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Index 215 ABA patterning, 12–13 Acherousian Headland, 25, 51, 55 Achilles, 63, 97, 122, 149, 163, 167; shield of, 9, 14, 84, 149 Acontius, 55 Adonis, 83, 86, 128, 145–46 Adriani, Achille, 25 Aeëtes, 50, 63 Aegina warriors, 154–55 Aelian, Historical Miscellany, 72–73 Aeschylus, 97; Seven against Thebes, 9, 84 Aëtion, 16 Agalmatopoiia, 141–43, 165 Ajax, 93 Ajax, Lesser, 93 Alcaeus, 97 Alcmena, 96 Alêthinos, technical term in art criticism , 85 Alexander, 5, 127; portraits of, 16–17, 66–67, 139, 142. See also Mosaics: Alexander Allegory, 8, 71; in art, 99–100; in poetry, 101–2 Amazonomachies, 97, 107 Amphion, 53, 153 Amphitryon, 96 Amycus: in Apollonius’ Argonautica, 28, 49–50; on Ficoroni cista, 46–48; in Theocritus’ Idyll 22, 5, 28, 33–46, 53, 86, boxing match with Polydeuces in, 39–40, compared with Polyphemus in Odyssey 9 in, 35, 38–39, compared with the Terme Boxer in, 24, 36–38 Anacreon, statues of, 67–68 Anchises, 150 Andriantopoiia, 141–43, 165 Antimachus, 5 Antiphilus, 62, 65 Apelles, 85, 100, 105, 139, 142 Aphrodite. (a) in art: of the Beautiful Buttocks (Ill. 27), 148, integrating viewer, 119; Capitoline (Ill. 24), 148, integrating viewer, 109, surprised by viewer, 109, 119; Capua (Ill. 14), 56, 59, 145, 148, 151; Cnidian (Ill. 9), 5, 42–44, 55, 144– 45, 148, 151–52, 166, Coans and, 145, Hadrianic Cnidia at Tivoli, 44, integrating viewer, 108–9, nudity of, 42–44, 144–46, 166, settings of, 42–44, surprised, 108–9, 119; Crouching (Ill. 25), 148, integrating viewer, 109; Fréjus (Ill. 33), 145; Melian (Ill. 31), 5, 136, 148, 151; and Pan group (Ill. 2), 19, 151–52, 166; on Parthenon (Ill. 32), 145, 148; as popular deity in the Hellenistic period, 125, 128, 130, 142, 144; reading images of, 144–52; Aphrodite (continued) reflected image of, 56–59, 65, 84; spectator integrated into presence of statues of, 33. (b) in poetry: in Apollonius, 56, 84, 119–21, 146–48, Apollonius Book 3, surprised in, 119, 148–50; Asclepiades confusing with Berenice, 141–42; in Callimachus, 57–59, 121, 128; in epigram, 113, 114–15; in PseudoTheocritus , Idyll 19, 124; in Theocritus , 128, 150 Apollo. (a) in art: presence of in Marsyas groups, 30, 75; and Niobids, 112, 155; Nomius, 90; Sauroktonos, 125, 133. (b) in poetry: in Callimachus, Aetia, 101; in Callimachus, Hymn 2, 116; in Callimachus, Hymn 4, 160; in Callimachus, Iambus 1, 69–70 Apollonius of Rhodes: Amycus and Polydeuces in, 28, 49–50; Aphrodite in, 56, 84, 119–20, 146–50; characterization of Eros in, as guide to tonal placement of Eros in art, 17–19; descriptions of works of art as a guide to character, 84; Hylas episode in, 86–88; landscape in, 51–52, 55; love in, 17–19, 61–64, 71; Mopsus in, 159–60; Phineus in, 152, 159; reflected light in, 61–64, 71, 87 Appropriateness, of subject matter and form, as a rule to be flouted in Hellenistic poetry and art, 15, 16, 22–24, 130–39, 139–43, 148 Apsyrtus, 18, 84 Aratus, stroking beard, on coins of Soli, 70 Archelaus of Priene, 100 Archimedes, 64 Ariadne, Sleeping, 30–33, 73, 84, 92–93 Aristotle, 30; Nichomachean Ethics, 154; Poetics, on appropriate people of epic, 131, 136, 163–64, on characterization , 69, on painters, on phauloi and spoudaioi, 165, and Rhetoric on hexameter, 130–31; Progression of Animals, 136 Art, Hellenistic, as a guide to interpreting Hellenistic poetry, 27, 30– 33, 72–102, 103–9, 119, 121–23; meaning of, based on poetic texts, 97–99 Asarôtos oikos, 128 Asclepiades: blurring distinction between a goddess and a Hellenistic queen, 141–42; integrating reader, 114–15; on Lysippus’ statue of Alexander, 66–67; on symptoms of love, 70 Asclepius, 85 Asianism, in rhetoric, and the “Hellenistic Baroque,” 4 Athene, 50, 57–59, 85, 93, 108, 115, 119, 146, 149; surprised by Teiresias in Callimachus, Hymn 5, 119, 121, 146 Auge, 34; and boat on Telelphus frieze (Ill. 20), 50, 80, 93 Augeas, Heracles and stables of, 5, 89–96 Automata, religious, 116–18 Automelinna, 114 Background setting, 13, 15, 34–36, 48, 90–92, 95 Basileia, 129 Batale, 85 Battus, 130–32 Bes, Callicrates’ singing statue of, 118 Bieber, Margarete, 97, 151 Bing, Peter, 68, 82, 84, 101, 109, 127 Bion: Epithalamium of Achilles and Deidameia surprising reader, 122; Lament for Adonis, 49 Blanckenhagen, Peter von, 9, 30, 72, 73–74, 75...
