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Abel,  Accius,  Achilles, –, –n Achilles Tatius,  Actaeon,  Adam, ,  Aegisthus,  Aeschylus: feminine power in trilogies of (Danaids), n; : Agamemnon, –; Prometheus Unbound, –; Seven against Thebes, n; Suppliants, n. See also Io Agamemnon, – Agathon, – Ahern, Charles F., n Alcaeus, n Alcibiades: beauty of, n; flute girl’s return and, ; on shame, ; on Socrates and Eros, –; Socrates’ appearance and, – Alkmene, sons of, – allegory, emergence of,  Allen, R. E., n alterity. See difference; Other and otherness ambiguities: of femininity, ; of identity, –; of jar (pithos), –; of language, –; of love elegy, –; of meaning, disputes about, n; of Pandora, –, –, –; of truth, –; of virgin, n Amores (Ovid): catalogue of authors in, , , –; on female procurer (lena), ; feminine source of inspiration for, –, –; Ovid’s poetic development evidenced in, –, n; Ovid’s self-description in, n; on poet as lover, n; prefatory epigram of, n Amphitryon, sons of, – Anacreon, , , ,  Ancona, Ronnie, n Andromache, –n Antigone,  Aphrodite: Eros and, –, ; femininity created by, –; genealogy of, –; as helpless maiden, n; Ovid’s visualization of, –; Pandora’s creation and, , ; Philomeidea and, , ; in Works and Days, n. See also Venus Apollo,    Apollodorus,  apple as sy mbol,  Apuleius, n Arachne,  Aratus,  Archilochus,  Ares, ,  Aristotle, , , , n Ars Amatoria (Ovid): absence from courses, n; audience and ideal readers of, , –, n; catalogue of authors in, , –; context of writing, –; didactic value of, –; figure of the female lover, –; language privileged in, –; palinodic structure of, –, –, ; as part of transformative, cyclical narrative , –, ; performativity privileged in, –; on poets and lovers, n; puella figure in, ; reference to comedy in, n; Sappho’s presence in, –, , ; weaving metaphor in, –; woman’s perfect appear ance in, – Aspasia, –, n, n Athena, , –, –,  Augustine, n Augustus, , –n, n autobiographical text, –,  Babel, Tower of, n Bachelard, Gaston,  Bakhtin, Mikhail, – Barthes, Roland, – Bassi, Karen, n Baudri of Bourgueil, n beauty: of Alcibiades, n; evil linked to, –, –, –, –; of feminine and of universe, –; as opaque and duplicitous, –; Ovid’s visualization of, ; Roman standards of, –; sense of terror and, n; of Socrates’ appearance, –; Socrates’ encounter with, –; as source of danger, ; transcendence implied in, –; visibility of, – Beauvoir, Simone de, –n Berger, Anne-Emmanuelle,  Bergren, Ann L. T., , n, n Bible. See Eden, Garden of; Genesis Boccaccio, Giovanni, n body: language of, n; of Socrates, –, , n, n; as source of charisma, –; textuality and femininity linked to, –, , – body and soul structure: Hesiod’s conception of feminine in understanding of, –; interior/ exterior of Pandora as for eshadowing , –; Odysseus’s tears and, –; Plato’s view of, –; Socrates’ encounter with Theodote and, –; Socrates’ view of, – ; Xanthippe’s voice in context of, – Bond, Gerald A., n box, Pandora’s. See Pandora’s jar (pithos) Brown, A. S., n Caecilius, n Cain,  Calame, Claude, n Callimachus, , , , , – Calliope,  Calvus,  Calypso,  Cantarella, Eva,   Index Castor,  Catullus, , , , , n, n Cavarero, Adriana, , –,  Ceto, n Chaos, ,  Charmides, n Christianity, n, n Cicero, , –, n, n, n classical canon: dichotomies of, , , n; love elegy in, –; Ovid’s lists of, , –, –; Propertius’s list of, –, ; Quintilian’s list of, n; rewriting of, –; sexuality studied in, n; woman and idea of text connected in,  Cleiton, ,  Clio, – Clitophon,  clothing and appearance: eroticism and immorality linked to, –; as opaque and duplicitous, –; of Pandora, described, , –, – ; Pandora’s diadem and, , – ; Roman debate on, n; of Theodote, –, n Clytemnestra, –, nn– comedy and comic tradition: love narrative in, ; mistaken identity theme in, –; Ovid’s catalogue of authors and, –; Sappho’s desire in, –; subversive language in, – Conte, Gian Biagio, , , n, n, n contradiction: Aristotle on, , ; in feminine subjectivity and meanings of rape, –; feminine subjectivity linked to, –; in interpretations of eros, –; in Pandora’s duality, –, , –, –, , , –, , , , –, , n, –n; of Persephone, –; of simulation, –. See also palinodic structure conversion narrative, n cosmic unity concept,  cosmological development: Aphrodite’s role in, –; cosmic unity concept and, ; from darkness to illumination in, ; divine genealogies and, –, – , ; Eros’s role in, ; erotic and visible in, –; hierarchy o f gods in, –; Pandora’s role in, , – , – cosmological epic, . See also Theogony (Hesiod) cosmos/universe: creation accounts, compared, –; erotic structure of, –; Pandora as image of, –. See also physical/sensual/ sensible world (world of phenomena) Crito, ,  Critobulus, n culinary metaphor, – Cynthia, n daimon, – Dalzell, Alexander, , n Danaos, daughters of, , – Daphne, – Day, Archibald A., n death, , . See also lamentation; tears and crying Demeter, –, , ,  Demodocus, – Denniston, J. D.,  Derrida, Jacques, , –, –n desire: absence and, –; for overcoming inherent difference, –; Index  desire (continued) Sappho’s arousal of, –; as textual phenomenon, –; of unattainable object, –, –. See also eros; male desire Deucalion, – dialogic relationships: Aphrodite’s responsibility for, –; Pandora as first woman and, –; possibilities of, in poetry, – Diana,  didactic epic: cosmological epic compared with, ; dressed woman in, ; dual appearance of femininity in, –; Hesiod’s invention of, –; “I” and “Other” fundamental to...
