In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

IUustrations General Miguel Primo de Rivera while dictator in 1928 22 Manuel Azana Diaz, prime minister and president of the Second Republic 37 Jose Calvo Sotelo, head of the rightist Bloque Nacional under the Republic 48 Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, co-founder of the JONS 54 Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, first Jefe Nacional of the Falange 60 Franco and his daughter Carmencita during the Civil War 74 Franco and Yagiie in Seville, August 1936 113 Republican troops during the first months of the Civil War 121 Heavily loaded troop ship carrying Franco's units across the straits from Morocco in September 1936 124 Members of the International Brigades 129 Nationalist artillery on the Somosierra front north of Madrid, 1937 137 The town of Guernica after the bombing, 1937 140 Nationalist infantry from one ofthe elite Tercio units on the assault in Aragon, 1938 148 A detachment of the Condor Legion on parade during the Civil War 157 Manuel Hedilla Larrey, leader ofthe Falange early in the Civil War 164 Franco saluting a crowd from the balcony of the Salamanca city hall, 1937 172 Franco on an inspection tour during the Civil War 190 Nationalist troops entering the Valencia region at war's end, 1939 194 Franco addressing a large political audience in Madrid soon after the Civil War 233 Ramon Serrano Stiner while Minister of the Interior, 1940 259 Franco and Hitler at Hendaye, October 23, 1940 272 Serrano Stiner, Franco, and Mussolini at Bordighera, February 12, 1941 277 U.S. Ambassador Weddell and German Ambassador Eberhard von Stohrer, December 6, 1940 280 Falangists lead a mass demonstration in the center of Madrid on June 24, 1941 281 Enlistment ofvolunteers for the Blue Division in Madrid, June 1941 283 Franco, followed by Arrese, entering a meeting of the FET's National Council, December 8, 1942 289 ix x Illustrations Captain Luis Carrero Blanco, Subsecretary of the Presidency in 1941 292 General Antonio Aranda 296 Soldiers of the Spanish Blue Division on the Russian front 300 General Jose Enrique Varela during the Civil War 307 BIas Perez Gonzalez, Minister of the Interior, 1942-57 310 General Gomez Jordana, twice Foreign Minister, with Esteban Bilbao, the first president of the Cortes, in 1940 317 Alberto Martin Artajo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1945-57 352 Public demonstration supporting the regime in the Plaza de Oriente, December 1946 359 Franco and the Papal Nuncio, Msgr. Antoniutti 364 Franco and his wife, Dona Carmen, with the Primate Cardinal Enrique PIa y Deniel at the Royal Palace in Madrid, 1958 367 Eva Peron with Franco and his wife at the Royal Palace in Madrid, June 1947 374 Jose Antonio Giron de Velasco, Minister of Labor, 1943 394 Franco during a pause in one of his hunting excursions 406 General Agustin Munoz Grandes as commander of the Blue Division in Russia, 1942 424 Joaquin Ruiz Gimenez, Minister of Education, 1951-56 436 Jose Luis de Arrese, Minister Secretary General of the Movement, 1941-45, 1956-57 445 Carrero Blanco addressing the Cortes, July 15, 1957 451 President Eisenhower parts from Franco with a Spanish abrazo, December 1959 459 Lt. General Camilo Alonso Vega (Minister ofthe Interior) and Carrero Blanco during a cabinet meeting at Franco's summer home, August 18, 1967 498 Franco presiding over a meeting ofhis cabinet ministers at the Palacio de Pedralbes in Barcelona, 1963 504 Carrero Blanco and members ofthe Youth Organization from Guinea 534 Prince Juan Carlos de Borb6n signing the Law of Succession, July 1969 541 Franco and his recognized successor, Don Juan Carlos de Borbon, Prince of Spain, October 30, 1972 578 Stricken with thrombophlebitis, Franco enters the Clinica Nacional Francisco Franco on July 9, 1974 599 Franco's last cabinet at his summer home, August 22, 1975 606 The last public demonstration on behalf of Franco, October 1975 616 ...
