2. Agustín Sánchez Vidal, El mundo de Luis Buñuel (Zaragoza: Caja de Ahorros de la Inmaculada de Aragón, 1993), 68–69. 3. Paul Éluard, Lettres à Gala 1924–1948 (1984; repr., Paris: Gallimard, 1996), 79, letter from the first half of July 1929 from Paul Éluard in Paris to Gala Éluard in Switzerland. 4. See Víctor Fernández Puertas, “Sobre una amistat: Dalí i Buñuel,” Revista de Catalunya, no. 112 (November 1996): 85–112. 5. Although we use the abbreviations of parties, associations, etc., in their original language, we cite such names in English only. The reader can find the original formulation in the list of abbreviations at the front of the book. 6. Carole Reynaud Paligot, Parcours politique des surréalistes 1919–1969 (Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2001), 69–104. 7. Georges Sadoul, Rencontres 1: Chroniques et entretiens (Paris: Denoël, 1984), 138. The original text, “Mon ami Buñuel, d’Un chien andalou à Los olvidados,” was published in L’Écran Français, no. 335 (12–18 December 1951): 12. 8. Elsa Triolet in Sadoul, Rencontres 1, 46. The original text, “Souvenirs d’un témoin,” was published in Études cinématographiques, no. 38–39 (Spring 1965): 9–28. Louis Aragon, Je n’ai jamais appris à écrire ou Les incipit (1969; repr., Paris: Flammarion, 1981), 62. 9. André Breton, “Desesperada y apasionada,” in ¿Buñuel! La mirada del siglo, edited by Yasha David (Madrid: MNCARS, 1996; Mexico City: Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, 1997), 35. The original, previously unpublished text from 1951, “Sur Los olvidados,” appears in André Breton, Œuvres Complètes III, edited by Marguerite Bonnet, published, for this volume, under the direction of Étienne-Alain Hubert, with the collaboration of Philippe Bernier, Marie-Claire Dumas, and José Pierre (Paris: Gallimard/Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 1999), 1124–30. 10. Luis Buñuel, Mon dernier soupir (Paris: Éditions Robert Laffont, 1982), 128. Because the text of the English version of this book—My Last Sigh—is (unbeknownst to the reader) sometimes cut or rearranged, we have preferred to translate from the definitive French edition. 355 356 Notes to pages 10–15  11. Max Aub, Conversaciones con Buñuel: Seguidas de 45 entrevistas con familiares, amigos y colaboradores del cineasta aragonés (Madrid: Aguilar, 1985), 361. 12. Variétés, for instance, was never slated to publish the scenario, although it did publish some stills from the film in its July 1929 number. 13. Buñuel, Mon dernier soupir, 131–32. There is a copy of this letter in the Archives Moussinac of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Arts du Spectacle, Paris, 4º-COL-10/013 (027). 14. [ The Surrealist Group], Variétés: Le Surréalisme en 1929, special number ( June 1929): 62–63. 15. In the meantime much of their work was self-published under the “Éditions Surréalistes” imprint. 16. Georges Bataille, “Œil,” Documents, no. 4 (September 1929): 216. The page with the reproduction of Dalí’s painting is unnumbered. On that occasion it was entitled Blood Is Sweeter Than Honey. 17. Jean-Michel Bouhours and Nathalie Schoeller, eds., L’Âge d’or: Correspondance Luis Buñuel–Charles de Noailles; Lettres et documents (1929–1976) (Paris: Les Cahiers du Musée National d’Art Moderne, Hors série/Archives, 1993), 39, letter of 10 December 1929 from Charles de Noailles in Hyères to Luis Buñuel in Zaragoza. 18. Georges Bataille, “Le ‘Jeu lugubre,’” Documents, no. 7 (December 1929): 369–72. 19. Bouhours and Schoeller, L’Âge d’or: Correspondance, 40, letter of 14 December 1929 from Luis Buñuel in Zaragoza to Charles de Noailles in Hyères. 20. Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí, “Un chien andalou,” LRS, no. 12 (15 December 1929): 34–37. 21. André Breton, Œuvres Complètes I, edited by Marguerite Bonnet, with the collaboration of Philippe Bernier, Étienne-Alain Hubert, and José Pierre (Paris: Gallimard/ Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 1988), 783. The enlarged Second Manifeste du surréalisme was published in book form by Simon Kra, Paris, 1930. 22. J. Bernard Brunius, “Un chien andalou: Film par Louis Buñuel,” Cahiers d’Art, no. 5 ( July 1929): 230–31. 23. Georges Sebbag, André Breton: L’Amour-folie (Paris: Éditions Jean-Michel Place, 2004), 92. 24. Ian Walker argues that it was Magritte who had the...
