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Lesson 16: Sound II (applications) 16-1: &"7 I/o{ if"Yv-1 tlRtfjYv-1 rPJf(J =tx:n7v-1 f1i:ffIffjfJliP if~l::-b firtiJ~~ ~?1tYv-1 ifi1f1Jrm 71 ~i~ ;t/:t:- 3 '77/:t:-7/ ') :I. '7 =-:/0)7 3 !7 1) ::L '7::t '77J 1:: 3 '7 ~ /?7·/--e1 /\ t:::.L;t /:t:- 3 '77/:t:-:I '77J etZ:;t"/:t:-3'77/:t:-::t'77J T::L'7;t"'77/:t:-3!7 1:: 3 '7 ~ / /\/'\J);-A t:::.t:::.~z:~--e:t:-7 / 1T:/:t:-;t"!7 ;t/:t:-3 '77/:t:-T/\1 A ;t/:t:-3'7:/:t:-T/:t:-:I'77J ~/--e1/\/ ~'7?71 /\/:t:-/Y!7 0- V / 'Y 1) 3 !7 ;t /:t:- 3 '7.:/:t:-:t:-T / 1) 3 !7 7J/r-;:/7J/ X*J);-:¥-1 '.I/--e1 ... ,: 1:: /7J /tJ: ;t/:t:-3'77/:t:-'.I'77!7 7'YT/iJ~t:::./\/~'7~-1 73 !7 1) ::L '7T/~i t: 1) 7 ~ 'J!7 ~ *'Y7;t// 7/ 1) ::L '7*'7 r-; J;I / ~ 3 r) 3'7:f-37 ::t '77/~i;t"/:t:- 3 '7 7~/1 =t- ~/:t:-3r)T/:t:-T:t:-77/T1--e1 7-Iv/:I7*9~~ ;t" / /'\'.1'77 !7 7;t//*'7~::L'Y 77/T1t1 test sound acoustoelectric effect phonon beam to pull, to draw, to drag acoustoelectric current secondary DC effect surface elastic wave longitudinal acoustoelectric effect transverse acousoelectric effect central electrode surface-wave pulse convolution integral convolution temporary storage acoustoelectric device convolver correlator acoustomagnetoelectric effect intrinsic semiconductor semimetal Lorentz force acoustomagnetoelectromotive force relaxation time energy dependence sensitive to ... acoustoelectric amplification piezoelectric semiconductor direct current (electric) field drift velocity thermal phonon (phenomenon ot) electric current saturation anode, positive electrode high (electric) field acoustic domain acoustoelectric instability Cherenkov radiation Cherenkov cone sound wave amplification phonon emission instability -198decibel display/indication [] Project MUSE (2024-04-23 08:22 GMT) ~~ff"/''7­ ~-~ f3Et1ifil ~II~ ~flWira~ _~ifil ~~ififj~ 16-11: fiW7.{ )~~ifII7 ~ )v~­ if_~~ fZi~]liJ1Jt~~tt ~iMJ~~7 "* I/~/tJ~~*¥~~~ ll!-~~~7IiiJ~ iffl7 ~ )v~A 111ltUifJ± ill111ltUifJ± ~!lfi ~~~lfiJ$ W~ ~~-@; OO:~J 16-12: fill_lmtJi ifeflJffiffi ~MJ PlJt*ftf- ~rfiJ mif1JtflJiBffi m~t~ W!~ifti7Cf- ~j: ~ ts ~~7Cii ~l)tl) / o*Grm ftCrPJfFffl 1&Mff *~T'Y7~ra1M J!J~1JrPJ =r-~.:L/~/=r-3 '7/,'7l \=r-3'7Y'Y ~:I.?;t/~i -if/=r-39Y'Y ;f:/=r-3?~jJ/ 1:: 3 ?:;.:L /;t /~i :r7J/;t:/7/*'7 ;t/=r-3 97 ~ )v~­ ;t/=r-3r)7J/O T/'J?Y.:L ?/\A? "7t1 7'7T3'7~7"71 I/:///\1=r-71 ~3?;t:/=r- ~ /1 'Y~?:r3 979 ~ 9iO~t~ ;t:/=r-3 97 ~ )v~­ =.:L '7 I) 3 7iO~b;t/7'Y ~ .:L 'Y I) 3 7 iO~b;t :/7 'Y 7/A1'J39 ~9T3979~?:t 7J:/D 7t-1 ::J9 7-37v'Y ;t/=r-39777'Yt'Y I=r-~39 /'\1 ~'Y I) .:L 9 ~ /\1 :J 9 7- 3 '7~://'777 'Yt'Y iO\t~ts~t~ :r3'Y:J9"':/:J9~ O*G.:t /\-1 :J '7~3 '7 *'7~~7'Y *~T'Y7I=\=-~39'J? ~J~*'7:J'7 reference acoustic power anechoic room free sound field reverberant chamber reverberation time standard sound field substitute sound source method acoustic filter acoustic duct/conduit/channel transmission frequency characteristics air-conditioning/ventilation duct system engine exhaust system silencer single expansion-cavity acoustic filter input sound pressure output sound pressure amount of attenuation expansion cavity duct, conduit, channel mismatch, nonalignment series, serial acoustically induced birefringence liquid crystal particle of the medium orientation ultrasonic birefringence to incline, to slant, to tip {transitive verb} crossed/orthogonal polarizers to interpose, to hold between amount of transmitted light glycerine castor oil orienting action radiation pressure nematic liquid crystal layer thickness direction tffl*o 7~7 7 ~­ ~~ if"v /A' :t:/=t-3 r)*O?~77~­ I-1 '}~r) :;t:/=\=-39v:/A' -199acoustical holography image acoustic lens ~fjiIfi ~iIfi*07~77 .{-~ v 1 )-7 tiWfi IPJWl ~7ry/~ IJ\~7CiJ]{ Y'dJiJ3£JtiMJ ~~tI~ ~tJt~ *07~7brmD mfi P~(J)T-~ ~-f*fi rmD~~1JJt¥Ii71t1\l)\V t;"9 16-16: fi1litili! B.}OOjft f!~c~ ~Pi !t1MtfiPi {fft7jfiPi fiJ1i¥{;l _if ~tR __ {fPitlW ftjIJiltIiffa ~tRflJm 7ttJT~J£ mB{t ~~#iJlIj EJ~tt Mit,) 16-17: fi,amll -e:f-I-17i7A t-1Jryt.39fJ =t:-iJ:JryjjIJ 7- 1 ) I:J rjjj IJ ::Jry~:f­ ~:::J..ry\J?l::-b¥/~1 t: 3...
