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INDEX 215 AAs (author’s alterations), 172 Abrams, Harry N., Inc., 18 Abstracts of articles, 104–5 Accuracy, 109–11, 121–22 Acquisition editors, 7, 37, 46, 196 Advance orders, 177–78 Advances, 43, 199, 207; defined and explained, 76–81, 84–87; deductions from, 84–85, 157, 199; examples of, 4, 7, 103, 140, 204; final payment of, 167, 169; from book clubs, 182; and unsatisfactory manuscripts, 86, 204; with use of literary agent, 25, 30–31, 34 Agents (literary), 4, 7, 25–34, 35, 39, 42, 47, 51, 88, 92, 139, 141, 143–44, 209; and advances (see Advances); commissions to, 11, 26, 31, 32, 83; reading fees to, 25, 29, 31–32; solicitations from, 43; use in negotiations, 75–78, 82–83, 88, 141 Allegations, libelous, 192–98. See also Libel, 10, 16, 17, 184 Ambience, 116, 123 American Booksellers’ Association (ABA), 5, 10, 38 American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA), 29, 87, 95, 114, 142, 171, 190, 197, 207, 211, 212 Anecdotes, 20, 21, 44, 48, 72, 73, 102, 107, 108, 116, 147; examples of, 128–32, 136; filing of, 203; from interviews, 119, 123; uses of in writing nonfiction, 127–32, 136, 149 Anson, Jay, 18, 195 Aronson, Harvey, 18 Artwork. See Illustrations ASMP (American Society of Media Photographers ), 164 Associated Press (AP), 104, 164 Association of Authors’ Representatives (AAR), 29 Attribution to sources, 104, 107, 111, 127, 134, 136 Auctions of book ideas, 32, 33, 39 Audience. See Prospective readers Authenticity, 101, 109–10, 117, 130 Authors: expenses of (see Expenses); full-time, 11, 29, 200–201; other jobs of, 34, 93, 207; organizations of, 209, 212–13 (see also American Society of Journalists and Authors; Authors Guild); royalties to (see Royalties); teaching by, 5, 23, 104, 211 Author’s alterations (AAs), 172 Authors Guild, 76, 79, 80, 81, 87–88, 168, 171, 180, 213; model contract of, 76, 86–88 Author’s Questionnaire, 176–77 Autobiography, 91, 101, 109; fictionalized, 139– 40; ghosted, 3; research for, 97, 112 Awards, 176, 209 Backlist books, 18 Back-up copies: of manuscript, 155, 170, 171; of notes, 118, 123 Bankruptcy clause in contract, 80 Banks, self-publishing loans from, 93–94 Bantam Books, 5–6, 16, 22, 194, 196 Barnes & Noble, 9, 10, 17, 184 Bass, Frank, 104 Beacon Press, 9 Benchley, Peter, 95, 143 Berland, Theodore, 133–34 Bernard, André, 36 Bernstein, Carl, 121 Berry, Wendell, 14 Better Homes and Gardens, 183 Bettman Archive, 164 Binding in self-publishing, 97 Biographical directories, 113 Biography, 4; fictionalized, 139–40 Bird, Caroline, 103, 104 Black Star photo agency, 164 Block. See Writer’s block Block, Julian, 202 Bloom, Murray Teigh, 23, 142–44, 208 Blurbs, 22, 167, 180–81; on dust jacket, 45, 90; on flyleaf, 21 Bobbs-Merrill Co., 6 Bolles, Richard, 10 Book Clearing House Fulfillment and Distribution Company, 9 Book clubs, 182; income from licenses to, 26, 83; in contracts, 83 Book contracts, 23, 42, 75–89; author’s additions (see AAs); for multiple books with same publisher , 80, 84, 86; illustrations in (see Illustrations ); making changes in, 89; negotiating (see Negotiations with publishers); promotional clause in, 88. See also Agents; Proposals; Royalties Bookkeeping in self-publishing, 98 Book length, 14–15 Book sales: authors’ help with, 175–90, 210 Books in print, number of, 15 Books in Print (publication), 17–18 Bookstores (booksellers), 10–11, 20; browsing for ideas in, 18, 38; independent, 10; online, 10, 81; remainders, 144; reorders from, 177–78; returns from, 16, 84, 95, 186; sales commissions to, 11; sales to, 9, 16, 17–18, 36, 76, 82, 92, 97–98, 175, 190; self-published books in, 97– 98; statistics on, 95 Book wholesalers, 5, 9–10 Bound galleys, 17, 174 Bowker, 37 Brand, Stewart, 92 Brigham Young University Press, 6 Brunner, Terry, 121 Caldwell, Taylor, 146 Cameras, use of, 159–60 Captions, 161, 171, 172 Carr, Ellen, 93 Carter, Jimmy, 125 Chicago Manual of Style, 154 Children’s books, illustrations for, 156, 162 Chwast, Seymour, 96 Clark, Mary Higgins, 36 Colleges and universities: acquiring illustrations from, 163; catalogs and directories of, 113; libraries of, 106; teaching at, 211; writer’s courses at, 139–40, 210–11 Commissions to agents, 26–27, 29, 31, 83 Complete Guide to Self-Publishing, 98 Computerized data banks, 106 Congdon, Thomas, 143, 167–68, 180 Contracts. See Book contracts Copyediting, 148, 150, 154, 155, 169–72, 190, 211 Copyright law, 134, 198–200; direct and indirect quotation under, 134, 199; indemnification...
