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istykker +latyk'ker All cf stykke' +latyk'ker/revet A -, pi -ne tom (to pieces, shreds); scrap (paper). +latyk'ker/slltt A - broken, smashed (to pieces). +istl' All cf atl' +laun'oJ All cf sund' i's/vatn -ilt (=+/vann) ice water, +lavi'me All cf .vime' ulE'r All r especially, particularly. :It hver i- each (by himself), separately . +Jsl'/fall AD cf fall' +it.=item°l'/tak -ilt grasp, grip. Ita'lIa Pin Italy. +italie'ner -iln, pi -il (=o_ar) ItaHan. +italiCllcrin'nc -a/-iln (=o_ar-) Italian girl, woman. italic'uk A - Italian. Ita'lIsk A - italic. +it'em All archaic likewise; further. -Itc·t -iln -ity: human- humaneness, humanity; Immun- Immunity. J I [jAdd', Je'] -iln (letter) J, J. la" -ilt r consent: han ftkk hennes Jhe won her c- (usu. ref. to marriage ). a aye, yes, affirmative vote: det var fem Ja og en net there were five ayes and one no. la" 1 ryes: Ja men (yes) but --. a weH (as expression of doubt or uncertainty): JaJa well. labb"· -iln jabberer. labb" -ilt jabber. lab'be' V -a/+-ilt trudge, plod: hun I-et pi strempelesten she padded In her stockingfeet (Boo). 'ab'be' V -a/+-ilt jabber; talk indistinctly . lad'den 1 dial certalnly, you bet. lade [sja'd] -n jade. Isf's -iln/+-et gob, gulp, mouthful: 1 en 1- In one mo. Iaf'se V -a/+-ilt: 1- i seg chomp, gulp, wolf down (food). la'c -ilt r chase, hunt. a mad rush. 3 prodding, urging: under stadlg 1fra tyskerne with continual prodding by the Germans. la'p V -a/+-et/+-de r lit. go hunting; chase, hunt (animals): 1- opp f1usli; hunt down (criminals). a drive (bort away, ut out): 1- cn pi der tum sby out. 3 fly (av sted off), rush, chase (etter after): like over meg l-et skyene the clouds chased over my head. 4 harass, urge: de l-et seg opp they were working themselves up into a rage; 1- pi hurry (sby), urge on; j-et harassed, haunted. +Ia'ger -iln, pi -il (=0-ar) I destroyer (ship). a fighter plane. 3 naut. flying jib. +ja'ger/fty -ilt (=o_ar/) fighter plane. lag'gu 1 (oath) by God, you may be sure. llIIfUB'r -iln %001. jaguar (Felis onca). laha' 1 r uhuh; yessiree. a well--. jaja' 1 cf ja' +Iakett [sjakett'] -iln cf sjakett jak'ke -a (suit)coat; jacket; cardigan (sweater).°lak'sle -n cf lebel lak't' -a naul. (large) sloop. lak't' -a/+-iln hunt, hunting: p pl 1go hunting; glere 1- pl (en) chase (sby).°jak'tar -iln hunter, lak'te V -a/+-ilt go hunting, hunt; chase down: 1- pi hunt for. 'ak't/gevlE'r -ilt hunting rifle. jak't/hunoJ -iln hunting dog. 201 +Itl'de AI> cf tldc°It'J AI> cf ikke' +it'lc -n cf eltel +itrekk' All cf trekk'°it'te All cf Ikke +itn' All cf tu' +itn'/_att A - broken, smashed. I. to v. = inntll videre l'var Prn(m) +iva're AD cf van' +iva're/ta V -tok, -talt attend to, look after, take care of. +Iva're/takelse -n (=+/taaelse, +/taking) attention, care (ayof). +iva're/tok pt of -ta +Ivc'g All cf yeg +Ivel' All cf .'eg l've/lanoJ Pin twp, Vest-Agder. I'ver -iln ardor, zeal; eagerness, zest; impatience (ctter for): med 1eagerly . rver Pm (m) +iver'k/satte pt 01 4Cttc lak't/kort -ill hunting Heense. lak't/leopar'd -iln rool. cheetah (Aeinonyx Jubatus). lak't/mark -a hunting area: dc evice I-er the happy hunting grounds (after death). lak't/rett -iln I hunting rights. a hunting law. Jak't/terrenc' -ill hunting ground. jak't/tld -a/+-iln hunting season.°la'/kv~ -I agreement, ('.onsent: han cay I-t sitt he gave his Co.°lal'm -iln clang, loud noise.°lal'me V -a resound. lam'- pI (=+Ievn-) equally, evenly. lam'/aldring -iln (=+Ievn/) contemporary . lam'be -n iamb. lam'blak A - iambic. lamboree [sjambor!'] -n (in scouting) jamboree (=large camping assembly ). lam'/b:vrdl, A - (of) equal (rank, descent): folk 80m er deres I-e people who are their equals (Snorre). lam'/deger -ilrel/-ret cf /d8gn lam'/degn [+/dsynJ-ilt equinox (Mar. 21 and Sept. 23). lam'en' All cf jammen jam'en' C cf ia' lam'/fere V -Ie compare (med with) (abbrev. If., Ifr.). lam'/fering -a/+-iln comparison. jam'/f8ttes All...
