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Index A ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) Treaty, 183 ARF (ASEAN Regional Forum), 65, 78, 122 Abramkin, 0leg, 178 Acheson, Dean, 54, 84n3 Agreed Framework, 18, 84nI4, 261, 298, 301-02 compliance with, 65,150-51, 179, 297-99,300,308 funding of, 135, 150,306-09 future ot: 40-42, 197,297-98,300,305, 308 signing of, 61 terms of, 61, 135-36, 147, 155, 170-71, 303-04, 306-08 See also KEDO Agreement on Reconciliation, Nonaggression , and Exchanges Cooperation (Basic Agreement), 60, 62, 65, 100-01 See also Koreanpeace process Akihito (Emperor), 142-43 Albright, Madeleine, 16, 120, 157, 184, 262 W. Alton Jones Foundation, 117 Armacost, Michael, 22-24, 44n2, 327 Asia Foundation, The, 117 APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ), 77-78,122 Asian Development Bank (ADB). 65, 156,242 Asian financial crisis, 33-34, 126-27, 178, 194,212-13,215-16,229-34,237, 256-57,259,299,304,324,327 Aspin, Les, 275, 295n32 B Ballistic missiles (DPRK) development of, 2, 67, 120,147, 183-84,259,298-99,309 efforts to contain, 148, 150-51, 153-55, 262-63, 300, 302 launch overJapan, 26, 129, 136, 139, 142-44,151, 154, 175, 195,222n5, 262,299,307,325,334 No Dong missile, 299 proliferation of, 150, 155,298-99 suspension oftests ot: 156, 196, 299, 304,307,309 Taepo Dong missile, 120, 154,262, 299,304,307-08 BankofKorea, 199-200 Basic Agreement (Agreement on Reconciliation, Nonaggression, and Exchanges Cooperation), 60, 62, 65, 100-01 See also Koreanpeaceprocess BerlinAgreement (U.S.-DPRK), 155-56, 161,307 c Cairo Conference, 52-53 Carter, Jimmy, 61,98,130 Chaebol, 35, 213, 215-19, 233-44, 246nl2 349 350 INDEX Chiang Kai-shek, 52, 107 China civil war, 53,108,193 Communist Party of, 26, 108 economicrefonn,31,72, 112, 191-93, 319,321,331 Korean minorities in, 25, 79, 114, 123n9,261,333 Maoist era, 8, 54-55, 118 military, 39, 320, 335 modernization, 10, 331-32 national interests of, 39,57,64,72,78, 159,289,319-20,331-40 nuclear status, 175-76 as regional power, 8-9, 39, 174-76, 182, 282-85,316,322-23,326 China-DPRK relations, 15,56,59-61, 117-19,149,165,333-36 forces in DPRK, 56,73,108 support for DPRK regime, 26, 42, 72-74,261,300,309-10 economic assistance to DPRK, 25, 72, 73,108-14,119,205,261,300 security, 10-1125-26,52,57,69,73-74, 261,335-40 trade with, 112,204-05, 225n22 China-Japanrelations, 51, 70,127,139-42 normalization of, 58 security, 140 trade with, 140 China-ROK relations, 59,110-11,119, 127,134,146-47,324 nonnalization of, 52,137,333,335 recognition of, 28, 52,100, 110,118 trade with, 110-12, 118-19,334-35 China-Russia relations, 19, 29, 51, 69 strategic partnership with, 10,29, 77, 171-73,176,180 China-Soviet Union relations, 51, 58-60, 109,165 normalization ot: 58 rift with, 18, 57, 109 security, 57, 59 China-United States relations, 19-20, 26-27,42-43,76,90-91,121,160 cooperation with, 18, 26, 51. 121, 310 criticism of U.S. troops in Korea, 110 detente with, 58, 97,110 strategic partnership with, 10 trade with, 321 U.S. containment of, 56, 58, 275, 334-35 U.S. economic sanctions against, 56, 58 Cho Son U, 178 Chosoren (Chosen-soren or Chochongnyon), 70,79, 129, 156 Choi Kyu Hah, 98 Chun Doo Hwan, 98-99 Chung Ju Yong, 65, 117 Chung Won Shik, 100-01 Churchill, Winston, 52 Clinton, Bill, 15,83, 87n55, 1I5, 142, 157 administation of, 103, 121, 153-55,272. 277,304-06,310 Cohen, William, 264 Cold War (end ot), 18,51,58, 172 implications for Japan, 23, 125,130,143 implications for Korea, 18,60, 129 international relations, 2, 8, 10, 52 strategic implications of, 3, 52, 61, 82, 146,172,315 Cold War (in Korea), 52, 57, 61, 146, 268-69 Combined Forces Command, 67, 77, 288 Combs, Gifford, 33-35, 44n2 Comfort women, 133, 142 Committee for the Promotion of External Economic Cooperation (DPRK),197 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 78 Congress (U.S.), 40, 77,121,153,155, 158,162,168,197,259,262,296, 300,304,306-07,310-11,320 Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ,304 Council on Foreign Relations, 73, 76 D Daewoo, 117. 239-40, 246nI2, 247n18 Democratic People's...
