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acequias, 122, 135, 138 Adams, Alva, 200 Adirondack Park, 87 Agnew, John, 8 agrarianism, 201 agriculture, 10–11, 68 Alaska: Cold War in, 165, 168; creation of national parks in, 146; federal ownership of land in, 12, 175; fish traps in, 169, 170; Great Depression in, 168; Guggenheim Corporation in, 166; and homestead claims, 202; Native claims threaten development, 171; oil in, 171, 172, 178; press attacks environmentalists; 176; purchase treaty of, 168; salmon industry in, 166; sympathizes with public land protestors, 181; White Act (1924), 166; World War II in, 166, 168 Alaska Legal Services, 171 Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (1980), 177, 179 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (1971), 171; environmental stipulations of, 175; provisions of, 173; and Walter Hickel, 174, 179 Alaska Natives, 168–73 Alaska Natives and the Land, 171 Alaska pipeline, 172, 173, 176 Alaska Railroad, 167 Alaska Statehood, 164–70 Alaska Statehood Committee, 167 American Forest Congress, 103 American West: changing economic base of, 63; and contentious disputes over land, 4; as investment arena, 5–6; and market forces, 8; population growth in, 15; as testing ground for national experience, 9 Anchorage, 164, 181 209 Index Andalex Resources Corporation, 147 Andrus, Cecil, 176–77 Antiquities Act (1906), 146, 149, 176–77 Arab-Israeli War (1971), 176 Arches National Park, 147 Arctic Coast, 170 Arctic National Wildlife Range, 170 Arizona, 30, 150, 159 Arizona Republic, 151 Armijo, Manuel, 128 Arnberger, Rob, 158 Arnold, Ron, 61–62 Ashworth, William, 16–17 “Aspenization,” 87 Aspinall, Wayne, 191 Atlantic Richfield Oil Company, 172 Austin colony, 126 Australia, 129 automobile age, 80 Babbit, Bruce, 105, 145, 156, 157, 159 Babbit v. Sweet Home Chapter of Communities for a Great Oregon, 23–24 Ballinger-Pinchot controversy, 166 Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 9–10 Barnes, Will C., 103 Barnett, Ross, 158 Base Realignment and Closure Commission, 154 Beaubien, Carlos, 129, 130, 134, 137 Beaubien, Narciso, 127 Beauty, Health, and Permanence, 203 Bennett, Robert, 149, 152 Bennett, Wallace, 151, 152 Berman, Harold J., 45 Beyea, Jan, 69 bison herds, 96 Black Hills, 127 Bloedel, Macmillan, 62 Blue Mountains, 15, 192 Boorstin, Daniel J., 41 Botkin, Daniel, 14 Boutmy, Emile, 5 British Columbia, 166 Bryce Canyon National Park, 145, 147, 150, 151 California, 9–11, 104 Canada, 129 Canyonlands National Park, 147, 152 capitalism, 8–10 Capital Reef National Park, 147 Carajous, J. P., 104 Carstensen, Vernon, 190, 197 Carter, Jimmy, 146, 177 Carver, Dick, 12–13 Catron County, 63, 68 cattle industry, 96–97. See also livestock industry Cherokee Indian Nation, 41 Chicago, 82 Chicano movement, 137 Chugach National Forest, 175 cities, 77–81, 86 Civil War, 5, 96, 177 Clean Air Act, 13 Clean Water Act (1972), 46 Index 210 Clemson University (Center for Policy and Legal Studies), 49 Cleveland, Grover, 100 Clinton, Bill, 146; creation of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, 145, 147, 159, 160; James Hansen as adversary, 153; and Lands Legacy Initiative, 146, 159, 160 Clyde, George D., 151 Cold War, 164 College of Agriculture of Illinois, 199 Colorado, 103–4, 121–39 Colorado Cattle Growers’ Association, 98 Colorado Court of Appeals, 133 Colorado Department of Fish and Game, 135 Colorado River, 145 Columbia River Gorge, 87–88 Commerce Clause, 55 common good: environmentalists’ appeals to, 68; interpretations of, 64; Pinchot appeals to, 200 common law, 42, 45 commons: as contemporary issue, 127; control sought by Hispanos, 136; preservation of, 123; as private property, 134; as public space, 5; Taylor Ranch as, 121, 134, 135; and Torrens Act claim, 132 Common Sense National Park System Reform Act, 156 Constitutional Convention, 54 constitutional doctrine, 55 constitutions (state and federal), 45 Contract with America, 24, 48 Cook Inlet, 165 Costilla County, 121, 122, 134, 138; District Court of, 130, 132 The Costs of Sprawl (1974), 85 county supremacy movement, 13–14 Crandall, Lamar, 15–16 Crandall Farms, Inc., 15–17 Cronon, William, 182, 194, 203 Crown Butte New World Mine, 147 Culebra River Valley, 122 Dakotas, 96 Dana, Richard Henry, 9 Davenport, Eugene, 199 Dawes Act, 134 Death Valley, 146 Declaration of Independence, 167 Defenders of Property Rights, 61 DeFreese, Terry, 16 Denver, 77, 80 Donaldson, Thomas, 190 Doolittle, John T., 66 Dry Farming Conference, 200 “dual federalism,” 55 Earth Day (1970), 23 Earth First!, 61 economic growth, 82 economic liberalism, 198 Edelman, Murray J., 59 Ellickson, Robert, 44–45, 138 empresario grants, 126 endangered species, 45 Endangered Species Act, 13, 47 Index 211 England, 31, 42, 43 environmental concerns, 23 environmental controversies, 80 Environmental Defense Fund, 173 environmentalists: and...
