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acmeism, 24 actors: in D. W. Griffith films, 173; FEKS (The Workshop of the Eccentric Actor), 177, 185, 193; movement techniques for, 183, 278n83; plasticity of, 171–72; as prototypes of the Soviet new man, 157; training programs for, 156, 157, 168–69, 188, 278n82, 279n97 Adorno, Theodor, 9 Adventurism (avantiurizm), 237 Aelita (Protazanov), 168 airplanes: flying metaphors, 253n93; modern Russian terms for, 69; propulsion systems, 153–54; in score for Victory over the Sun (Pobeda nad solntsem) (futurist opera), 129; in suprematism, 139–40; as symbol of dynamism, 62, 251n72; and urban growth, 10; in works of Olga Rozanova, 133; in zaum’ (transrational poetry), 83, 93–94, 257n66. See also aviation Albera, François, 282n33 Altman, Natan, 89 American cinema: Americanism (Amerikanshchina), 161, 162, 170, 275n39; chase scenes, 175, 178–80, 276n60, 277n76; the detective story, 170–71, 275n40; D. W. Griffith and, 172–73, 178–79, 182, 277n74; editing techniques of, 170, 180; impact on Soviet cinema, 161–63, 170, 171–72, 190, 275n39; influence on agit-kino, 176, 178; stars of, 162, 171–72, 178, 184, 185 apocalyptic motifs, 59, 235–36, 286n19 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 20–21, 243n49, 244n61 Apollon (Russian magazine), 38, 264n65 Argus, 101, 102 Arnheim, Rudolf, 12 Arsenal (Dovzhenko), 193, 215–16 Arvatov, Boris, 175–76, 177, 188 athletes and athleticism: actor training and, 156, 279n97; athletic body, 115–16, 118, 263n48; dance, 279n97; disappearance of the human body in, 117–18, color plate 5; diving, 186–87, 187f15; gymnastics, 279n97; Hercules (Gerkules) (sports journal), 263n52; internal speed shots of, 163; Modern Olympic Games, 115; roller-skating, 95–96, 258n71, color plate 1; slowmotion sequences, 221f24; Time, Forward! (Vremia, vpered!) (Katayev), 232; wrestling, 116, 117, 263n52 aviation: “The Airplane and First Love” (“Aeroplan i pervaia liubov”) (Kamensky), 63; Airplane Flying (Suprematism) (Polet aeroplana [Suprematizm]) (Malevich), 118, 139–40, color plate 6; Airplane over a Train (Aeroplan nad poezdom) (Goncharova ), 112–13, 112f4; Airplane Poesas (Aeroplannye Poezy) (Olimpov), 62, 297 index Note: Illustrations are indicated by either plate number (for color images following page 116) or page number plus figure number. aviation (continued) 249n50; “Airplanes and Futurist Poetry” (“Aeroplany i futuristicheskaia poeziia”) (Kamensky), 55; birds, 108, 153–54, 261n34; experiments on human flight, 26, 153–55, 270n49, 270n55, 270n56, 271n59; in Kamensky’s poetry, 63, 253n94; Letatlin (flying machine created by Tatlin), 26, 270n49, 271n59; neologisms, 26, 154, 270n49, 271n59; Victory over the Sun (Pobeda nad solntsem) (futurist opera), 83; Wings (Kryl’ia) (Miturich), 153, 155, 270n55. See also airplanes Bakhtin, Mikhail, 179, 181 Balla, Giacomo: birds as symbols of motion, 108; continuum of motion on canvas, 18–19; divisionism, 18, 111; on futurism and the human body, 262n40; images of speed, 123, 264n73; works: Abstract Speed (Velocità astratta), 19; Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash (Dinamismo di un cane al guinzaglio), 18–19; “Futurist Painting: Technical Manifesto,” 38; Speeding Car: Abstract Speed, 196; The Swifts: Paths of Movement + Dynamic Sequences (Rondini: Linee andamentali + successioni dinamiche), 19 Ballet mécanique (Léger), 10, 17, 281n25 Barnet, Boris, 180, 184, 277n77 Battleship Potemkin (Bronenosets Potemkin) (Eisenstein): accelerated montage in, 164; heroic realism in, 177; liquid images in, 203; machinery in, 204; Odessa steps sequence, 164, 203–4; velocity in, 204 Baudelaire, Charles, 9, 10, 16, 248n38 Baudouin de Courtenay, 40, 247n30 Bauer, Yevgeny, 168, 169 Bely, Andrey, 42, 68–69, 242n40, 248n40, 250n67, 254n3 Berdyayev, Nikolay, 60, 252n82, 267n11 Bergson, Henri, 124, 166–67, 169, 243n55, 265n77 Bethea, David, 286n19 Bétuda, Mario, 257n66 Bleklov, N., 91, 257n61 Blok, Aleksandr, 41, 42, 249n42 Blue Express (Goluboi ekspress, or China Express) (Trauberg), 192, 214–15 Blue Journal (Sinii zhurnal), 63 Bobrinskaya, Elena, 263n56 Boccioni, Umberto: athleticism in works of, 115–16; dynamic tension in work of, 196; on the fourth dimension, 124, 265n80, 265n83; on speed, 243n55; works: The City Rises (La città che sale), 18; Dynamism of a Cyclist (Dinamismo di un ciclista), 115–16; “Futurist Painting: Technical Manifesto ,” 38; The Laugh (La risata), 49–50; “Plastic Dynamism,” 124; Unique Forms of Continuity in Space (Forme uniche della continuità nello spazio), 18, 124 Böde, Rudolf, 279n97 Boguslavskaya, Kseniya, 146 Bois, Yve-Alain, 151 Bolshakov, Konstantin, 36, 42, 44–46, 68, 84–85, 111, 117 Bolshevik party, 147–49; film distribution methods of, 174–75, 276n57; image modification by, 185; industrialization, 185; and the new Soviet individual, 186, 187; propaganda of, 162–63, 174, 177–78, 196; social transformation, 185 Boltzmann, Ludwig, 239n7 Borden, Richard, 285n9 Bordwell, David, 226, 277n76 Bowlt...
