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MICHAEL O'GORMON An Irish Cockfight Two ofthe preceding cockfight descriptions were chapters in n(fl)els, but it should be pointedout that there are entire n(fl)els devoted to cockfighting. Clancy's Bulba,published in 1983 but set in Ireland in the late 1920s, is aprimeexampleofsuch a n(fl)el. The n(fl)el was written byMichael 0 'Gormon who was born on the outskirts ofEnnis Town in County Clare and who certainly has an earfor the idioms ofIrish-English. The story begins with three men from County Mayo asleep in a hotel room with their cock named Taurus Bulba. The men are Ba"a Difty in his mid-thirties, Pagannini 0 'Leary in his earlyfifties, each ofwhom own one-fourth interest in the cock, and the third man, Milo Clang, who owns a halfinterest. The men and cock have travelled more than 100 miles from home to participate in a cockfight. At the hotel, they encounter Stallion 0 'Casey, whojoinsforces with them and counsels them as to how to get betterodds. The selection below consists ofthefirst halfofthesecondchapter ofthe n(fl)el. For another, much brieferaccount ofa cockfight in Ireland, seeP. O. Crannlaighe, "Cock Fighting," The Bell 19 (1945): 510-513; and P. Beacey, ''Prelude to a Cockfight," The Bell 11 (1945): 574-576. Turnpike Road ran along the back ofthe White Willow hotel. It ran as straight as a die for the first half mile before beginning its climb on to Patriot's Hill. The road on that fine summer's evening was choked with men on foot. Halfway up the hill on the right-hand side ofthe Pike stood a huge corregated bam. For the crowds on the road that balmy summer evening the bam was the only goal. By eight o'clock the Pike was clear oftramping feet and only a fewabandoned cars were to be found scattered on its surface as twilight fell, brushing away the fading light of day. In an outhouse behind the bam the thirty-two cocks that would fight that night were housed. Halfofthem would not see the morrow's dawn. Biding time with Reprinted from Michael O'Gormon, ClamiY's Bulba (London: Hutchinson & Co., 1983), pp. 19-28. Reprinted by permission of Random Century Group. I am indebted to Professor Dan Melia ofthe Rhetoric Department, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley, for calling my attention to this novel. 45 MichaelO'Cormon the thirty-two cocks were their handlers; anxious men, all appearing busy, strain showing clearly on their faces. The first pair of cocks to enter the ring were already spurred, their two-inch slits ofspiked steel gaitered and fastened sound to the stubs of their natural spurs. But their handlers still fussed over them, checking and rechecking good work already done. Barra Duffy and Bulba kept themselves well away from the rest ofthe handlers and cocks. Duffy found himselfa quiet corner once he had entered the outhouse and sat himself down on the wooden floor, legs outstretched and back up against the wall. Bulba was safely housed in his cage on the floor beside him. The cock was at ease and oblivious to the sounds and movement around him, but Barra Duffy was not. DuffY's cheeks were crimson with rage, as they had been since breakfast that morning. He had protested throughout the day that Bulba's dignity should not be violated. He had tried to argue his protest with logic, just as Milo Clancy always did, but they wouldn't listen to him, so his well-renowned temper had taken over. "But it'll damage him mentally ! Ifye bastards were to degrade a racehorse by slashing offits proud mane, the thing would die of shame right there on the racetrack and run the worst race of its life!" he'd screamed at them. "Bullshit!" Clancy had retorted. " 'Tisn't bullshit! Ya'll end up doin' him mental damage! He'll lose his fight from that vile treatment!" But for Barra it had been a battle lost right from the word go. Now, in the outhouse, with an hour to go before Bulba entered the ring, he was still fuming at his miserable day. Smart men, men with little dicks and heads full ofhorse shit. Put them all up against a fuckin' wall and shoot the fuckin' lot a 'em, that's what I say! raged Duffy to himself. But when he watched the tranquil creature surveying his surroundings he had to smile. "Look at yarself Taurus Bulba! Ya should be...
