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INDEX 253 aboriginal whaling, 203n1, 229n53 Ad Hoc Scientific Committee (AHSC), 80–86, 88–89, 90–91, 92–93 age determination methods, 82, 92–93, 218n76 Age Determination Sub-committee, 82–83 Allen, Kay Radway, 55, 81, 84, 130, 145, 152, 204nn3–4 Andresen, Steinar, 47, 153 Antarctic sanctuary area: opening of, 58–59; pre-IWC agreement, 209n10 Aron, William, 145, 148, 178, 225–26n18, 226n29, 229n51 Australia: and Committee of Three, 80; humpback whales, 99, 213n55; hunting cessation, 229n53; moratorium, 158, 169, 232n94; NMP proposal, 145; protectionist approach, 174; public opinion poll, 233n101; quota votes, 99, 119 Baleana, 78 baleen whales, families of, 204n3. See also specific whale families, e.g., fin whales; sei whales bans, hunting: Australia, 229n53; blue whale debate, 100–106, 121, 127– 28; humpback whales, 54, 56–57, 99, 213n55; Scientific Committee recommendation , 127–28 bargaining, regime theory, 211n34 Beard, Charles, 207n35 Beddington, John, 150, 229n51 benefit-risk factor. See utility factor, generally Bentham, Jeremy, 22–23 Bergersen, Birger, 53, 55–56 Best, Peter, 143 Beverton, Raymond, 49 Birnie, P., 64, 104, 215n13 blue whales: catch statistics summarized, 192–97; in Mysticeti group, 204n3; during the 1950s, 55–57; and technological innovation, 38–39 blue whales, during the 1960s: hunting ban debate, 100–106, 121, 127–28; pygmy blue population, 100–106, 112, 120–23; Scientific Committee recommendations , 103, 112; scientific warnings , 88–89, 95–97; season change debate, 90 Blue Whale Unit (BWU): adoption, 40, 53–54, 208n4, 209n13; at London Conference, 210n19; during the 1970s, 137; statistics summarized, 189–90 Blue Whale Unit (BWU), during the 1950s: IWC votes, 58–59, 61–62; in national quotas discussion, 70–71, 73–77, 217–18n55; objections/vetoes, 59, 60–61; Scientific Committee recommendations , 50, 54–55 Blue Whale Unit (BWU), during the 1960s: FAO recommendations, 127; IWC votes, 78, 99, 121, 128; in national quotas discussion, 77–78, Blue Whale Unit (BWU) (continued) 86–88, 222n39; reduction debates, 98–99, 112–13, 116–20; science-based pledge vote, 111, 220n4; scientific committees’ recommendations, 84– 85, 96–97, 98, 115–16, 117, 125, 129–30; transfers of, 97–98, 104–5 Bodansky, Daniel, 157 bowhead whales, in Mysticeti group, 204n3 Brazil, 225n15 Bryde’s whales, 137, 139–40, 142, 192–97, 204n3 Butterworth, Doug, 162–63, 174, 176, 182–83 BWU. See Blue Whale Unit (BWU) entries Canada, 59, 99, 125, 152 cancer cure example, 34–35, 177 Carr, E. H., 13 catching effort measurement, 82–83, 85 catch limit algorithm, Revised Management Procedure, 159, 160–65 catch limits. See quotas entries catch statistics: during the 1950s, 56; during the 1960s, 88, 97, 99, 101, 102, 113, 124, 128–29, 222n45, 223n56; during the 1970s, 143, 226n22; Soviet Union falsification, 88, 138, 220n7, 224–25n13; summarized, 189–90, 192–97; World War II, 209–10n16 Chalmers, Alan, 9 Chapman, Douglas, 81, 84, 130, 142– 43, 151, 152, 227–28n41 Chile, 225n15 Clark, Colin W., 212–13n49 cognitive theory, 181–83 Committee of Four (COF ): commission reception, 111–12, 117; population estimates, 108–9, 113–17, 222n40; quota recommendations, 103, 112–13 Committee of Six, 124–25 Committee of Three (COT ): commission reception, 111–12; data organization challenge, 83; formation/ responsibilities, 79, 80, 81–83; funding , 83–84, 90, 217n49; mortality rate calculations, 92–93; MSY calculations/ recommendations, 93–97; population warnings, 91–92; pygmy blue whale, 101–2; quota recommendations, 84– 85, 99 comprehensive assessment, Revised Management Procedure, 156–57, 159–60 conservationists, 170 Cooke, Justin, 150–51, 162, 164 CPUE indicators, 55–56, 84–86, 93, 108–9 criterion I, defined, 21. See also utility factor, generally criterion II, defined, 27–28. See also utility factor, generally Cushing, David H., 51, 64 de la Mare, Bill, 150 De Lury method, 93 Denmark, 99, 145 Dobson, A. T. A., 61 Doi, T., 101, 102, 130 Donovan, Greg, 146, 158, 161, 167, 230n66 Doyal, Len, 24–25 Drion, E. F., 58, 62, 73, 216n19 ear plug measurement, 82, 92–93 Ebola virus example, 28–29 economic factors: before/during World War II, 37–38; in BWU reduction debate, 98–99, 100; decline of, 134– 35, 155, 223n1; and national quotas discussions, 63, 67–68, 69, 74, 75–76; postwar investments, 39–41, 52 Elliot, Gerald, 54, 64, 72–73, 104, 215n13, 224–25n13 empiricism epistemology, 11–21, 31–32 Endangered Species Act, 223–27n6 environmental groups, 143–44, 150–51, 154, 169, 170–75 Environmental Protection...
