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Adorno, Theodor W. (1903–1969), 4 aimu 哀慕, 178n24 An Qi xiansheng 安期先生 (master An Qi), 104 Analects. See Lunyu Aristotle (384/383–322/321 bce), 56, 168n15 Artemon (late 2nd century bce?), 56, 190n75 Auden, W. H. (1907–1973), 37, 154 Austen, Jane (1775–1817), 75 ba 把, 132 ba mei 把袂, 125–24 bai 白, 77–78, 137 “Bai yi” 百一 (One among a hundred) by Ying Qu, 164n87 bamboo, 17–18, 20, 23, 28, 35, 51, 172n84 Ban Gu 班固 (32–92, zi Mengjian 孟堅), 164n83 bao 報, 77–78 bao ai 保愛, 104 “Bao Fu Ting shu” 報伏挺書 (Letter in reply to Fu Ting) by Xu Mian, 159n15 “Bao Li Ling shu” 報李陵書 (Letter in reply to Li Ling) by Su Wu, 178n26 Bao Linghui 鮑令暉, 157n23, 185n175 “Bao Pang Huigong shu” 報龐惠恭書 (Letter in reply to Pang Huigong) by Ying Yang, 184n147 “Bao Ren Shaoqing shu” 報任少卿書 (Letter in reply to Ren An) by Sima Qian, 44–45 Bao Shuya 鮑叔牙 (Baozi 鮑子), 83, 187n4 “Bao Sun Huizong shu” 報孫會宗書 (Letter in reply to Sun Huizong) by Yang Yun, 57, 70, 179n40 “Bao Yuan Bing shu” 報袁叔明書 (Letter in reply to Yuan Bing) by Jiang Yan, 105 Bao Zhao 鮑照 (d. 466, zi Mingyuan 明 遠), 41, 157n23, 185n23 Bauer, Wolfgang (1930–1997), 45 bei 碑, 48, 170n39 “Beishan yiwen” 北山移文 (Dispatch to North Mountain) by Kong Zhigui, 173n103 Beitang shuchao 北堂書鈔, 161n52 beng 崩, 186 Benjamin, Walter (1892–1940), 4 biao 表, 42, 168n17. See also memorial biaobiao 麃麃/漉漉, 193n15 bie shi 別示, 179n53 bing 病, 70 bixia 陛下, 111 Bo Ya 伯牙, 94, 181n95, 187n4 Book of Changes. See Zhou yi Book of Documents. See Shangshu Book of Odes. See Mao shi boshi 博士, 173 bu bei 不備, 136 bu ci 不次, 136 “Bu de zhishou tie” 不得執手帖 by Wang Xizhi, 104 bu ju 不具, 136 “Bu shen zunti tie” 不審尊體帖 by Wang Xizhi, 91 bu xi 不悉, 136 bu yiyi 不一一, 136 Bunkyō hifuron 文鏡祕府論 (Disquisitions from the secret repository of the literary mirror) by Kūkai, 50, 171n49 “Cai ge” 采葛 (Plucking flax), 120, 142 Cai Lun 蔡倫, 20 cai shu 裁書, 188n36 gl oss a ry-i n de x References to individual letters, their writers, and addressees indicate the pages of the main text that quote or discuss this letter. In some cases the indexed term itself does not occur in the main text but in the corresponding endnote. Glossary-Index 220 chizhi 尺紙, 164n86 “Chong bao Su Wu shu” 重報蘇武書 (Further letter in reply to Su Wu) by Li Ling, 178n25 “Chong da Liu Moling Zhao shu” 重 答劉秣陵沼書 (Further letter in reply to Liu Zhao) by Liu Jun, 35, 173n105 “Chong yu Jiumoluoshi shu” 重與鳩摩羅 什書 (Further letter to Kumārajīva) by Shi Huiyuan, 94–95. See also Dacheng dayi zhang chongyang 重陽, 77 choumou 綢繆, 159n14 Chu Bao (303–350, zi Jiye 季野), 135 Chu ci 楚辭 (Songs from Chu), 119, 174n118, 179n42, 185n178, 187n8, 189n40 “Chu shi biao” 出師表 (Memorial about the troops marching out) by Zhuge Liang, 41 “Chu yue tie” 初月帖 (aka “Xizhi lei shu tie” 羲之累書帖) by Wang Xizhi, 87 chuan qi 傳奇, 39 Chunqiu 春秋 (Spring and Autumn annals), 54, 94 “Chushu tie” 徂暑帖 by Wang Xizhi, 89 “Ci duan bu jian zuxia tie” 此段不見足 下帖 by Wang Xizhi, 125 Cicero (101–43 bce), 6, 45, 130 cold-food powder, 129, 190n69 “Commentary on the Appended Words.” See “Xici zhuan” Conan Doyle, Arthur (1859–1930), 155n3 Confucius (aka Kongzi 孔子, 551–479 bce, zi Zhongni 仲尼), 31–32, 54, 59, 94, 118, 134, 183n136, 187n5, 189n41 “Congmei jia ye tie” 從妹佳也帖 by Wang Xizhi, 125 congrong 從容, 59 Constable, Giles, 148 cu xi 促膝, 126 Cui Yuan 崔瑗 (2nd century, zi Ziyu 子 玉), 158n6, 172n82 cun 寸, 183n124 “Da Annan jiangjun Gan Zhuo shu” 答 安南將軍甘卓書 (Letter in reply to Gan Zhuo) by Sima Cheng, 138 “Da Che Mao’an shu” 答車茂安書 (Letter in reply to Che Yong) by Lu Yun, 87 “Da congxiong Ancheng wang shu” 答 從兄安成王書 (Letter in reply to his cousin Xiao Xiu) by Xiao Bing, 121 Cai Yong 蔡邕 (132–192, zi Bojie 伯喈), 127–28, 168n17 Cao Cao 曹操 (155–220, zi Mengde 孟 德), 45, 67, 82, 105, 113, 179n39, 181n105, 184n152, 188n32, 139n48 Cao Hong (d. 232, zi Zilian 子廉), 191n83 Cao Pi 曹丕 (187–226, zi Zihuan 子桓; Emperor Wen of the Wei dynasty 魏 文帝, r. 220–26), 32, 40, 45–49, 52, 57, 59, 65–68, 76–77, 82, 84–86, 93, 113–14, 121–24, 130, 144, 153, 165n92, 168n15, 172n83– 84, 174n109, 183n141, 184n147, 186n201–2, 188n32, 188n36, 191n83 Cao Zhi 曹植 (192–232, zi Zijian 子建), 22, 27, 40, 70, 82–85, 114, 120, 128, 135–36, 174n101, 175n131, 175n133, 184n166, 189n38, 191n82, 191n88 caoshu 草書, 23. See also draft cursive ce 册 (patent of enfeoffment), 64 ce 策 (inscribed bamboo tablet, written document, whip), 56, 172n74 Cen Wenyu 岑文瑜, 185n172 ceshu 策書, 168n17 cewen 策文, 64 “Chang xiang...
