In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

CONTENTS DON'T READ THIS Ix PART I: LEARNING TIPS I. Beg, Borrow, or Make a Course Outline 3 2. Figure Out What the Goal Is 5 3. Learn the Special Vocabulary 7 4. Skim Book Prefaces, Intros, and Such 9 5. Cut Your Reading Time in Half 10 6. Beware the Over-Underlined Textbook 14 7. Be Class-Smart: Go Early, Stay Late 16 8. Catch the Lecturer's Clues 18 9. Learn by Taking Organized Notes 21 10. Devise a Lecture Shorthand 29 II. Get It Right the First Time 31 12. Preview for Lectures, Prethink for Discussions and Seminars 32 13. Work Through All Sample Problems 34 14. Skim and Pinpoint in Doing Most Outside Reading 36 15. If You Don't Understand, Get Help Fast 39 PART II: REMEMBERING TIPS I. Train Your Brain to Think on Cue 43 2. Eliminate Brain Interference 46 3. Reinforce the Right Memories 49 4. Roll with Your Alertness Cycles 51 5. Make Sleep Work for You 53 6. Space Out Your Practice Times 55 7. Make Your Muscles Do the Remembering 58 8. See and Say 59 9. Never Study Anything the Same Way Twice 61 10. Keep Each Study Session Short 64 II. Make Time for Study Breaks 66 12. Keep Squeezing Your Notes 67 13. Keep Memorizing to a Minimum 69 14. Let Your Written Homework Do Your Reviewing 73 15. Talk It Through with a Study Group 77 16. Make Cramming Pay Off 79 APPENDIX 83 ...
