In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Appendix 1 GLOBAL NUCLEAR STATUS npt Nuclear Weapon States United States United Kingdom Russian Federation France People’s Republic of China Non-npt Nuclear Weapon States (able to deploy one or more nuclear weapons rapidly) India North Korea Israel Pakistan High Risk States (have not taken steps to acquire nuclear weapons) Iran 1 6 0 Abstaining Countries (with the technological base but not the desire to build nuclear weapons; some have nuclear power plants subject to iaea inspections) Algeria Ireland Australia Japan Canada Malta Czech Republic Mexico Denmark Norway Egypt Poland Finland South Korea Germany Spain Hungary Sweden Indonesia Switzerland Italy Taiwan* * not recognized by the United States as an independent country Renunciations Algeria Libya Argentina Iraq Belarus Romania Brazil South Africa Kazakhstan Ukraine Source: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace a p p e n d i x 1 / 1 6 1 ...
